Bloodshed Over Bochum

Yes they did...Shirts at least. I don't think they had Hoodies with the "Once sent" Logo.

The show was beyond awesome. 99% of the people were going crazy, showing horns, screaming, clapping...just fantastic.

The Zeche is a very small club. I'm not that good at guessing, but I think it weren't more than 500 people in there. Very private atmosphere.

I can't wait for tonight... :rock:
absolutely amazing. we stoud above everyone and had a great look down on the crowd and on the stage. It was fuckin brilliant. I thought Johans Mic was a bit quiet?!?! sometimes I saw his mouth moving, but couldnt hear anything. ^^ but of course it was just killer!!!!!
cant wait to see all you guys again tonight!!!!
That was the greatest thing i have ever experienced in my life. Not only the gig but how everzyone from all kinds of places from all over the world came together and rocked the fuck out!!

3 more fucking nights of pure heaven.

Must get more merchandise.......

Fuck, it feels like i might have a chest infection though, or something feels wrong, lets just hope it doesnt get worse.

The Zeche is a very small club. I'm not that good at guessing, but I think it weren't more than 500 people in there. Very private atmosphere.

A friend of mine is working there as a first aid medic rather often (he's also a big Amon Amarth fan, so he was NOT working yesterday :D), but according to him the official maximum in the Zeche is 800 people + guestlist. We also smalltalked a bit with a security guy who we know who told us that the band didn't accept a guestlist for the 4 gigs, so you can say that the sold out venues are roughly 800 people - a very great atmosphere indeed!
Oh Vaughan, I have to tell you I am sorry because I didn't recognize you when you were there, helping me out with fire and I think also beer and stuff, and I didn't even know who you were... When we got home, I asked the people if we met you and they said like yeah, it was the guy standing next to you lighting your cigs and stuff... I feel a little bit embarrased lol

So sorry, and thanks for everything :D

A pirwte thats wasted.
last night was great. got fairly tanked hahaha. went for a few crowd surfs as well which is always a lot of fun. sorry if i hit anyone with my boots!!!!

bring on tonight!!!!!!!!
last night was great. got fairly tanked hahaha. went for a few crowd surfs as well which is always a lot of fun. sorry if i hit anyone with my boots!!!!

bring on tonight!!!!!!!!

hha......what the fuck would you remember from last night?

& Fairly tanked? i need to tell people im from Austria now so they done associate me with your wasted antics.

And yes man, they played Once sent start to finish in order.....
fuck fuck fuck you make me so jealous eversince I decided no to go to Bochum I regretted it! I didnt even expect them to play more the the album songs in one show. Damn fuck you all ;)

I have to admit: I so respect all those people who travelled from all over the world to see these shows.
Another kickass evening!!

If I am not overly mistaken (and my head got shaken quite a bit again :kickass:), today's bonus songs being performed were:

Twilight of the thunder god
Free will sacrifice
Fate of Norns
Where is your god?
Valhall awaits
Gods of war arise
Cry of the Black Birds
Guardians of Asgard

They are too fucking great!!!
Both two shows till now were so fucking insane!!! The 71€ were worth it!!! :rock: I gave them the hand omfg I cannot believe that I touched all of them!! I cannot believe that I saw them and that I see them two more times!! I cannot just believe that their signatures are on my wall...and I suppose you won't believe that I need 30 mins to the Zeche. I live in Bochum and as I first read about that AMON AMARTH is coming for FOUR DAYS to BOCHUM I really went crazy...and I can't believe that I am there now for 4 days! Well today was quite amusing. First when they played Twilight of the Thunder God at first again after The Avenger I thought they had the same lineup as yesterday. But As they started playing Free Will Sacrifice I knew, this is new! They played everything what I wanted to hear from the newer three albums (Valhall awaits me, Cry of the Black Birds, Free Will Sacrifice, TotTG, Pursuit of Vikings) excepting of Once sealed in Blood. I really hope they will play it together with Arson! Greetz from Bochum and sincere condolences to all of you who cannot be there :(
YES! this has been the ones after "the Avenger" fuckin amazin show. I cant talk I cant move my head... great succes!!!
AND: I talked lots to Fred and he promissed me a signed Drumhead if I am in the front row. so everyone, I will be there 3 hours before doors and stand in front fuckin row!!!!!!!!!!!! see you all tomorow!!!
cant fuckin wait, absolute amazing!!!