Bullshit you used to believe until you wisened up?

I used to believe arguing on the internet about abortion and other political topics was worth my time ;)

Pretty much. I learned as the years went on that you're not going to change someone's opinion if they're passionate about something already. I've given up debating with almost everyone except my family about political stuff. I will argue music with anyone all day.
i used to believe in morality and human rights

now i see they are just bullshit human constructs like everything else
Humans are a human construct.

started to comment on the abortion shit junking up the thread, but just deleted it instead.

Also, I used to believe I was somehow hiding furious masturbation from my parents when I was a child.
Humans are a human construct.


lol yea therefore humans = bullshit


i don't believe in a god of any religion but i do think it's plausible that a being of higher power and intelligence created the beginnings of life and gave lifeforms the ability to create more of themselves.

doesn't mean this "god" is omnipotent or omnipresent or omniscient or that he gives a fuck about us or will grant us eternal life if we're good. dead is dead

he/she/it just got the ball rolling then let us go on our merry way. if he's even still alive he's probably toying with us like ants in a glass box of sand thinking lol look at these idiots
Did someone here actually argue that the government should be allowed to force people to have abortions...?

Anyway, here's a good one: I used to believe that listening to "Satanic" music would allow demons to possess my soul, and I was even afraid of listening to this album because of the goat on the cover:

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I used to ardently believe that the solution to all this country's problems would be to make having a high school diploma a prerequisite to the right to vote.
Enough abortion talk.

I used to believe that people in the metal community would be more open minded about stuff after spending 5+ years on a heavy metal forum
The biggest problem with illegal immigrants is that their kids are filling up all of the schools. It seems like every other public school classroom has 40+ kids in it, and it's terrible. Obviously it wouldn't be as big a problem if schools got more funding, but that's not happening.
No, instead you have LAUSD bidding for BILLION dollar contracts with Apple and Pearson, spending more than a third of that, and then scrapping the project. I still can't get over that
Illegal immigrants are not the problem, it's people like Trump hoarding all the cash and using it for power and control.

See, here's what I find interesting with Trump. What he says about the influx of poor (illegal) immigrants and its relation to destroying the middle class is entirely true, but everyone instead gets upset when he wants to build a gigantor fence or make waves to deport everyone that is brown.

One of those things will never happen, one probably won't(shouldn't) and one is happening. But no one talks about that, that's where the real discussion lies, I think.
arg sure does love "the man".
i hate the man (especially when he rips taxes out my ass and forces me to pay health insurance i don't need) but i try to work with him. so i get mad at freeloaders

The conditions one is born into have a lot to do with one's ability to earn that place.
that's the parents' fault and now the kid is shit out of luck. shouldn't have been born in the first place

See, here's what I find interesting with Trump. What he says about the influx of poor (illegal) immigrants and its relation to destroying the middle class is entirely true, but everyone instead gets upset when he wants to build a gigantor fence or make waves to deport everyone that is brown.

Trump will save America vote Trump!
He said the influx of cheap labor brings wages down and destroys the middle class. He had some good things to say in the GOP debate but the media and other worthless people in charge only talk about the easy headlines.

What he said about $ in politics was great too, but that went under the rug.
I'm in my late 20's and have lived on welfare for awile now. Atleast 4,5 years. A lot of people do.