chat, feelings, and random discussion thread

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I had been going for electrical, nearly failed out. Wound up going with 'general engineering' and did fine with it (took mostly civil and mechanical courses, but didn't have all the req's to graduate with a civil or mechanical degree). I'm working in construction management now, specifically with the public schools in NYC. Aerospace is some good stuff, I have to say. Good luck with it all - and if you have questions, I guess you could ask me, but you might do better to hunt down MagSec (ChemE). Though, if you have a question on a MechE topic, I could try to pass it along to my gf (going for PhD in MechE at MIT).

I am now getting very bored in an English course I have to take for my studies. It is way too easy for me and even with a proof that I did an exchange year in an american high school, I have to follow this boring class. And some iternet addresses have been nlocked, so I cant go on ICQ or MSN :(
At least UM works fine :p

The teacher said she would try to make an other course for the people who think that the class is too easy. There should be an intensive course in February. But I dont think I actually need to take an English class...
It's one of the things that always pleasantly surprises me about this board. For the most part, the 'foreigners' all speak better English than I do. If you want, I'll write them a note and tell them I don't think you should need to take the course :p

Kovenant84 said:
Aerospace is some good stuff, I have to say. Good luck with it all - and if you have questions, I guess you could ask me, but you might do better to hunt down MagSec (ChemE). Though, if you have a question on a MechE topic, I could try to pass it along to my gf (going for PhD in MechE at MIT).

Thanks man :) We'll see, fluid dynamics doesnt look too promising I have to say :erk:
I'll have to work hard and regularly, but I find in myself and energy towards learning like never before, so until I spent the first weekend in only my underpants and stuff, I'll remain optimistic :p
NF: Way too warm. Damn people in the office overcompensating for a little frigging cold.

I'm busy as shit this weekend. Have to help my dad disassemble our pool (getting rid of it) on Saturday and Sunday. Tomorrow (Friday) night, I may or may not go to an alumni thing from my high school, but I don't know if any of the people I'd want to see will be there.

Then Saturday night, one of my friends (the one who was gonna be in a band with me, until we realized that even though I like singing, I fucking suck at it - he was one of my best friends in 7th & 8th grade, and into high school; we just recently started chatting and such again - my new goal is to make him like DT) has a little acoustic show nearby, and it seems it's going to turn into a full-fledged grade school class reunion.

That and my sister wants to see The Prestige on Sunday, so I'll be going to see that too. Not that I'm complaining. Scarlett's hot, Bale kicks ass, and David Bowie plays fucking Nicholas Tesla. How could you possibly go wrong?

Kovenant84 said:
It's one of the things that always pleasantly surprises me about this board. For the most part, the 'foreigners' all speak better English than I do. If you want, I'll write them a note and tell them I don't think you should need to take the course :p


If only it could work :p. I think I will write an email to the director of the section I study in.
Kovenant84 said:
Scarlett's hot...

She is not, and I'm tired of her fucking grill in every fucking Hollywood movie... I guess, if I'm not seeing the Prestige - it's because of her (I have no doubts it would kick ass, but something is holding me back... I guess it's fucking Johansson).

I'll go see BABEL instead if I ger really bored... and should be seeing SAW III on the premiere day, as previous 2.
To each his own. (And by that I mean I'll take the hot girls, you can have the hot guys. I think that's fair.)

To be truthful, the only thing that would hold me back would be Jackman. Can't stand the dude for some reason.

But yeah, just watched Saw II last night, watching Saw tonight. It was intriguing - as has been said before here, the only thing that really creeped me out was the needle pile. And having to gouge one's own eye out. I didn't like that idea too much. The rest of the deaths just seemed... anti-climactic, from what I'd been expecting. Though I've heard Saw would be worse in that regard.


EDIT: Forgot. BABEL looks like shit.
Kovenant84 said:
To each his own. (And by that I mean I'll take the hot girls, you can have the hot guys. I think that's fair.)

To be truthful, the only thing that would hold me back would be Jackman. Can't stand the dude for some reason.

