
As bubu spins in circles twice
bubu, bu and the little mice
get bubu round and bubu down
when bubu call we all shall bu.

Alfred (bubububu x10)
@alfred: love your new avatar. :)

bu of the day:

from "bad religion - the defense"

nothing comes easier than bubu in the world today
mass bubububu is a mode not a malady
i'd like to watch a thousand bubububu but there's nothing on
and my bu-bu connection is monitored daily by the pentagon

these things are bubu what they seem
i'm not inclined to enjoy my bu

rahvin. (not gifted or inclined)
@alfred: yes yes, i do love your avatar too! does this mean i have to arrange a gunfight with rahvin tomorrow at 12 am in the city square?

hyena (still laughing a tiny bit)
Originally posted by Alfred
It depens on whom you decide to arrange the gunfight against, of course :)

oh, we've got plenty of candidates. :) is there really someone you wouldn't mind seeing us shoot down? :D

rahvin. (that way to obtain a seven with one six-sided die)
Originally posted by Alfred
The person who ripped DD and put in on the net, I'd say :)

it really beats me how in your mind the worst and most malicious crime against the well-being of some of your friends can be dismissed with a "boys will be boys" kind of attitude, while the admittedly uncertain damage done by this precocious - and clumsy - ripper ranks amongst the top ten in your list of most pernicious deeds of all times. i mean, there's got to be an explanation why, but it just beats me. :)

rahvin. (true chaotic)
I quite rarely see any "malicious crime" against any friend of mine, and in such cases I usually tend to try and eventually find other kind of less blodspilling and more effective solutions. In the DD case, on the other side, I just see plain insensitivity by someone who most likely doesn't even know anything about dt (except, probably, that it's cool to spread one more album on the net), so talking to him/her and try to solve the problem by rational means is most likely a waste of time due to plain lack of interest from the other side. Therefore a gunfight could be a possible solution, just to make clear that it's not exactly jealous-of-their-work band vs. free-music-hungry fans :)

Alfred (400 bu-bu)

Edit: I wouldn't exclude using salt-grains-charged guns, of course :p
and think that i only wanted to get into a fight with rahvin because we both love your avatar, and one of us has got to win its attentions...

hyena (shrouded)
@hyena: Oh, I'll leave it in a while, so you can have all of it, if you want :)

Alfred (no more fitting in the average closet :cry:)
it will bu right back, be optimistic :lol:

hyena (silent your dark desires, you)
by popular demand: bu of the day:

from "in flames - lord hypnos"

i lie in your soothing arms, lord bubu
your bubu alive with your bu
i lie in your soothing arms, lord bubu

bubububu to your far abode
in the bubububu, on bubu i rode
and fell like history through the bubububu
into the bu, forbidden zones

hmmmm rahvin's dedications had #4 twice.

and rahvin is starting to use words like bubulutely and wonderbu (bubuful could be a good choice too), while some time ago, iirc, he was saying it's wrong to use plural and such words other than pure bubu :confused:
@siren: never question me or the bubu, mind you.
first, i might as well edit back my dedications (as with all my posts, you've been warned before ;) ); secondly, i clearly stated exceptions might be made under stressful circumstances. of course the more you push me back on this, the more stressful circumstances become, or don't they? :devil:

rahvin. (bubuful)