chat, feelings, and random discussion thread

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fireangel: thanks for the advice!
Did you study Geology?

You are right, usually when I was in school in belgium, the teacher always gave pretty much everything we needed for homework, and not so much questions from the pupils. Even at the university, all the "skripte" where already printed out and you just had to buy them in the Uni's library. And the exercices paper were given by the Professor during the class.

And I dont have friends now, so thats not making things easy either. I have spoken to people, but not to the point of becoming friends. Only small talk :(
Dark_Silence said:
fireangel: thanks for the advice!
Did you study Geology?

No, I study Geography, and Geomorphology is a part of it. That´s why I had beginner´s stuff in Geology, too, like that book. But I´m not into the chemistry- and math-stuff, so I don´t go into rock- or soil-science.

You are right, usually when I was in school in belgium, the teacher always gave pretty much everything we needed for homework, and not so much questions from the pupils. Even at the university, all the "skripte" where already printed out and you just had to buy them in the Uni's library. And the exercices paper were given by the Professor during the class.

Glad to know I made the right assumptions :D
So I guess it´s a matter of different systems, and you just have to see how this one works, then it doesn´t look so problematic anymore. In most cases, I have to say, it´s you on your own, you have to go out and ask people for information, or look at many books and decide by yourself which would be useful to borrow or buy. In some cases, there is the "Fachschaft", the student body, which organizes introductory events for beginners, tells you about the reading lists, gives you an overview on the recommended semester plans or such.

One of the most important things for starters would be to know how the libraries are organized (because no-one can buy all the books and magazines, and often really there is no need, if you only need a chapter, or the books are not good, or you just have to read something for a certain course in them); and also to know the IT-resources, or in your case probably also the labs.

I can understand it´s hard if you don´t know many people, but that´s the case for most of them, so just try ;) They don´t need to become your best friends; colleagues is alright, just that you can discuss with them about study subjects would be enough for the beginning, and many you´ll meet often during the next semesters.

I have an amendment to my note-taking point above, for example you wouldn´t need to write: "Let me introduce three main theories in tectonics", it could be shorter just: "3 theories in tectonics", then you´ll go 1., 2., 3., and then add information to each point as the lecture continues. For speaking or writing a book you need full sentences, but half of the words are not necessary if you later look at your notes for reviewing; you just need the content ;)

Have fun :D
thanks. I will try! Tomorrow i have a 3,5 hours "Praktikum" in physics... , plus 2 hours of physics exercices and 2 hours of chemistry.
Its going to be a long day...
I like chemistry, but I havent done any physics in a while so i need to remeber all what I've learnt before.
Kovenant84 said:
Been reading through some of the beta review for Burning Crusade. So good I almost cried. Especially the lore.

I'm back in. For good.

I'm reconsidering getting back in after I started with M:tG... they have tournaments/leagues for a new expansion starting today :kickass:

which means: you spend REAL money on random VIRTUAL cards, make a deck out of that (do your best) and play for a month, at least 5 games a week (which counts 2 points for win, 1 for loss), the rest of the games per week are a tie-breaker score.

You can add boosters every next week - 1 per week.

At the end of the league (which consists from up to 256 players) score is calculated and everyone gets free boosters!!!! :Smokin: Which can be used anywhere. 48 for the first spot, first rated amonng top 50% get at least one... hmmm. Oh yeah, cards are virtual, but when you collect the full set - you can order it as a hard copy (virtual cards will eb removed from your account). Cards are really nice pieces of art... John Avon's were my favourite =)

Kinda attractive, since casual play has players who constructed kick-ass decks after spending some serious money on those, and you just can't win... you can't :D (you can still get killed on the first turn, which didn't happen since Black Lotus - Channel smth and Fireball combo ages ago - I got fucking smashed on my first day). Having no money for ALL THAT and wanting to have fun - I'm in a league today, I think.

