Breast growth from *ahem*...

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It might be helpful (and entertaining) if you did.

You seemed to imply that anyone, excluding Susperia, would jump at the chance to have sex with a huge-chested woman. Hopefully, at least some of the guys here aren't quite that swallow, but it also said something about Susperia that wouldn't seem like it was common knowledge (thus the "who the fuck are you?" response).

Personally, huge breasts don't interest me. I'm glad I don't have them, and I sort of pity the women that do. As for picking partners based on their physical attributes... yeah, that plays a role, but I can't imagine it the way you seem to be implying.

Almost! Thank you. I was actually saying that about the two pornstars I mentioned, not just any big breasted chick. Look them up if you wish. :lol:

If they're not up to your standards... paper or plastic?
Well, technically finding post-pubescent girls isn't pedophilic anyways as a pedophile is one attracted to pre-pubescent girls.
Look them up if you wish.

Ya know, I think I'm going to pass on that. My interest in porn stars is sort of low.

And whether you were referring to two specific porn stars or all women with huge breasts, the points still remain. You're still saying you'd have sex with them based only on what you've seen, and you're still saying something about Susperia that you probably don't know to be true or not.
You seemed to imply that anyone, excluding Susperia, would jump at the chance to have sex with a huge-chested woman. Hopefully, at least some of the guys here aren't quite that swallow, but it also said something about Susperia that wouldn't seem like it was common knowledge (thus the "who the fuck are you?" response).
Awesome Freudian slip.
Ya know, I think I'm going to pass on that. My interest in porn stars is sort of low.

And whether you were referring to two specific porn stars or all women with huge breasts, the points still remain. You're still saying you'd have sex with them based only on what you've seen, and you're still saying something about Susperia that you probably don't know to be true or not.

How low are we talking? As in, you care not of who was in a scene, or you don't care much for porn (stars), in general?

Anyways, I thought a better word for Susperia's response was... hostile. There goes any chance of potential friendship. :(
How low are we talking? As in, you care not of who was in a scene, or you don't care much for porn (stars), in general?

Anyways, I thought a better word for Susperia's response was... hostile. There goes any chance of potential friendship. :(

As in, I think porn is stupid. I don't blame the women who do it for making money off the idiots that watch it, and the men, well they're living out a macho dream so I guess I don't really blame them either. But I think it horribly warps a lot of guys who watch so much and have so few real expreiences that they think the way it is in porn is the way it really is. Granted I haven't seen a ton of porn but I've never seen any that portrayed anything like reality or a healthy relationship.

As for Susperia... I don't want to speak for her, but if you'd subbed my name for hers you'd have got pretty much the same reaction.
I've honestly never got the concept of buying videos or subscribing to porn sites, because once you need to go that far in to get yourself sexually aroused and to rub one off there is a problem.
As in, I think porn is stupid. I don't blame the women who do it for making money off the idiots that watch it, and the men, well they're living out a macho dream so I guess I don't really blame them either. But I think it horribly warps a lot of guys who watch so much and have so few real expreiences that they think the way it is in porn is the way it really is. Granted I haven't seen a ton of porn but I've never seen any that portrayed anything like reality or a healthy relationship.

Pretty much all of your opinions are wrong.
As in, I think porn is stupid. I don't blame the women who do it for making money off the idiots that watch it, and the men, well they're living out a macho dream so I guess I don't really blame them either. But I think it horribly warps a lot of guys who watch so much and have so few real expreiences that they think the way it is in porn is the way it really is. Granted I haven't seen a ton of porn but I've never seen any that portrayed anything like reality or a healthy relationship.

As for Susperia... I don't want to speak for her, but if you'd subbed my name for hers you'd have got pretty much the same reaction.

I like you.

Everybody has their own idea of what's attractive and I'm not about to chastise somebody for thinking a small breasts look better, or large asses aren't appealing. Think whatever you like, I say.
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