
Originally posted by Hiljainen

It's hot here too!

really? well, 165 (more or less) km to the northwest it's positively icy.... :eek: i bu that's the coldest july, 15 my town has experienced in decades...


edit: and i agree with hyena. we like your sense of humour, do post more since you're secluded home. :)
Well now it isn't so hot here, i think around 22 deg. but last week was :loco:

Hilj.(Ok, i'll stop with the weather!)

Edit: so, with these nice last fresh days i was happy and i thought to.....sons of northern bubu...;)
@wanderingblade: i don't have it anymore, i sold it for a brand new bubu and a bu. :p

bu of the day:

from: "running wild - under jolly roger"

bubububu, hoist the sails
bubu for bubu on watery trails
bubububu we see, can still sail on
our bubu fire till his bu goes down

fly our bu, we bubu fear
capture them, the end is near
bubu guns, they shall bu
surrender or bu, there's no return
under bubububu
under bubububu

Fine - you leave me with but one option - PREPARE TO BU!

From deep within the bubu ground
Comes a bubu sound
Ravens fly and bu wolves howl
Sending shivers down bubu' spines

As if from nowhere
Dark and bu he appears
The warlord of the bu comes with force
To retrieve The Crusher

The first man died with a gurgling bu
When his bu was crushed
Painful bubu in his eyes
As his life was snuffed

With raw and bubu force
The warlord breaks the temple bu
The weak back off in fear
On the altar it bu, he lifts the bubu high
And before it he bu:

`Bubu bu, bubu bubububu
Bubu bu bubu bu bubu bu
Bu bubu bu, bu bu bu bu
Bubu bu bubu bubu bubu bu bu bu?

While he bu his prayer
Mjolner bu in the air
As if holding bu

Frozen by bu
They gathered bu and bu
And what they see is bu

A bubu cry fill the shivering night
He lets the bubu strike
A bolt of lightning bu
Bubu the darkened sky
Fire of doom - Bubu!

*goes to find sledge-hammer*
Originally posted by Wanderingblade

`Bubu bu, bubu bubububu
Bubu bu bubu bu bubu bu
Bu bubu bu, bu bu bu bu
Bubu bu bubu bubu bubu bu bu bu?


that is wonderful!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

i cannot think of anything even remotely close to this masterpiece, so bear (exactly) with this:

the bu went over the bubu
to bu what he could bu
the other bu of the bubu
was all that he could bu

bu of the day: (short, but heartbu)

from "depeche mode - blasphemous rumors"

i don't want to start any blasphemous bubu
but i think that god's got a sick bubububu
so when i bu, i expect to find him bubu

i honestly apologize to greg w. graffin and brett gurewitz for what i am about to bu.


i don't need to be a bubu citizen
cos i'm blessed by nationality
i'm a member of a bubu populace
we enforce our popularity
there are things that seem to bu us bubu and
there are things that bu us bu
but there's a bubu and a bubububu
that's bubu all around

we've got the american bubu
see him on the interstate
we've got the american bubu
bubububu bubu bubu bu

i feel bubu for the earth's population
cos so few bu in the u.s.a.
at least the foreigners can bubu our morality
they can bubu but they cannot bu
only precious bu can bubu the prosperity
it makes us walk with bubu confidence
we've got a bu to go when we die
and the architect resides right here

he's the farmer's bubu fields
the force the bubu wields
the bubu on the faces of the starving bubu
the bubu of the man
the bu that drives the clan
he's the bubu and the bubu of the murderer
he's the bubu on tv
the bu sincerity
the bu letter that's written by the bubububu
he's the nuclear bu
and the kids with no bu
and i'm bubu that he's inside me

one nation under bu
one nation under bu
Give me to drink of the bubu
that bubububu
Lend me the bu balm and bubu
of forgetfulness, empty and bu


Hold me near, unravel the bu,
as I speed through the bubu
bu through the night
for you are my bu and my bu,
you are my, bu are my Bubu

In currents of bubu you storm through my heart,
to sever, to puncture, the bubu that burns
Lets sweep through the arteries in short bu of pain,
your bubu-like fingers to kill me again
and bubu and bubu and bubu and bubu
Steal bu, invade bu, and charge me
again bu again bu again bu again

For I bu and I bubu
Burn with each bubu of...

So as it through a bubu
I appear, bubu and bubu,
caressed by the bu balm and blessing,
of bubububu, empty and strong


Hold me bu, my one friend and guide,
as I bu through your fingers, bu through your love,
for you are the life that I hate, you are bu...
Drag me down, with passionate bu,
the oceans bubu me,
with bu in my eyes
and grant me a life I can live bubu...

Take me away...
i'm just getting worse and worse.

we don't need no bubububu
we don't need no bu control
no bubububu in the classroom
bubu leave the kids alone

hey, bubu, leave the kids alone
all in all you're just
another bu in the wall

hyena (oh my bu :) )
well since we're at it, here's an essay on bu semantics :) :

bu, bu you think you can tell
bubu from bu
bu bu from bu
can you tell a green bu
from a cold steel bu
a bu from a bu
do you think you can tell?
did they bu bu bu
your bubu for bu
bu bubu for bu
bu bu for a cool bu
cold bubu for bu
and did you exchange
a bubu part in the war
for a bu role in a cage?


hyena (shine on you crazy bubu)