I think of it as chess - brain is involved quite some time against sophisticated players... rules are quite something, too.

Well, I'm officially in love... and am a nerd.
Haha, well good luck with that.

Me, I'm just itching for the xpac now. I'll probably roll up a could of BElf's just to see the flavor and lore, but as a whole, I'm not really interested in them.

I'm gonna try to be more sane this time around - I don't wanna go blowing my whole winter break leveling from 20 to 60.

If anyone does join me on Destro, I'm up for making alts anytime, :p

@plintus: I feel your nerdy love for M:tG. The art is often awesome, the "themes" for the sets fascinating, and it is a bit like chess, as cliché as this may sound.

The only thing that's holding me back is the cost, since I'm not swimming in money and I have important life-altering expenses ahead (gender reassignm... I mean, refurnishing :rolleyes: ). I wish they would market a product that allows the player to browse and use - maybe not in tournaments, but just for shits and giggles - the whole library of released sets and gets updated regularly. They could make it multiplayer, or you-against-the-AI only. I'd pay for it once, I just don't want to commit to a subscription or a race to keep up. Still, I look at the sortable spoiler lists every time a new set is out.
rahvin said:
I have important life-altering expenses ahead (gender reassignm... I mean, refurnishing :rolleyes: )

Give me a bell if you feel like. I've turned into quite the expert (that is, on gender reassignment) and will gladly help you to save some €€€. are you moving to your grandpa's place? or just being forced by your parents to buy them new stuff? :lol:
rahvin said:
@plintus: I feel your nerdy love for M:tG. The art is often awesome, the "themes" for the sets fascinating, and it is a bit like chess, as cliché as this may sound.

The only thing that's holding me back is the cost, since I'm not swimming in money and I have important life-altering expenses ahead (gender reassignm... I mean, refurnishing :rolleyes: ). I wish they would market a product that allows the player to browse and use - maybe not in tournaments, but just for shits and giggles - the whole library of released sets and gets updated regularly. They could make it multiplayer, or you-against-the-AI only. I'd pay for it once, I just don't want to commit to a subscription or a race to keep up. Still, I look at the sortable spoiler lists every time a new set is out.

Actually, there were a few programs out there where you could play against AI: rather ancient M:tG and recent Battlegrounds, but it didn't have all the cards and stuff.

There's also some kind of soft (Apprentice? Look up M:tG in wikipedia, it's there), which allows you to test decks - you get the cards from most of the sets (all, I think, didn't try), can construct a deck and test it.

The worst part about M:tG isn't the recurring monthly fee (there's no any per se), but this urge to get new cards all the time :)... well, you can get free stuff playing in Leagues, but participation is about $20-$30 a month (which looks like a subscription fee, but totally voluntarily). Thing is - you can buy extra tuff every following week (one booster at $3.99), but you don't have to if you got lucky...

Plus, you can play for free: you get the client from their server and can use Free Trial feature - it has basic decks, but fun nonetheless :)

I started my league yesterday... the choice of cards sucked, or is it me? Plus, I got disconnected from the server in the middle of the last part of the game (last game out of 3, looked like I was losing), and was having connection problems all night (not with ISP, but Magic's server).

I haven't been into it for years, but it's like sex - you don't forget how to, and you always like it... well, most of time :Smug:
plintus said:
Actually, there were a few programs out there where you could play against AI: rather ancient M:tG and recent Battlegrounds, but it didn't have all the cards and stuff.

I used to own the M:tG Encyclopaedia (I'm not proud of it, ok? :mad: ), which happened to at least provide digital images for the cards and some basic deck-building features, but they discontinued it soon enough. It's 3-4 year old now.

There's also some kind of soft (Apprentice? Look up M:tG in wikipedia, it's there), which allows you to test decks - you get the cards from most of the sets (all, I think, didn't try), can construct a deck and test it.

Sounds cool, I'll look it up.

