

New Metal Member
Mar 22, 2004
Israel,Tel Aviv
Did you read the books of Paulo Coelho???
What do you think about them and what of them you liked more???
What kind of books do you like?
I like philosofic and historic books, books that i can to learn something from them.
I am soldier so I have much free time to read,if you had read something good at last time,advice me.
he's everywhere on the posters of the underground and some good friends recommended his books as well, but I didn't have time to read until I had exams, so I didn't :(
mostly I have read finnish poetry, dramas and literature recently (as I had to because of me exams), think they're nice and have a special atmosphere and a hint of humour even in books that have no connection with fun
"by the river piedra, i sat down and wept" by paulo coelho had touched me indeed. very emotional love story, hadles some other issues like religion and all that. philosophical i can say. i'm into love stories, typical pisces me.. :)
I've never anything of Paulo Coelho. I've not even heard about him.

What I have read is Douglas Adam's The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Which I by the way own four different releases of. :)

Beside that one I've only read books that are compulsary of school, and therefore I haven't really enjoyed them as much as I could... I think...

A few weeks ago I bought another book though. It's a national best seller: Fermat's Last Theorum. It's supposed to be very good, and since I'm very interested in maths and science I reckon this book is very interesting. Can't be arsed to start reading though :(
i remember something called fermat's little theorem from discrete math course. something about prime numbers?? that must be interesting. the hitchhiker's guide is excellent they say.. it's really huge, that scares me away.. :ill:
isn't it like 6 volumes total? cos i remember someone i know ordered it and it came like a set of encyclopedias.
coelho is very nice, but a bit cheese after a while yeh? its good for self reflection i suppose :)

Loona said:
mostly I have read finnish poetry, dramas and literature recently (as I had to because of me exams), think they're nice and have a special atmosphere and a hint of humour even in books that have no connection with fun

seems that Amorphis' Tales from the Thousand Lakes is based on this finnish book of poems, cant quite recall its title, i believe its Kar(a)vala..

edit: ah here it is, never read it tho

I spoke to an American guy a couple of months ago about the Galaxy Hitch-hiker books and he said in America if you read them you were considered a complete IT nerd who just can't get along with the girls and always looks down once spoken to. :tickled: I said well, it's Europe.

Though all my IT friends have read these books :lol:
fuck paulo. the minute you read his stuff you realise how shit everything is. plus his sentence structure is so inept that you may aswell be reading a nine year olds 'what i did in my summer holidays' story.
changed me alot though the alchemist.
A Leaf said:
there's nothing wrong with being considered an IT nerd.. o_O

Of course, of course, I love my IT nerds, but you know how it is in American high schools, you gotta be cool and that, you gotta go out with chicks and all, if you paint or you're overweight or your hair's black or your ma died you're already a nerd, aye.

Though he was talking about college :D
A few years back I read "The Alchemist" by Coelho and hated it. Way too preachy for my tastes. I felt like a novice in front of a senile philosophy teacher who is pouring out the accumulated wisdom of a lifetime, with the slight problem that he's talking in Philosophy and I'm listening in Gibberish.

Maybe now, out of puberty and all that, I should give it another try. :D
"The Hitchhiker" on the other hand is a must-read. Not just for IT nerds. I guess it helps to be one though. (I'm not, by the way, not the IT part anyway)

For a few months now I have "The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul" (also Douglas Adams) on my shelf but never get around to read it. Pity, as, according to the text on the back, it is "funnier than Psycho". :erk:
I read “Brida” and “Veronika Decides to Die” by Paulo Coelho and I think that both books are very good. I’m curious about "By the river piedra, I sat down and wept”.
But the best book I’ve read so far is “Perfume: The Story of a Murderer” by Patrick Süskind.
"Holy Blood, Holy Grail" by Baigent, Leigh & Lincoln

Cathars, Templars, Jesus, Maria Magdalena and a small french village....

well documented, well researched, a true classic !!!