can you play any Bodom solos?

I can play all bodom songs from beginning to end and believe me it took way too much time and way too much patience hehehe but hey playing their songs taught me a few things on the style and method of the band :-)
yea, that sounded good

oh and for learning bodom's all about guitar pro. there's a bunch of CoB tabs out there for that program.
Originally posted by averagestalker
the thing about Bodom's solos that make them cool is the guitar dueling with the keyboards. from what ive read, not a whole lotta you guys seem to like it though. i think it's awesome, cause the keys are pretty similar to the guitar, and they compliment each other perfectly.

I like this too.

And grimmu, that kicked ass dude!
I can play all the solo

whit my air-guitar :grin:

I you guy have any COB song recorded, it' could be cool if there would be a fan site where you put them all. Like the COB member galley, but the COB member stuff! (i am not volonteer to be the webmaster :p )

I know it that place, so big site deal, but it would really be cool.. or maybe to shoot the song to the COB official site webmaster.. or to Zarok for Scythes of bodom

anyway, it' just an idea

Alexi kick ass :rock:
the thing about Bodom's solos that make them cool is the guitar dueling with the keyboards. from what ive read, not a whole lotta you guys seem to like it though. i think it's awesome, cause the keys are pretty similar to the guitar, and they compliment each other perfectly.

totally agree, this make the COb soing incredebly ASs KicK£r
I've only been playing guitar for about 3 months so i'm just trying to get the basic parts of some of their songs down. i can play the beginning of downfall and some other stuff, but that is all.
I can play all of Cob solo, sure people say it is difficult.. but it is not the apopriate term, i should say that "it is easy when you know how to do them". Because solo like Kissing The Shadow is very well construct and well played. Anyway, right now i'm working on Jason Becker serrena's arpeggio, i can record me playing Troll Of The Dark (Rhapsody) and i'm planning to learn Warheart, Downfall, Kissing The Shadow and maybe i'll pick one song of the new album.. i don't know right now. My band keep me quite occupied :zombie: