chat, feelings, and random discussion thread

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Man, we're losing you to a card game? That's lame.

~kov. (Wait... did I just start playing WoW again?... Nooooooooooooooo!)

EDIT: (Is anyone else still playing? If I wanted to make a new char to find you guys, what server would I go to?)
We were at the Spinebreaker (Wolfman is still there I think ;) ), but I'm not coming back till Crusade is released. Still hope to get a Collectors' Edition :S

And that TCG... man, if it was invented before chess, no one would ever mention them! (Rather arrogant, but sonewhat tr00). As everything in the world of capitalism, requires sufficient funds and time resource... I've got my first set of cards for free in 1998 (and there were HUNDREDS of them), but lost my appetite when everything started to be about how much $$$ you'd put into it... and I didn't have much dough back in the day, so I quickly lost interest.

An interesting feature: you can get all-paper cards as soon as you complete set (one of each). Yet, I'm still weighing my financial abilities towards this madness...
I was being sarcastic. I got my first two decks in 1995. Stopped in '98 or '99, I forget exactly when.

And I think I remember Spinebreaker now. I may make a new char there. Or a hoardie, and hunt down the wolfman :)

WoW have new card game, too :heh:

I'm kinda overwhelmed by all these new techniques and technicalities, ugh... btw, new set was released today - that's some timing, I mussay :kickass:
Haha well, I used to play the Pokemon TCG :) . It was really cool, I miss playing it a lot at times.

But fuck yes, those damn booster packs are reaally expensive heheee :cry: :erk: .

On anothr subject, a former Japanese professor passed away today, I feel really sad, for he was a very kind lad :cry: .

Damn it... .

I send my deepest regards to his family and close friends.

Sensei, anata wa itsumo watashitachi no kokoro de sunde imasu!!!
Lil' Bloodred Ridin' Hood said:
My advise is that, if you feel that at one point you physically desire her a lot, go and masturbate. Seriously, it helps a lot, and i tell it to you 'cause I know hehe.

It especially helps her. You, in the long run not so much. ;)
Lil' Bloodred Ridin' Hood said:
My advise is that, if you feel that at one point you physically desire her a lot, go and masturbate...

...right on her face!!!


It works.
I talked with a prof today, rather by accident actually, and he told me if I really wanted to go into airplane engineering and turbines in particular, I should change my Uni next summer, after my Vordiplom. It seems there are a few universities where you can specialise on turbine engineering, like Aachen for example, where they have an entire building just for those. Older models, for sure, but still. I so hope I'll be accepted, it's gonna the most awesomest thing ever!!
Kovenant84 said:
Hey, awesome, Tail! I hope you get in as well. Sounds like a ton of awesome.

And plintus... um, dunno if you read the other posts, but that was kinda what we were trying to avoid...


Man, I see word "masturbate", and I can't help but make a reasonable comment about it. They go in pairs:

masturbate - face
masturbate - turbine
masturbate - :worship:
masturbate - masturbate (which can cause another Big-Kaboom!!! but still)
masturbate - puppies

and so on.
On a more serious note - this winter time change fucked me over badly: I have hard time adjusting, like after 14 hour flight and jetlag.
i am getting quite stressed with my studies... I know it is only the second week, but yet, it is difficult for me to take good notes during the courses because the professors speak too fast (i remember the ideao of what they said in French, but like 2 seconds after they finish a sentende, I have already forgotten the words in German...)

And there is a course that I dont like very much (some geological map-making)... And I dont understand anything in that class. I think the profesor shoud make a new paper explaining exactly how to make those damned maps instead of explaining what is what and just show that really fast during the lesson... it would be easier if I had a precice description of how to make that.

I am even wondering if i can do something at the university or if i'd better go to a smaller college (what we call here High School). it is like a university but smaller, with smaller classes and more exercices than theoretical classes. It would be easier since my motherlanguage is not German...

And why do we have to make the bachelor thing before we can do the master? things we can do after those 3 years of basic learning in something sounds way more interesting...

And now i still have 5 years to study... I realise I wish it was not so long, I would like to start working...
D_S: Don´t fret :D
Especially for the introductory courses at the beginning, usually all material is available in books, because it´s basic stuff that they start the teaching with, nothing that any other professor wouldn´t know, too. Also many books which are used are translations from English, which means, you can get the English version first, for example Press/Siever: Understanding Earth or "Earth" as the old title. In German it´s named "Allgemeine Geologie" (of course you might have other books, it´s just an example).

Is there anything like a "Fachschaft" for Geology at your university? Usually those have previous "Skripte" from the years before, and they might be able to help you with finding out what mind-set this certain professor has and where you´ll find more info about what he´s teaching. Also there should be somewhere the old exams-questions so you can see what you can expect.

About the note-taking, do you try to write down more or less full sentences? Because that gets everyone to lag, I guess the only thing that works is to just write the main points and words, draw lots of graphics for explanation, like just an arrow for "this leads to that" etc, and focus on listening and understanding. As I said, most stuff of the first years can also be found in books, the classes are there to give you overviews of concepts and theories, and to get you to to work on your own papers and presentations and to teach you the methods.

For the course on map-making, maybe the professor intends to teach several things at once, not just how to map, but also theory of maps in general, and theory of geology. And I´m sure, on all that you´ll find books, too :D so you can read it in peace and prepare :cool:
I have the "allgemeine Geologie" book. Actually it is pretty good, and contains things for several classes. Wich means that for some of the classes I dont need to take very good notes because it is all in that book. I just have to find where in the book, because the classes dont always follow the order of the chapters in the book. For the course "map.making", the professor gave us the title of a book, but I dont have any money for the moment. i will have to wait before I can order it, nut I think I should better do so when I have the money.

In French, I have always taken notes in full sentences, even during the half-year i did in a belgian university. That was no problem. But I guess that now, I have to change that and only write keywords...

I dont know if there is a "Fachschaft"... There is some kind of student asociation I heard of, but I dont know who is in it or where they usually meet. But each "Fachbereich" has its own homepage, and there the professors can upload the "skripte". All the professors who have made one put them there. Only that for the map thing, one of the 2 links is dead. And I dont have a USB key to take it directly from the computer of the prof. (but I will buy one soon, when i have money).
But on this there is a forum about the faculty of geology in bremen, where more advanced students also hang out, so i could maybe ask for help there!

I know that i will have exams in december, january and february... hope i will do better till then.
Dark_Silence said:
I have the "allgemeine Geologie" book. Actually it is pretty good, and contains things for several classes. Wich means that for some of the classes I dont need to take very good notes because it is all in that book. I just have to find where in the book, because the classes dont always follow the order of the chapters in the book.

hey, I like that book, too, I think it´s pretty well organized :)

About the other books you possibly need, maybe you´ll find them at the library? At least at my uni there are always two types of libraries, one for the whole uni, and then a specific one for each subject, which has more detailed stuff. And the "Fachschaft", yes, that´s a term not known in all German countries, because universities are organized differently in each one, there are not exactly the same laws in for example Hamburg and Bavaria, so it might be that it´s called by another term, but I guess some_kind of student group might be there to ask, or maybe a secretary or someone could point you towards advanced students who help tutoring, too. The web-thing is a good idea, too.

All in all, I think you would just need a little time to get the hang of it all, and most doesn´t seem to be because of a different new country, but beginner´s worries in general.
But one thing I noticed, I went as a visitor to a Belgian school (Lyzee) twice, once in the German-speaking and once in the French-speaking part, for a school-exchange. That´s not much experience, but maybe a bit, and I think the difference is that Germany is more used to tons of discussions and very independently working students/pupils, while the Belgian/French system is more into pupils not questioning the teachers, and many things you need to know for learning (also the methods or books) are given, while here you often need to find all that by yourself, like you get assigned a topic and are expected to dig out the relevant books by yourself, because they think finding and identifying the main stuff is part of the task.

Also for example, what you mentioned, that the classes don´t follow the book in its order, that illustrates what I mean with that you have to make your learning independent, and have to get your information from many sources. It might also be that one course refers to singular chapters out of different books or papers, because professors will adapt stuff the way they think it´s correct to teach it, and depending on where they want to make emphasizes.

I don´t know of course if my experience could be generalized, and it was very briefly; I just mean to say that maybe it´s mostly a normal beginner´s trouble, and a bit also from different mentalities, both of which you can learn to deal with, so studying should become much nicer in a few weeks and months. Good luck for your exams! And try to find previous ones, so you´ll have an idea of the wording and the way the questions are posed.
Yeah, so it seems like two of my classmates won the WoW costume contest Blizzard was holding. (The warlock/succubus combo.) Rather interesting. Makes me wish I had tried something...

~kov. (plus, my gf would make a way hotter succubus...)
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