
Originally posted by Alfred
Hmmm... RealHazard... it's mainly a syllables and emphasis matter, as far as I understand. I mean, being "rinsed in post-human shadows", and being "shadows" a bysillabic word, it's more or less logical for it to become "rinsed in post-human bubu", which btw is metrically perfect to be sung. In the same way, the 2nd verse becomes "a monument scorned by the teeth of bu" (which btw is very, very hilarious, imo :D) and so on. Got it? :)

Alfred (it's good, so true, and I still hate bu)

I guess you´re right...
hehe...so, sorta like this:

Rinsed in post-human bubu
A monument* scorned by the teeth of bu
Stale-faced keeper of bubu
Loaded with implosive bu
The bu that carried the apostle
To the mating bu on the graves of bubus....

*it would be easier to say bububu, but i understand that is forbidden?

~Kovenant (we look at bu afraid, to see what we really are :) )

(edit: i agree on that last quote...thanks!)

You got the mechanism perfectly :) Just as a small variation, I'd keep the original verb in the last verse, since "we look at bu afraid/to see what we really are" is imo a perfect self-description for all of us taking part in this thread :D

Alfred (come death or bubu)
stop talking with bus, i hate trying to guess all the time :(

or at least replace easy-to-guess words :D
no, no, Fathervic... this is not going to work. :)

"a monument scorned by the teeth of bu" is definitely one of the funniest things i've read in a while. keep posting, i really want to know what's next. i strongly encourage "bubu" being on the next dt album, by the way

my take for the night is:

Hold me near, unravel the stars
as I speed through the bubu,
speed through the night
for you are my bu and my bu,
you are my

hyena (in currents of bubu you storm through my heart)
the highlight of tonigt's chat in the chan:

Punish my bubu!!!


/me withdraws slowly...
which channel, please? i want to be there! :)

hyena (btw i thought about "punish my bubu" ten seconds ago :) )
@hyena: ultimatemetal's chat channel on irc, and it was me coming up with "punish my bubu" (succubi such as siren can't be trusted an inch, you know :p :p ), so we're possibly telepaths, or erinyes, or whatever. ;)

@qsilver: exactly! bubu is quite easy to guess, since it really does just mean bubu. :)

my first thought waking up this morning: "for we're the outstretched bubu, that seize and hold the wind"

rahvin. (outsmart the bubu)
I'd go for "all you need is bu".

hyena (you wanna bubu, you wanna fight)
uh-oh. things are getting bubu juicy here. :)
i feel therefore obliged to tell you: feel the demon's bu.

hyena (at the end of the bu, there's a bu and a half)
i forgot to mention the most important one:



hyena (fed up with life and the way things are going)