Bloodshed Over Bochum

YES! this has been the ones after "the Avenger" fuckin amazin show. I cant talk I cant move my head... great succes!!!
AND: I talked lots to Fred and he promissed me a signed Drumhead if I am in the front row. so everyone, I will be there 3 hours before doors and stand in front fuckin row!!!!!!!!!!!! see you all tomorow!!!
cant fuckin wait, absolute amazing!!!

lol man, that was so good rocking out with you tonight...........the whole show, going totally insane!!!!

Im going to ask fred for a drum skin as he owes me, so ill probably go up the top again tomorrow, its a way better view and i had room to head bang and show off my crappy tattoo!!!

Pure blisss!!!!!
The show was indeed amazing, again. I was so totally going wild with my brother and the other guys. I just loved it and stuff. It looks like it is getting better every day, so...
Just want to tell the world that it is fucking worth going to an Amon Amarth show. I don't know why I didn't before. I had the ball of my life.
Oh mates, everything seems to be really amazing there! And everyday seems to be better than the previous day! Thank you very much for the reviews and the updates... the first thing that I do everyday when I connect to the internet is to look for your news about what's happening there!

Cheers! :rock:
The most thing happening here is people get lost and I am the unlucky person who has to find them. I am too old for that shit. But yesterday was the day of The Avenger, so I turned it around and made myself getting lost in beer after the show. I am never gonna drink again.

I am so much looking forward to 1000 Years of Oppression tomorrow, it will be the highlight of my life if it gets even half as amazing as Pursuit of Vikings. That one really kicked me out of my shoes. I shed some tears because it was so unreal. It was like the loudest prayer I ever said. Along with 100 other people. If I died after that, Odin himself would come and pick me up.

Anyway, tonight will be amazing and stuff. Looking forward to seeing all of you again!
Ya, I am. There is not many people who know what that means to me. I hate christians from the deepest bottom of my heart for what they did to my religion, and the lyrics of 1000 Years of Oppression is like when I listen to them, I feel so much better.

Anyway who is the Viking looking guy with the camera I was to add on Myspace for the fotos?
Hey we are pagans hey ho ho ha hi ha ha
Hey we are pagans and we don't give a fuck

There is just one god
didldidldi and he has horns
And if he has not
Then we will light him up!

Thousand Years of Oppression is truely a song where I always get goose-skin. I look forward to hear Versus the World live on Silvester!
See you all in a few hours!
Ya, I am. There is not many people who know what that means to me. I hate christians from the deepest bottom of my heart for what they did to my religion, and the lyrics of 1000 Years of Oppression is like when I listen to them, I feel so much better.


versus the world will be awesome can't wait!
Just returned from the Crusher Show...

it's not really possible to put in words how awesome that was...

The best summary was already given by Johan himself:

"This has to be the best crowd any band anytime anyplace ever had"

I think he's right...
He must be right! The third evening of insane performace in a row - I am really amazed every single minute. Today's bonus tracks were:

Twilight of the thunder god
With Oden on our side
An ancient sign of coming storm
Runes to my memory
Guardians of Asgard

I think I forgot one due to massive headbanging though :D
The best summary was already given by Johan himself:

"This has to be the best crowd any band anytime anyplace ever had"

I think he's right...

Of course he's right!!! This crowd FUCKING ROCKS!!!:rock:

I look forward to tomorrow...VS the World will be the BEST!!!11
I think I forgot one due to massive headbanging though :D

Yes, you did :)

There was also "Tattered Banners and bloody Flags".

And I think, after that was another one that I can't recall...then they went out and returned for Runes... and Guardians...
I think that has been all. great show! I got like promissed my signed drumhead from fred after surviving the front row! total amazing, taken couple of pics with the band after the show, I dont think that can be better. lets see ^^ I cant move my head, cant speak any word because of yelling. perfect evening.

btw. where has been Gazz??? havent seen him... has he missed the show?