Bloodshed Over Bochum

Hey I got the bus stop right to put in the text, I want some love too :p

tru dat, actually it was all Gnoff just using my phone, thanks for being all prepared as I and pretty much everyone else had no clue how to get anywhere in town, I didn't even know how to buy a bus ticket :), but the trip in the bus first night was quite epic, it was a show on its own
heheh, hey speaking of...can you put up that video on your youtube from when I first got to Bochum HBF? PLEASE! I wanna hear it with sound and it's only vid not on the CD
And now dear Gazza, you should say "a bit of thank-you" to Rhonda, Beave and me for not publicly expatitating the things that you did to us and my place, at the venue, in the bar... like everything. In fact, I can barely keep myself from mentioning what else happened (and it would fill pages) but that is no public concern and it wouldn't be fair to post it here. Yes, now you are looking. You treated all of us in the most unfair way and we are still fair to you. And you didn't even consider that worth "a bit of thank-you". No. You just go on and pretend everything's OK. I forecast that you will even pretend like you don't remember doing anything wrong. And I forecast you will get away with it. Again. Like you did all your life long.
To be honest, I feel sad for you. I won't tell you why - maybe if you think hard enough it will occur to you. I wish you best luck with it and with the rest of your life.

Endof announcement, let's get back to subject again. I am fed up.
it's ok fester, beave and tina and everyone else i offended have every right to say what they have. i'm crushed that i pissed you guys off, really cut up at myself for doing that. that was the last thing i wanted to do. ok, leaving for a while now. thanks and sorry. i'm not angry at you guys, angry at myself. so thanks for the heads up, it'll give me something to work with. we all make mistakes and trust me, i'll be learning from this one.