The worst part about M:tG isn't the recurring monthly fee (there's no any per se), but this urge to get new cards all the time :)...

Oh, boy. I've got such an obsessive/compulsive mind I could become an instant collector of just about anything you could put a total number on. I absolutely don't need to add an addiction to M:tG to my list of money/time sinks. Plus I'd be a crappy player and wouldn't win anything, ever. Not to mention that if I happen to hint at some further form of on line entertainment in the presence of my girlfriend, she's likely to rearrange my room and my facial features faster than you can say "Sengir Vampire".

I haven't been into it for years, but it's like sex - you don't forget how to, and you always like it... well, most of time :Smug:

This I have noticed: my interest towards the game got renewed recently, because I really think the card art for the new set is awesome and so I'm spending a little more time than usual wondering about playing. Then again, the Internet has all the pwetty images I could ever want, so I'll stop at the "Apprentice" level, if there is such a thing.
^And that's how alcoholism starts, my dear kids. :)


edit: awwww, the above signature finally says it as it is: i'm an animal! :cool:
Yes, you really are, my sweetest, and that the source be the Encyclopaedia of Benevolent Knowledge? Who cares! Alcoholism is a great thing, if you can keep your dose at 2 beers a day. The works done, nice weekend to all brothers and sisters.
The very thought of alcoholic beverages and consuming them brings me an instant headache :erk: I had a drinking problem when 12-pack of Heineken (almost 4 liters) a day wasn't a problem for me :lol: , but I guess I'm paying the price now - a bottle of beer will kill me at once, and next morning will be even more miserable (a galss of champaigne last Saturday wasted my weekend).

So - good luck with your alcoholism. S. :kickass:
And I dont have friends now, so thats not making things easy either. I have spoken to people, but not to the point of becoming friends. Only small talk :(

Its going to be a long day...
I like chemistry, but I havent done any physics in a while so i need to remeber all what I've learnt before.

it will get better :) when i started uni i didn't know anyone, i threw my shyness to the wind, after a while i got to know some people better, found out there wasn't just small talk with them, and now they're still here :)

about physics, i didn't have the language problems, but i had never done physics, nor maths nor chemistry, which are base courses of what i study, before getting to uni, but it's going well anyway, even if with a bit of delay...really, you shouldn't worry too much too soon :)
thanks for al the cheers! I hope it will get better.
I have tons of work to do for uni today. I should better get started with it instead of staying in front of the computer :lol:
thanks for al the cheers! I hope it will get better.
I have tons of work to do for uni today. I should better get started with it instead of staying in front of the computer :lol:

That's two of us, I have to do a project aobtu Canada with some classmates (YUK GROUO WORK :puke: ). I have to write about "social beliefs, tradiations and dialectal differences." I alrady have the last one, but I am still missing the 1st and the 2nd.

Care to help Kat, Mart other Canadian citizens of the phorum? :p

And yes, the phorum was changed last Friday, it seems a bit funny with all those lines that weren't before, but I guess 'tis a matter of getting used to it. And WTF is that multi-quote thing :lol: ? :lol: :erk: :rolleyes:

On another topic, my parents are once again getting of my nerves. Fucking shit I don't know what's their problem... why do my parents don't understand that people sleep in on Sundays?!? Adn it was only till 10:30 :rolleyes: :erk: :ill: :mad: :mad: :mad: .

On another topic, my parents are once again getting of my nerves. Fucking shit I don't know what's their problem... why do my parents don't understand that people sleep in on Sundays?!? Adn it was only till 10:30 :rolleyes: :erk: :ill: :mad: :mad: :mad: .


What? they woke you up at 10:30? :(
i have known something worse: one day my brother had to got to school, but i didnt have to. At like, 7:30 am he started to play the guitar really loud and that woke me up :mad: :mad:
I got up at 10:00, but I went to bed at 11:00 last night. I was so tired after travelling the whole day... Away from 8:44 am til 9:00 pm!
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