I'll take hot girls AND hot guys; Jackman is ultimately talented contemporary actor, one of a few I still can stand... X-Men was the worst movie with him, still he managed to pull it off even with his character.

Sadly, he plays with abysmally hideous chicks - Jansen, that ew-ish
creature from Constantine, Johansson (in TWO movies!!!)... van Helsing was an exception, but the movie was utter crap...

And you don't want to miss Bale in "Harsh Times" - check out the trailer on

But yeah, just watched Saw II last night, watching Saw tonight. It was intriguing - as has been said before here, the only thing that really creeped me out was the needle pile. And having to gouge one's own eye out. I didn't like that idea too much. The rest of the deaths just seemed... anti-climactic, from what I'd been expecting. Though I've heard Saw would be worse in that regard.

Those traps left me untouched; I know many ppl scared of needles, but luckily I'm not one of them - shooting it will make you invulnerable to some fears ;)

//nah, I'm not using :lol: - overcame my fear or something, was terrified as a child... have some discomfort when it goes into my buttock, but maybe only cuz tehre's someone ba-haind me :heh:

EDIT: Forgot. BABEL looks like shit.

Wrong - watch 21 grams, you will be scrapping yourself off the wall after that one; make sure you watch it from beginning to the end at once... heavy shit. Babel is rather interesting from the point how everything is connected and working out in this world.

But fucking Pitt... :heh:
plintus said:
I'll take hot girls AND hot guys;

No, you can't have both, dammit!

plintus said:
Jackman is ultimately talented contemporary actor, one of a few I still can stand... X-Men was the worst movie with him, still he managed to pull it off even with his character.

Sadly, he plays with abysmally hideous chicks - Jansen, that ew-ish
creature from Constantine, Johansson (in TWO movies!!!)... van Helsing was an exception, but the movie was utter crap...

Famke used to be much better (looking and at acting), so I'll agree on that point. I won't deny that Jackman's talented, but he just grates on me for some reason.

plintus said:
And you don't want to miss Bale in "Harsh Times" - check out the trailer on

I won't miss him in anything. He's friggin brilliant. And most likely insane.

plintus said:
Those traps left me untouched; I know many ppl scared of needles, but luckily I'm not one of them - shooting it will make you invulnerable to some fears ;)

//nah, I'm not using :lol: - overcame my fear or something, was terrified as a child... have some discomfort when it goes into my buttock, but maybe only cuz tehre's someone ba-haind me :heh:

Huh, I would have figured that would have been a reason for you to enjoy it more. :p

But yeah, I don't mind needles themselves, I just don't like dicomfort of any kind. Yes, I'm a whiny little bitch about the slightest pain, I'll admit it. But yeah, watched Saw last night. Meh. Wasn't really scary at all. The traps seemed too easy, or not scary enough. I still think that the most torturous one for me would have been the beginning of Saw II. I can touch my own eyeballs no problem, but weilding a scalpel on your own eye (Saw II) is way different from using it on someone else's stomach (Saw).

plintus said:
Wrong - watch 21 grams, you will be scrapping yourself off the wall after that one; make sure you watch it from beginning to the end at once... heavy shit. Babel is rather interesting from the point how everything is connected and working out in this world.

But fucking Pitt... :heh:

Haha, he looks so fucking old in that movie. But I don't mind the premise of 'everything is interconnected'. In fact, it appeals to me. It just looks like it was done pretty badly. Maybe it's just the trailers, but I walk away from them with no will to see the movie whatsoever.

On the topic of movies (and webcomics) I'm generally in agreement with Joe, here:

Good source for movie reviews and funny.

Kovenant84 said:
No, you can't have both, dammit!

You'll see - I can :heh:

I won't miss him [Bale] in anything. He's friggin brilliant. And most likely insane.

You've got to see Harsh Times - he's over the top in tere, as seems from teh trailer.

Haha, he looks so fucking old in that movie. But I don't mind the premise of 'everything is interconnected'. In fact, it appeals to me. It just looks like it was done pretty badly. Maybe it's just the trailers, but I walk away from them with no will to see the movie whatsoever.

