Bloodshed Over Bochum

Bochum, Saturday 6:15pm, fresh off the train, just met, on the way to a bar, that was a great night of hangin'


per Gnoff's recomendation we ended up in the only brewery in town, very nice place and stumbling distance for some of us from the hotel



more kept on coming as the night went on


can't forget about the French, they were cool

with time and alcohol, things losened up a bit and some started macking on other's gf ;)

feelin' good I take, I know I was by that time


this conversation does not look as smooth as it seems, the french and the german communicating in english & sign language

alcohol in full effect, good times



our table that night

more pics below
haha, no comment

who's that guy in a pink head wear

oh and the french again, wee wee

well, eventually the first night came to an end and everybody stumbled their own seperate ways, already had a damn good time with cool cats from all over the world and the show was not event until the following night

ok, my index finger is pretty tired now, more pics to be posted in a few
Haha, awesome pics waterboi!

But whats up with mocking at me? :)
I did nothing wrong! I didnt do anything to her! ;)
I went to Bloodshed Over Bochum, it was good.

I met lots of people. I drank beer.

Merchandise was not good.

hahaha. i drank more than everyone i reckon ya scottish cunt! hahahaha! how funny was that brother! something to always remember me by! "you scottish cunt" + a boot to the guts. hahaha!
Tomasz -

Thanx for posting those pics. That was a great night. :)

And thanx again for promptly texting me the bus info on the OSFGH night. For a harrowing few minutes i thought i might miss the start of the show, so that text really put my mind at ease!
fuck i love you guys. best friends ever! i'm doing South Africa at the end of this year, i'll be pissed if AA decide to do another Bochum type event cause i'll end up missing it! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!! lol!!!!!!!!
Tomasz -

Thanx for posting those pics. That was a great night. :)

And thanx again for promptly texting me the bus info on the OSFGH night. For a harrowing few minutes i thought i might miss the start of the show, so that text really put my mind at ease!

yeh man! fuck you! lol! tina and i were so worried about you mate. we were willing to miss the show to come and find you. all good brother. glad you got to us in time. :D
fuck i love you guys. best friends ever! i'm doing South Africa at the end of this year, i'll be pissed if AA decide to do another Bochum type event cause i'll end up missing it! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!! lol!!!!!!!!

drop it man.
Tomasz -

Thanx for posting those pics. That was a great night. :)

And thanx again for promptly texting me the bus info on the OSFGH night. For a harrowing few minutes i thought i might miss the start of the show, so that text really put my mind at ease!

Hey I got the bus stop right to put in the text, I want some love too :p