
Sunday sounds good to me. See if we could add a little Belgian touch to the beer. I could bring something from here, maybe speculoos? or what say you of adding some of the tea I brought you, I got one leaving a nice chestnut and roasted profile, maybe local honey? Let me know if you can think of something that could be nice to add.

I would for sure!
It's just that we'd be squeezing into my mate's brew schedule :D

I'll talk to him some more and see what we can figure out :Spin:

The tea sounds great by the way!!
I'll bring you a few packs, but if we use it in the beer, I think for a small batch we only need a few grams then see if we add it during or after the boil.

I've never used tea, coffee yes, but not tea

I'd say brew tea on it, add eitehr to preimary or secondary fermentation for flavoring, might be tricky to add to boil, especially the leaves
I've never used tea, coffee yes, but not tea

I'd say brew tea on it, add eitehr to preimary or secondary fermentation for flavoring, might be tricky to add to boil, especially the leaves

sounds amazing! imagine some smokey tea like lapsang souchong, or something different like pu-err...

but wouldn't the tannin affect fermentation? :u-huh:
sounds amazing! imagine some smokey tea like lapsang souchong, or something different like pu-err...

but wouldn't the tannin affect fermentation? :u-huh:

yeah, I've thought about using lapsang, but never did so far

no, I do not think you'd get anough tannins in there.
Using lingonberry is hard though, since they do inhibit fermentation to a large extent.
Sunday sounds good to me. See if we could add a little Belgian touch to the beer. I could bring something from here, maybe speculoos? or what say you of adding some of the tea I brought you, I got one leaving a nice chestnut and roasted profile, maybe local honey? Let me know if you can think of something that could be nice to add.

My mate has agreed to brew one extra beer, you remember Jens, right?

So it'll be a pale ale, then we can see what godo stuff you have with you ;)
yeah, I've thought about using lapsang, but never did so far

no, I do not think you'd get anough tannins in there.
Using lingonberry is hard though, since they do inhibit fermentation to a large extent.

Is there anything that does not come in Lingonberry flavour in Sweden?

I'm curious though, sounds exciting!

Here it would be dandelion and burdock. That's the closest the british get to Sarsaparilla or Root Beer.
My mate has agreed to brew one extra beer, you remember Jens, right?

So it'll be a pale ale, then we can see what godo stuff you have with you ;)

nice nice ... I am wondering if we could do a tea/honey pale ale with a touch of sorachi? maybe I could get some Lapsang tea.

Although my initial thought was for a porter or brown because of the malt profile with the nutty touch of tea, the pale ale should do.
What's your take on the hop profile? Sorachi would be ok granted it will definitely have a smoke profile with the addition of honey?

not thought abou tit much, know that Jens has already got the hops he's plannign to use for the other beers, so either if you have access to any hops or I'll have to see about ordering one more bag before we brew.

Sorachi tends to be way to lemony for my taste though, it bothers me

something that is not too overpowering, so you can feel the smoke and honey
No problem. I guess we can go more for bittering than actual fruit flavor ... my initial thoughts were on an APA style. How about some Sladeck or Fuggle possibly Magnum? Given that the tea can have some assertive smoke values. Unless we go for the same hops used by Aecht in Bamberg.
Sladec? Never heard of!

I like a Fuggle / EKG mix, floral and earthy but still rather noble and smooth and allows other tastes to come through as well.

Will check with Jens what he bought and what I have in the freezer.
So, when can we expect bacon beer ?:p:lol:

Edit: FTR Rauchbier always makes me want to eat black forest smoked ham...

well, I've read of a few salts/additives that should create bacon flavor, so might try that :D

I will not add actual bacon though, since fat kills off the head and would ruin my equipment

oh, and yes, raucbiers, especially Bamberg ones such as Aecht Schlenkerla are great!
well, I've read of a few salts/additives that should create bacon flavor, so might try that :D

I will not add actual bacon though, since fat kills off the head and would ruin my equipment

oh, and yes, raucbiers, especially Bamberg ones such as Aecht Schlenkerla are great!

they're freaking delicious! first time i had one i freaked out that it was even beer because it had so much BBQ flavor....