Breast growth from *ahem*...

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Not all of them do it for the money. And for christ's sake if you "need money" get a job at Macdonalds.

I never said the women that did it were stupid, though likely there are plenty of dumb ones that do, just like any job. And the terms "do it for the money" and "need money" aren't the same thing. Everyone "needs money" to live on. When you "do something for the money" you're doing something you wouldn't ordinarily do, or something you don't really enjoy because the money involved for doing it is good.

Now I hasten to add for the literalist idiots among the readership here, that I'm not referring to "sex" when I say "something they don't enjoy," I'm talking about having it filmed and the kind of sex and the way it's portrayed in porn.
I never said the women that did it were stupid, though likely there are plenty of dumb ones that do, just like any job. And the terms "do it for the money" and "need money" aren't the same thing. Everyone "needs money" to live on. When you "do something for the money" you're doing something you wouldn't ordinarily do, or something you don't really enjoy because the money involved for doing it is good.

Now I hasten to add for the literalist idiots among the readership here, that I'm not referring to "sex" when I say "something they don't enjoy," I'm talking about having it filmed and the kind of sex and the way it's portrayed in porn.

pornstars don't make alot of money from what I have heard. I think it's like 300 or 400 dollars per movie or something.

if you want money, become a stripper and make 10+ thousand a month rather easily (and then blow it all on coke addiction)
pornstars don't make alot of money from what I have heard. I think it's like 300 or 400 dollars per movie or something.

if you want money, become a stripper and make 10+ thousand a month rather easily (and then blow it all on coke addiction)

You crack me up. You take the lowest level or porn actor and compare it to the rockstar level stripper and say there's inequity. Duh.

Jeez, if you really want to make a lot of money just become the CEO of a huge multinational corporation, they make more than you do at GNC.
I never said the women that did it were stupid, though likely there are plenty of dumb ones that do, just like any job. And the terms "do it for the money" and "need money" aren't the same thing. Everyone "needs money" to live on. When you "do something for the money" you're doing something you wouldn't ordinarily do, or something you don't really enjoy because the money involved for doing it is good.

And I never said that all of them were stupid, I just pointed out that someone do it for other reasons. As for the whole "porn is degenerating women", regardless of the money involved if you don't like it or don't _really_ want to do it, don't fucking do it. If they still do, they go in the dumb category. And then it's not men degenerating women, it's (these particular) women degenerating themselves.
You crack me up. You take the lowest level or porn actor and compare it to the rockstar level stripper and say there's inequity. Duh.

uh watch interviews with porn stars, they'll tell you that porn doesn't pay very well unless you are jenna jameson and have 10,000 things on the side in addition to the porn.
uh watch interviews with porn stars, they'll tell you that porn doesn't pay very well unless you are jenna jameson and have 10,000 things on the side in addition to the porn.

Uh watch interviews with almost anyone and they'll tell you their job doesn't pay well. Quick everyone that feels like they make enough at their job raise your hand! And whether or not porn acting pays better than stripping wasn't ever a point anyone was debating so I'll leave you to your mastabatory finacial fantasies on this one.

And yes, 'prejudicial' is a word. Let's see... you could take 5 seconds and look it up with an online dictionary OR you could just be a lazy moron and post "is that a word?" to a forum where everyone already thinks you're a lazy moron. Way to go, Dave.
My job paid pretty good but I quit to get on with my studies so there.

Yes, yes, of course, but you have to remember you live in the land of milk and honey. Dave and I were talking about the country where you can get shot for walking on someones lawn.

Not all of them do it for the money. And for christ's sake if you "need money" get a job at Macdonalds.

They obviously would be doing it for the large amount of money, not because they have no other means of making money. Also, women do stupid things when they're desperate for money and can't seem to think of normal ways of earning it. As much as I dislike porn, however, I am under the impression that most porn stars do not have the least bit of a problem doing what they're doing.
I am under the impression that most porn stars do not have the least bit of a problem doing what they're doing.

I dunno, I don't hang out with any porn actors, but it seems like an awfully wide brush to be painting with. Could you say the same thing about any other line of work? I don't think you could, so it doesn't sound like it's a true statement to me.

I have known strippers though and about half professed that they didn't care, and half thought the customers were absolutely the lowest form of life on the planet and they put themselves in that same category for doing the work. Seeing that kind of self-loathing in a person is pretty depressing. I can't imagine that porn actors are all that different.
I am, and always will be, a large breast enthusiast. I'm totally straight... yet somehow breastsexual. And, breasts are simply awesome. I actually watch large busted porn specifically because I think tits are great. For serious.

:ill: I don't like the big ones.
:ill: I don't like the big ones.

I'm not asking you to like them.

Everybody has their own idea of what looks good. There's really no point in debating whether or not large or small breasts are better, because everybody has their own opinion, which they are entitled to.
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