

Apr 13, 2002
Well, I just wanted to introduce all of you to a secret rahvin and i have been sharing for a while.

*drum roll*

Everyting around us is bubububu, and always will be.

What is bubububu? If you don't know from the start (or "if you don't know from the bu"), you will never know.

Try starting to substitute with "bubububu" (with the italian "u", corresponding to the "oo" sound in english: native anglophones should think "booboobooboo", but 'tis not the original version) everything that has a length of four syllables and the right accents. If your choice word has two syllables, go for "bubu" and if it only has one go for "bu". But remember, "bububu" is forbidden, and every combination with odd syllables save for the simple "bu" is unacceptable.

Although you are probably not impressed, this turns out to be a very funny practice, especially when you sing. Examples:

"A bolt of blazing bu
Lifted from the bubu's edge
Another radiant bu sends new hope"

[As you might see, you're not obliged to substitute every single conformable word, this would be boring: there is creativity in the process].

Or, from VNV Nation's "Fearless":

"I'm not alone
I'm not afraid
I'm bubububu".

This applies to spoken language also: "I don't understand a fuck" can become "I don't understand a bu" and you'll look far less trivial, but the point is that you have to insert the bu's in your ordinary speech: after a while, you'll start realizing that you cannot do without, and your mental landscape will definitely enrich itself with new meanings and suggestions.

Also, when you go to a pub and you have to write your orders on a piece of paper, never forget writing "2 bubububu's": the barman will be extremely confused - if it's one they will think it's a joke, if it's two they will believe it's some menu item they're overlooking - or, better yet, they're bubububu.

hyena (mine is the bubu of melancholy)
@hyena: :lol: :lol: and then it was me who shouldn't give us away. :rolleyes:

one more thing, ppl: try like in the wizard of oz, tap your magic shoes and repeat: "there's no place like bu, there's no place like bu". you'll be sure to reach your bu in no time at all. :)

@siren: with due respect, "there are more bu in heaven and earth, horatio, than are dreamt of in your bubububu".

rahvin. (still moving bubu)
Ohhh, the italian behavior is rising, I see. Well, despite I find the game a bit empty of meaning, it's really funny to be the barman who requested for Hyena's order. Just imagine two italian completely drunked talking with "bu's" all the time. The next thing you surely expect is to see two penguins with red dresses and dancing Ricky Martin's "Un pasito pa'lante Maria".

|ngenius (Who is discovering the Rahvin's dark side) o_O
Exactly WHY is "bububu" forbidden? Can you enlighten us in this interesting piece of rahvinology?

-Villain (curious regarding all things rahvinous)
@villain: tomorrow hyena will take care of the analytic part. as for now, i can only ambigously say that the number three causes some sort of dissonance that the ear is not inclined to like... in fact, all odd numbers do such a thing. but the single 'bu' unit holds a godliness of its own. ;)

i know i'm making slightly less sense than everything else on this thread. but i'm nice and cool and handsome, so everything will eventually be forgiven? :confused:

I've been calling my budgie-parakeet friend (Lotney) BooBoo or bubu for the past few weeks. I get the idea. Bubu is a great singer.
Well actually Bubu (accent on the last u) is an alternative sweet way to call a female baby here in greece (smt like baby->babe), or even older girls for that matter and i quite shamefully been called that for a huge part of my life :rolleyes: :bah:

Siren (in shame)
hrm.....methinks rahvin and hyena should stop replacing words like that.....it once led me down a dark, dark path.....

i realized one day that 'verb' is indeed a noun, as is 'adjective', and as all nouns are obviously nouns, all language could be simplified into the one word 'noun' or its translation

needless to say i got the crap kicked out of me for that one... :p
please keep on posting your own bubus. it's hilarious. :)

hyena (our lives are bubububu)
This bubu thing is very interesting..maybe we could create somekind of mantra... and maybe...just maybe...Mikael and pals could use it on their next album..like Hedon...or just
record it again with this:
rinsed in post-human bububus
a monument scorned by the bubu
bubu-bu keeper of Bu,
loaded with implosive fire
the Bububs that bu the apostle
to the mating point on the graves of Bus.

or maybe I´m just loosing "it"...
Hmmm... RealHazard... it's mainly a syllables and emphasis matter, as far as I understand. I mean, being "rinsed in post-human shadows", and being "shadows" a bysillabic word, it's more or less logical for it to become "rinsed in post-human bubu", which btw is metrically perfect to be sung. In the same way, the 2nd verse becomes "a monument scorned by the teeth of bu" (which btw is very, very hilarious, imo :D) and so on. Got it? :)

Alfred (it's good, so true, and I still hate bu)