
Beer list (so far) for a July tasting:

Cigar City/Mikkeller Bohr
Cigar City/Mikkeller Dirac
Cigar City/Mikkeller Nielsbohrium
Cigar City Hunahpu’s Imperial Stout - Stranahan’s Whiskey Barrel Aged
Cigar City Marshal Zhukov’s Imperial Stout
Cigar City Humidor Series Marshal Zhukov’s Imperial Stout
Cigar City Improv Oatmeal Rye India Style Brown Ale
Cigar City Jai Alai India Pale Ale
Cigar City Humidor Series Jai Alai Cedar Aged India Pale Ale
Cigar City Either Black Ale
Cigar City Or Black Ale
Cigar City Guava Grove
Cigar City Dos Costas Oeste - Grapefruit Wood
Cigar City Dos Costas Oeste - Cedar
Cigar City Dos Costas Oeste - Lemon Wood
Cigar City Dos Costas Oeste - Orange Wood
Cigar City José Martí American Porter - French Oak
Cigar City Sugar Plum Brown
3 Fonteinen Oude Geuze Golden Blend
Fantôme Brise-BonBons!
Fantôme Printemps
I'd call for a honey smoked porter, but I reckon mead would be sound good as well.

Btw, the honey I got at the local market in Göt is phenomenal.

He hates my super dry mead, haha

He probably wants me to brew a super sweet mead, like the ones he makes

I might just do that, since it might get me a big old bucket of free honey :grin:
Sitting at home waiting for me brewing supplies to arrive by delivery company.

Looking to brew a mead next weekend and a beer weekend after that.

Plan if I can fit it all in to my schedule with trips and shows are 3 meads and 6 beers before x-mas
hahaha, my beer mentor just asked me in an email:

If you got a free bucket of honey, what would you do with it?
Make beer stronger, make tasty sweet honey mead, or sour yucky mead?

Oh he did give me 13 kg of honey, ane my other mates 10 kg + 9 kg respectively.

He'll be getting super dry meads for it, hahaha
I might have a plan that works!

23/9: Mead 6, sloe berries
30/9: Beer 96, Best Bitter
20/10: Beer 97, English Pale Ale
21/10: Mead 7, red currants
3/11: Beer 98, Brown Porter
11/11: Beer 99, Chili Porter
17/11: Beer 100, Smoked Porter
24/11: Beer 101, Spiced X-mas 2012

Mead 8, rhubarbs, will happen depending on when mead 7 is done with primary fermentation
Just recently got into Mead making. I have 6 gallons of Orange Melomel mead (Joes Ancient Orange Mead) with 3 gallons almost ready to bottle.
I shall indeed. Ive actually made this before but trying to perfect it now. Not so much the recipie by my ability to follow it and make something good tasting. The ones ive made before werent bad at all.