Actually, that was one of the best trailers I've seen in months (and I watch almost all of them). Smokin' Aces looks rather lively, too :D I loved the teaser more, though - "from the director of Brigitte Jones Diary" or something... =)
I don't have sound at work, so I'll have to check Harsh Times when I get home.

Speaking of trailers, though, I found it hysterical that my gf thought Children of Men was more of a Utopian movie than an Apocalyptic one, hehe. (She hates kids. In general. We plan on having puppies instead. And no, plintus, that doesn't mean what you think it does.)

Lil' Bloodred Ridin' Hood said:
¿Por qué debería de estarlo :p ? Mas bien me alegra que gente "vieja" :p esté posteando de nuevo . Jaja y hablas español mexicano, como lo odio. ¿Donde aprendiste a hablarlo?

Uhhmmm... since I'm spanish and I currently live in Spain... it was kinda easy learning spanish. The classy point is being spanish and speaking mexican, I'm really skilled at this language!!! :p

Kovenant84 said:
I don't have sound at work, so I'll have to check Harsh Times when I get home.

Speaking of trailers, though, I found it hysterical that my gf thought Children of Men was more of a Utopian movie than an Apocalyptic one, hehe. (She hates kids. In general. We plan on having puppies instead. And no, plintus, that doesn't mean what you think it does.)


But hold on: if you are a boi, and she is a girl - how can you have puppies? Oh yeah, and they grow, you know :heh:

Kids are awesome, too bad I'm like 16 at the time :Smug:
Kovenant84 said:
NF: Way too warm. Damn people in the office overcompensating for a little frigging cold.

ouch..i second that. this week on the bus, in classrooms and lab i was on the verge of heat shock.
what evil mind can ever think a place crammed full of people, or a small room with autoclaves and bunsen thingies going would need a heating supply made for siberian worst winters? :zombie: i found myself longing for the pleasant wiff of fresh air coming out of the thermostats (25°C +) every time i opened them.

NF: apart from that i feel quite like the other forum members above about uni, finally this year i'm doing very interesting things, but i wonder how the hell i'm going to remember all that o_O :p
Hiljainen: What do you study?

Here at the university, the air conditioning is still running, and it is too cold inside the auditoriums. And it is getting colder outside too...

I went downtown today, because I had to buy a new coat, and it is starting to feel like winter now. Somehow there was a sort of Christmas-like feeling, because the chrsitmas decorations are already appearing in stores, and it is the fair here so there are some caravans selling candies in the streets, like some you can find on Christmas markets.
i wish! :p i study biology, this year we finally got to choose the field we're more interested in, human biology for me :) at the moment i have courses about anatomy, genetics, physiology, etc. i'm excited about it, even though after a mere morning of classes my neurons (the ones that usually scream and jump around) get close to frying :p

@DS: here it's weird, we have a classroom which is very small (it barely holds us: about 40 people) and freaking hot of course, then another one that slowly leads you to sleep, dark and cold as it is :ill:
outside it's weird too, i'm firmly convinced that the colder moment is at 10am, when i have to run across the town for classes, all misty and sleep inducing. then, for example, yesterday afternoon i was fine with a t shirt. :err: i hope for a normal weather and less smilies in my posts.
|ngenius said:
Uh, did I make up the expression? :lol: Well, even when I'm reluctant to label her as "my gf" (yet)... I'm sure she would appreciate the good vibe in our rock. :)

So glad to see you, my beautiful tailed friend, my ICQ (and recently my MSN) went down and haven't figured out what's wrong with them, so... no chance to get you online for me :cry:
Haha, yes you did. ;)
I hope she gets upgraded soon, which also means i hope she's good enough to get the label!

I never use ICQ anymore, so you should try working out something on MSN, i miss talking to you.. Try checking your pc for viruses, and maybe updating your MSN, sometimes it doesn't let you use it unless you upgrade.. shitty MS stuff.
Hey, thinking about it.. i hope your gf is not like MSN and she will let you "use" her before you "upgrade" her. :p
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