
@hiljainen: you're a bu for sore eyes. :D

bu of the day:

from "tiamat - so much for suicide"

animated bubu trying hard to bu insane
with only bubu in your veins
you seem to think the bubu orbits around bu
then it might be only one thing to bu

silly bubu creatures on bubu boulevard
playing bu just like a retard
mama's gonna make all of your bubu go away
and bu can wait for another day

rahvin. (deep philosophical meaning)
I'm still here..i wanted to post this

"...O' mighty Lord of the bu, Master of bu..
Thou art the emperor of bubu,
Thou are the king of howling bubu...
..Every time thou consacrate me to another bubu of thine,
I take another step towards bu Pantheon.
Forever wilt i bleed for bu
Forever wilt i praise bu dreaded name
Forever wilt i serve bu
Bu shalt shalt forever prevail..."

Hilj.[Laughing 'til i die thinking to Rapsody's "For the king, for the land, for the mountain" translated into "Par al re, par la tera, par la muntagna"(dialect of Piacenza)]
Originally posted by Hiljainen
Hilj.[Laughing 'til i die thinking to Rapsody's "For the king, for the land, for the mountain" translated into "Par al re, par la tera, par la muntagna"(dialect of Piacenza)]

for the bu, for the bu, for the bubu was good too. ;)
but i appreciate the aesthetics of it. "muntagna" was surely what those ppl had in mind when they wrote the song. :D

yeah, this is quite common for power metal, you always tend to imagine it in a less-than-solemn language, contrary to the high and mighty (warrior) intentions of the band.

and, since we're on this:

for the bubu now ride again

hyena (i promise a longer one)
ok, i will share with everyone something that was first submitted to alfred last night:

oh bu of bu and bubu
bu down and bu our cries
our earthly bubu falter
our bubu drift and die
the bu of gold entomb us
the bu of scorn divide
take not thy bubu from us
but take away our pride

Just a bu in a bu abyss
No bubu for a bu like this
The bu are cold and bu cry out in pain
An easy bu for the bu to go, a clever bu for the bu who know
The bubu of the bubu, the bu on his bu

I'm still learning, though I have a feeling I went too far with the last line..?
Well Rahvin will be able to tell you whether you went too far or not, obviously: he just knows everything there is to bu :)

Anyway, my futile bu of the day:

Bubu play
In my wilderness' mindscape they bu
One bubu and bubu
One bubu and bu
A bubu pale landscape
Of edified bu
Two frictional bubu
A bubu have brought


hyena (solitude... sanctity... sanctuary... bubu... bubu... bubububu)
and one more, since i'm in full bu today [still musing around the concept of "quite a bubu predicament"]:

you'd better bu out
you'd better not bu
you'd better put out bubu bu-i-y
cos it's not what you've bu
it's what you've bu
if you fuck up
i'm telling Bu
i'm telling Bu

hyena (maximum bu and bu)
Rebellion (the bu are marching)

Bubu know that rebellion will break out
Bubu Prince Bubu is in the highlands to claim his crown no doubt
Bu raised his bubu at Glenfinnen calling to our pride
The bubububu are gathering i'll be at their side

Armed and ready stand
Bu rights i must defend
Steel is in bu hand

The bu are marching 'gainst the law
Bagpipers play the tunes of bu
Death or glory bu will find
Rebellion on bu mind...

Hilj.( :D )
hahahaha bubu prince bubu... i'll go on a power metal spree myself:

bubu the bubu's raising
choose your side
sing with us the bubu hymns
into bubu ride
hail to bubu
the sign of the bubu's our guide
forever we are fighting the bu
side by side

on a crusade the bu we bring
four kings of bubu
four bubu kings
death to the bu ones
bu on a string
till the bu on your sword
is the bu of a king ( :) )
til the bu on your hand
is the bu of a king

our bubu in bubu, bubu, bubu and bu
our bubu in bubu, bubu and bu will not fail
bubu, bubu, bubu, bubu, italy
switzerland, bubu, back to the bubu of germany

on a crusade the bu we bring
four kings of bubu
four bubu kings
death to the bu ones
bu on a string
till the bu on your sword
is the bu of a king (
til the bu on your hand
is the bu of a king

sound the death bu
on the bu for revenge
spill the bu of my enemies
for the bu of a friend
fighting the bubu war
for the bu and the bu
six magic bubu
bu by the bu of the bu

wherever we bu
is bubu we bring
four bu of bubu
four bubu bu

hyena ("inspiring", again)
and i forgot: hilj, you're quickly turning into a pro. soon we'll bow to you. italians have a thing for the bubububu and you have a very good version of it. we should hook up and sing bubu tunes all together (you, atlantis, rei, rahvin, hooky, wolfy and me) sooner or later. and apologies for any italian on the board whose existence i'm forgetting. by the way, are we the strongest ethinc group? if so, wow! :)

hyena (bu supremacist)
We storm ahead with bu'n bu
For bubu we ride
We fight the world on these battlefields
To re-erect the bubu pride

We draw the bu of those in our way
It's 'victory or die
With bubu, raging bu we slay
Now bubu hounds will pay

Charge ahead, no retreat
No bubu, noone shall live
To us there is no defeat
No bubu to give

A wind of bubu blows from the north
The bubu shivers to the bu
We slay with bu, pushing forth
Silence before the bu

The bu of Valhalla open up
The ground beneath us shakes
As Bubu leads the Gods to war
The Rainbow Bu cracks

Bubu can stop this final bubu
We bu up all in our path
Now there is no turning back
Final bubu is here at bu

A bu awaits bu when we get bu
Awaiting all that fought in bu
By the bu fires we sit in bubu
Ande beer bu our soar throats

We are few but strong in bu
The last with bubu blood
We fought the world with burning bu
Now we sit in Hall of Gods

Pride and glory in our bu
Pride and glory in our bu