
This is a while back, was getting ready for brewing

Get me one :kickass:

Sounds yummy!

No, come over and I'll buy first round!

Seriously now, I'm sure you'll find it at Systembolaget or specialised shops, but if you don't pm, I'm sure we can arrange something. :) I was curious and had to go to other end of town to get it, it may be a local brewery but it's not available everywhere.
No, come over and I'll buy first round!

Seriously now, I'm sure you'll find it at Systembolaget or specialised shops, but if you don't pm, I'm sure we can arrange something. :) I was curious and had to go to other end of town to get it, it may be a local brewery but it's not available everywhere.

We don't get much UK stuff other than some Fullers at Systembolaget and we have no shops other than Systembolaget :(

Hope it's tasty!
Maybe this time, after my third visit to Sweden, we can finally get this Belgo-Svenska collaboration going.

Might be possible :rock:

My arm is still not rehabilitated, so I'm not allowed to lift stuff, but I can point and you can lift :p

But I need to order stuff if we're to brew though, so need to decide if we are to brew so I can get the stuff home too :)
Maybe this time, after my third visit to Sweden, we can finally get this Belgo-Svenska collaboration going.

Since I'll be moving in June, and might have my house on the market, and might not have a functional left arm, we could brew at my mate's Jens place.

Eitehr Saturday 5 in the morning pre beer tasting, which might be cramped for time.
Or afternoon/evening of Sunday 6.

We've been talking abour making a rye stout together in April, that could be moved to that date if you wish?
Else it would be to join Jens in the making of a brown ale that he's planning.

Let me know your thoughts.
Sunday sounds good to me. See if we could add a little Belgian touch to the beer. I could bring something from here, maybe speculoos? or what say you of adding some of the tea I brought you, I got one leaving a nice chestnut and roasted profile, maybe local honey? Let me know if you can think of something that could be nice to add.