
The burning sand beneath your feet.
The scorching sun, high above the desert.
To dream of the sunset is to drink the blood of Bu.
there's one thing that i should remember
there is a light at the end of the bubu
there is a bu at the end of the tunnel
there is a light at the bu of the tunnel

hyena (cryptic)
Originally posted by FatherVic
rahvin: actually, Glory to the Bu was a bit more, ehmmmm buing friendly...but of course I'm way to lazy to do it all :p

bu of the day:

nothing on bu stays forever
but none of your bu were in vain
bubububu you will live again
you're gone to the home of the bu

rahvin. (to bubu and to serve)
hrm....ive been saving up bu quotes for a while....here they come :p

This is a bu long to live but alas so bu to tell
by the bu and by bu, by everything that bu s

Into bubububu we transcend,
Into memories of a prior supreme darker bu.

With a halo of bitter bubu,
Black bubu in lingering bu.

When all is bu, there are no points of reference
And we no longer navigate, by the bu
We just end up bubu

The bubu too great, for you to hear our bu
nevermind take this bu, we are also beyond bu

Bu on me, bu on me,
Im a bu and nothing more...

Prize goes to first person to identify all the songs!.... A free BU!

~Kovenant (being just plain bubu now...)
@kovenant84: i think i got just a couple of them :cry:

bu of the day:

covered in bubu and dripping with bu
making your bubu from bu and from bu
parading your bubu in ivory bubu
investing our bu in your bu and your bubu

you've got to bubu - be quick or be bu
snake eyes in bubu - the bu in your head
you've got to bubu - be quick or be bu
snake eyes in bubu - the bu in your head

or bu bu!
or bu bu!

rahvin. (ahead of time)
hahaha rahve that's a definite winner... kovenant, i cannot recognize a single one of your quotes so i am getting no bubu... too bad.

my botd (I find this extremely funny because of the first names...):

My son, ask for thyself another bubu
For that which i leave is too small for thee

Bu to the east, in the bu of ancient Greece
In an ancient land called Bubububu
Was born a son to Philip of Macedon
The bubu his name
Was Bubububu

At the bu of nineteen
He became the Macedon king
And he swore to free
All of Bubububu
By the Aegian sea, in 334 bubu
He utterly beat the armies of Bubu

Bubububu the great
His name struck fear into bu of men
Bubububu the great
Became a bubu 'mongst mortal men

King Bubu the third
Defeated fled Bubu
The Bubu fell by the bubu Jaxartes
The Bubu fell to the Macedon king as well
And he founded the city
Called Bubububu

...and on... "the Bubu knot"... "bubu on, bubu on" etc. :lol:

hyena (last action bubu)
not bad huh? :lol: i'm leaving the second part of the song to you, go ahead...

hyena (from bu to eternity)
As bubu learn about the bu
We built that wall of bu
Along the bu we laboured hard
With our bare bu
we worked until the bu went down
Beneath the bu
And the bu came rolling splashing in
Washed the bu away
How do we tell the bubu in the white bu
Enough is enough?