
???:confused: ???
I got no idea and won??


:spin: ;) :spin:
@ladycal: for a moment after seeing that new smilie of yours i thought i had finally given up to the lures of acid tablets. :goggly:

i have a great bubu in italian, so i'm afraid this is just for hyena and hiljainen and rei toei...

lo sai che i papaveri son bubu bubu bubu
ma tu sei bubububu
ma tu sei bubububu

rahvin. (spare my life)
rahve... what a treat, what a treat, hilarious! :lol: :lol: :lol:

i have one myself, from bad religion's "television"


oh yeah, i wanna bask in your bubu light
submerge in electric bu
i need bubububu
to the world outside


Originally posted by rahvin
@ladycal: for a moment after seeing that new smilie of yours i thought i had finally given up to the lures of acid tablets. :goggly:

i have a great bubu in italian, so i'm afraid this is just for hyena and hiljainen and rei toei...

lo sai che i papaveri son bubu bubu bubu
ma tu sei bubububu
ma tu sei bubububu

rahvin. (spare my life)

:lol: :lol: :lol: this is hilarious!! And there isn't much that can make me laugh today but this bubu is too great!
It already disapeard to the second page again??
How bad this world is.....

In our eyes the tears of bubu are shinning like the sun
to end what once had bu with pride...
it's hard to see how things have changed
but in the end we all will return and start together a new bu
- in the land of bubu

with the heart of the bu
This song is so long that i must cut it....now only some words about the bubububu down in the second page, then maybe the whole song.....:grin:

"To bu, to bu
to bu, to bu
Can't hear bu
we fear bu
bubuness won't come near it
Disguised in spite of bu
I never bared my bubububu
My bubu always strong
I never lost my bubution

But somewhere bu went wrong
Can't let them rape bu again
Your venom's not bubububu
won't let them fill me with bubububu remedies
What if the rest of the world was hopelessly blinded by bu?
Where would bubububu live?
Suddenly nobubu cares.

Bu's never enough
You're wasting your bu
Isn't there something i could bu?
You don't bubustand
You're closing bu out
How can we live our bus this way?
You tell me i'm bu
I'm risking my bu
Still, i have nobu in return

I show you my bu
You don't see the bu
Maybe you'll leave me here to bu.
What if the rest of the world
was hopelessly drowning in bu?
Suddenly everyone cares."

.....later the end of this bubu....:grin:
Here we go with the second part (does "part" exist or is it only a creation of the big emptyness dwelling in my head??i'm a bit lost)anyway..:

"..Bu...heal me
Bu...change me
Bubu will always save me
Conviction made bubu
Bu up on misery
Turn your bu on dissent
Leave their bubu behind
Wash your hands of bubu

Do you feel you don't know bu anymore?
And do you feel i'm afraid of your bu?
And how come you don't want me bubu?
And how come my bu's not invited?
You say you want everyone bubu
Well, we're not buing.
And how come you don't bubububu?
And how come i don't bubububu?
Thirty years that we're in bu together
So open your bu! (So sad! :waah: )

People in bubu for me
Everyone bu for me
Sometimes i feel i should bubu alone
My soul bubu
It calms me to know that i won't
Conviction made bubu
Learning Bubububu
Buing bu at dissent
Leaving bubu behind
I'm bubu and content"

Edit: "don'b"
:cry: :cry: :cry: Where have I found this thread again??:cry:

Mama plays a queen on the hill built on a dream
While the children play in the bubu
Papa smokes the pipe of a sweet and better life
But how strong is the shield?
Can peace be found on the carpet above ground
Where sky is forever bu

So let it pass baby now, the slow and riding cloud
Which may take me from you

Many things a man can lose
His bu, his rights, his views
But never his heart or his love
So take this hand of mine and climb baby, climb
To the hill up above

Now you can play a queen on the hill built on a dream
While our children play in the field
I can smoke the pipe of a sweet and better life
And trust in the strength of the shield

So trust in you love, and bubu of above
And let light pass like a wheel
Don't take the chance of life's hectic dance
Kiss the strength of the shield

The seeker will be found by the looker on the ground
And to his wish he will yield

Fate will be his horse
And time will change its course
And hold the strength of the shield