Bloodshed Over Bochum

Agrees with the ever awesome and fair Vesa. This needs to go private.
If anyone has the right to be upset it's me. And I have yet to say a word. My words will come in their own time and in private. Please let's keep this thread about the GREAT and EPIC BOB! (yes, vibrator joke)
I play Dark age of Camelot, the grown-up WoW-version.

Next person thinks Loki is the greatest name for a cat :D

Miss. I never even wanted to have a penis of ANY size.

Next person has been scared by his/her own shadow.

Miss... although I have lots of these species at work xD

Next person plays browsergames at work.

Next person is pagan.

Next person has a yellow XXL "I love Tom Jones" slip on his/her head.

H... erm miss!
Next person is into dinosaurs and robots.


*rolling eyes*
Seems like this thread went a bit retarded.

Anyway, dont think ive posted on here since the concerts.
It was a fucking great time, not just the concerts, but meeting everyone & partying fucking hard!

Im in helsingborg now, and have been since last Tuesday. Except i took a bus back to Stockholm on Sunday and went to see This Ending on Monday night. Black Dahlia Murder were the headliners, but i only saw a couple of songs.
This Ending however were fucking killer. (Dan & Anna where were you!?)

I head home on Sunday, which sucks balls, but i guess my time over here had to come to and end. I need to mail some stuff home because ive bought to much shit hah. So many dam shirts & vinyls.

Thanks to everyone who made this time overseas as awsome as it was/is.

Cheers & Beers
Seems like this thread went a bit retarded.

Anyway, dont think ive posted on here since the concerts.
It was a fucking great time, not just the concerts, but meeting everyone & partying fucking hard!

Im in helsingborg now, and have been since last Tuesday. Except i took a bus back to Stockholm on Sunday and went to see This Ending on Monday night. Black Dahlia Murder were the headliners, but i only saw a couple of songs.
This Ending however were fucking killer. (Dan & Anna where were you!?)

I head home on Sunday, which sucks balls, but i guess my time over here had to come to and end. I need to mail some stuff home because ive bought to much shit hah. So many dam shirts & vinyls.

Thanks to everyone who made this time overseas as awsome as it was/is.

Cheers & Beers

And thank you V-man, for just being the epically awesome you! I am pretty sure everyone will agree with me, that you are just the greatest!
You suck for seeing This Ending, but you are still the bestest homie evers!
Seems like this thread went a bit retarded.

Anyway, dont think ive posted on here since the concerts.
It was a fucking great time, not just the concerts, but meeting everyone & partying fucking hard!

Im in helsingborg now, and have been since last Tuesday. Except i took a bus back to Stockholm on Sunday and went to see This Ending on Monday night. Black Dahlia Murder were the headliners, but i only saw a couple of songs.
This Ending however were fucking killer. (Dan & Anna where were you!?)

I head home on Sunday, which sucks balls, but i guess my time over here had to come to and end. I need to mail some stuff home because ive bought to much shit hah. So many dam shirts & vinyls.

Thanks to everyone who made this time overseas as awsome as it was/is.

Cheers & Beers

have a safe flight home brother! will catch up once you're back and settled. :rock:

after some Sauna, I'll spare you from those images we heading back to our favourite local bar/brewery

Gnoff documenting beer taste

the ozzies have arrived

warming up before the show

same suspects

the french along with Nico made it as well

time to head out to the bus station, the bar we spent last two days at


small bus & lots of hairy people

the bus trim was awesome, can't forget "Dan, are you on the bus?" followed by a huge burp or growl, Dan was left behind in the trenches :)

1st night, the merch

new t-shirts

let the show begin, guys spent some $$$$ on new drapery, one use only
