Can Alexi Do It?


Child Of Symphony
Nov 12, 2002
I need it,
I'm gonna die
Here's the question

Can Suicide By My Side be beat? Can Sinergy make an album that tops that one? Does Alexi still have the skill to write such amazing music? Can Alexi solo like that again? That album came out around the Follow the Reaper ALEXI WAS IN THE ZONE! Now....I'm not so sure......

Also, can Lauri Porra beat Marco?! Can this new drummer match the old one?

Who knows. Maybe it'll be in drop C too and everyone will say it's like AYDY, maybe he'll keep it in D and everyone will love it, only time will tell, not anyone on here.
HateCrewDeathroll said:
I need it,
I'm gonna die
Here's the question

Can Suicide By My Side be beat? Can Sinergy make an album that tops that one? Does Alexi still have the skill to write such amazing music? Can Alexi solo like that again? That album came out around the Follow the Reaper ALEXI WAS IN THE ZONE! Now....I'm not so sure......

Also, can Lauri Porra beat Marco?! Can this new drummer match the old one?


you know this makes me think of these tv shows where they add this statement after: YOU'LL FIND OUT IN THE NEXT EPISODE OF ....
^:lol: :lol:
tottaly,when i read that I imagined to voice getting louder AND LOUDER
HateCrewDeathroll said:
My guess is no
Kim would hate the way you put your questions as she always thought that Sinergy was HER band, not Alexi's. I guess she has recognized by now that she can't do the album by hershelf, now that Alexi (& Roope) have to concentrate in COB. BTW, would you people be interested in Kimberly Goss solo album?!

I agree that Alexi's songwriting was amazing in 1999-2000. If you want more that kind of stuff you must take him to psychiatrist/hypnotist to get him back to that "zone".
<-Warheart-> said:
I thought so too, like this August or something.

yeah in august then pushed to march and here we are almost a year later and not even any updates, i really hope they come out with it, does anyone even know if they have a real website
it was gonna be august 24,2005 but then it got pushed back to march 2006, and still no album or any type of info from what i know of
The material has already been and written and recorded, this happened ages ago, but they never put it out, but it should be out soon. Also don't make it sound like it is Alexi's band because it is not, i think he writes the guitars with Roope but that's it.
I never really liked Sinergy. When you're not into guitar solos there isn't much left. Not too many riffs and melodies of their songs stayed in my head unlike CoB's music which is also interesting for non-guitarists. Sure, Kimberly has a strong voice but you won't make the big breakthru in the Metal scene with that kind of music.
Yeah I don't really like Sinergy all that much either. I like I Spit on Your Grave 'cause it sounds Bodom-ish and a few others but I mainly listen to them for the guitar work.
^ +1
but warmen is quite kewl..

i mean, not that i listen to them (i dont listen to sinergy either) but they're kewl, its the stuff, "not fitting alexis level" (some dude posted that.. i'm to lazy to search&quote)
Some of the stuff Janne plays on keys would be suitable for Bodom imo. Some of them are more pop sounding but the instrumental ones go into the Hatebreeder kinda sound.
ND24/7 said:
Haha I liked that part, interesting post BTW. :)
Thanks I thought this would be a good thread. now my voice will sloWLY BE GETTING LOUDER IN THIS POST.......WILL ALEXI BE ABLE TO DO IT? CAN HE BEAT SUICIDE BY MY SIDE????!!!!!! STAY TUNED FOR NEXT YEAR'S EPISODE OF SINERGY!!! or the year after that....or the year after that....or this question may never be answered because SINERGY IS DEAD!

someone said on this thread that the music is written and recorded. is this confirmed? Because I don't believe it is. I think they named the album and the new members, but nothing is written yet. And people are also saying that it's not Alexi's band, yes i understand that but the songs and guitarwork are amazingly brilliant, all Sinergy songs would not have been possible if it were not for Alexi, Roope, and Marco (He's the man) Now I don't doubt Lauri Porra and Roope, I know they are amazing and can definitly rip it, but Alexi's music has gotten simpler, who knows if he can even play any of those songs off Suicide By My Side anymore?

After AYDY, I said to myself, Alexi was my favorite role model, but now I'm not so sure......I'll let the new Sinergy tell me if Alexi's still got it.........and I still say that, I don't know if Alexi's still got it......Sinergy's new album will tell me.......dropped C Sinergy or straight D ROCKASS???!!! I guess we'll see.....or not.....but Sinergy has a contract, they have to make the album to honor the contract right?
id be really surprised if its in drop C... it just wouldnt work. it fitted with COB cuz they got more heavy by every album but not sinergy... alexi's music have got simpler in the whole but theres still plenty of little catchy things in AYDY that you can appreciate after listening to the cd a couple of times.

who knows if he can even play any of those songs off Suicide By My Side anymore?
of course he can you can't lose skill that fast lol. Alexi has established a reputation of being a good guitarist so now he doesn't feel like he needs to do all solos and things perfectly with COB. with COB you dont really care if the solo is perfect or not but with sinergy yes. he'll need to do that to do a good album.

whoa. what a mess