chat, feelings, and random discussion thread

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@hilj: well, you can blame me. i've been advocating the abolition of winter for years on end and i'm finally succeeding. hearing complaints from everyone else makes me wonder if i am in fact cold-blooded or if it is just that everyone else does not know how to enjoy an indian summer. :p
|ngenius said:
Uhhmmm... since I'm spanish and I currently live in Spain... it was kinda easy learning spanish. The classy point is being spanish and speaking mexican, I'm really skilled at this language!!! :p


Hahah well obviously. I didn't know because yer location says something else hehe. I'll be in Spain on Decembere (well for 1 day hehe) and maybe a bit more on January. Maybe we could meet at some point? :) :headbang: :kickass:

I justr came today from my trip to Limón (ón ), quite a nice place, I really liked the people over there, they were very friendly.

Though it's really sad, because that province is the most forgotten one of the country. The worst part is that every import that comes into the country enters through Limón, so the place should be a lot better, but due to corruption and lack of general interest from the government have made that place a really poor one.

It's funny because you don't really notice that 'tis poor, but I had to interview some people (because I was studying the Mekatelyu dialect ), and thta's when you notice how bad things are.

I felt really sad for them, and everything they say is tru, they should be doing MUCH better.
I'm feeling great, I am back from Cuba ! I had a great time :D I'll update my Flickr page sometimes tonight or tomorrow...
Just got back from seeing emperor in the London :D

Holy shit!

What an experience. they've really got their shit together on this set they're doing for us, and not to mention they've loosened up a bit and seem to be enjoying themselves a little more (less grim than usual).

Was totally class though. Our bus left at 8.00am the morning after the gig and we had no hotel, so we just went to bars and then slept rough in the city. Then spent three hours wandering the city randomly stumbeling upon awesome landmarks. Was a reet adventure.
NF: Hands in pain. Disassembled a pool yesterday. Fun... with blisters.

I'm at work right now (I know, on a Sunday :blech:), but thank the gods for daylight savings time.

Got back in at 2:30 (now 1:30! yay! more sleep!) last night after being designated driver for my friend after his show. It went fucking awesome though. He's got a good sound, and he does a good live show. Fucked around with people by switching into "Sexy Back" halfway through one of his songs. Aside from that, it was a pretty straight show. (Plug: That and he pulled an awesome body throw on a drunk dude that tried to jump the bar and get the chick pouring drinks. Which of course won him big with the girl. I have a feeling he'll be going back there...

It was cool, though, because I got to meet up with a bunch of friend from the neighborhood that I haven't seen in quite some time. What I really didn't need, though, was the girl I had a crush on for 5 years hanging all over me drunk all night, with her boyfriend standing 10 feet away. Awwwkwwward.....

King Chaos said:
Just got back from seeing emperor in the London :D

*curses* :cry:

Maybe we could meet when I go to London?

Kovenant84 said:
It was cool, though, because I got to meet up with a bunch of friend from the neighborhood that I haven't seen in quite some time. What I really didn't need, though, was the girl I had a crush on for 5 years hanging all over me drunk all night, with her boyfriend standing 10 feet away. Awwwkwwward.....

:lol: poor you. I hate when that happens hehe. What did ye do?

Sra.Murphy said:
I'm feeling great, I am back from Cuba ! I had a great time I'll update my Flickr page sometimes tonight or tomorrow...

¡Bienvenida de vuelta! How was your Spanish hehe?
nf: eh well. last night, upon finally being able to drink, of course i couldn't relax and it was no fun. now i'm really alcohol-happy, but no, tomorrow i have to go to work, so moderation is in order.

oh, and i've come to the conclusion that i'm not too distant from having the perfect body. which poses in new terms the age-old question, yes.
Lil' Bloodred Ridin' Hood said:
:lol: poor you. I hate when that happens hehe. What did ye do?

Haha, yeah, I know, poor me. Well, the problem was that she's still pretty cute, but alas I have a gf. So I was just trying to be nice without any kind of leading on, and glad that I was still stone sober (as I said, I was driving), because if I was drunk I would have said something stupid. I have no idea what, but the bf probably wouldn't have liked me. I just felt really bad for the dude, cause she spent about 5 minutes talking to him the whole time they were there, and he didn't talk to any of us. I also don't think he liked coming out of the bathroom, seeing me holding her by the shoulders (she had the hiccups, and I had tried my patented 'scare the shit out of them with a loud noise' method of curing it - she almost fell over and I had to catch her). She explained what happened, and the dude seemed cool enough. But I'm chalking the whole thing up to her being pretty drunk (trust me, there was more said - out of earshot of her bf - that made me think that she wasn't in total control of what she was saying). Because I really don't want to think about the alternative.

Kovenant84 said:
Haha, yeah, I know, poor me. Well, the problem was that she's still pretty cute, but alas I have a gf. So I was just trying to be nice without any kind of leading on, and glad that I was still stone sober (as I said, I was driving), because if I was drunk I would have said something stupid. I have no idea what, but the bf probably wouldn't have liked me. I just felt really bad for the dude, cause she spent about 5 minutes talking to him the whole time they were there, and he didn't talk to any of us. I also don't think he liked coming out of the bathroom, seeing me holding her by the shoulders (she had the hiccups, and I had tried my patented 'scare the shit out of them with a loud noise' method of curing it - she almost fell over and I had to catch her). She explained what happened, and the dude seemed cool enough. But I'm chalking the whole thing up to her being pretty drunk (trust me, there was more said - out of earshot of her bf - that made me think that she wasn't in total control of what she was saying). Because I really don't want to think about the alternative.


Ahhh crap. The guy should leave her gf, she doesn't seem like a very nice person. So you couldn't hear what the girl said to his bf? Pity hehe.

Sometihng like this is happening recently to me, a girl @ die Uni has been kinda of hitting on me, because recently she has been eager to have conversations with me about sexual-related stuff, she has become a lot more friendly than usual, and has been consatantly asking me like what, every week if I'm still with beautiful Mrs.Gigi (which I still am and don't plan to leave, ever). IMO it's quite slutty on her part considering that I soen the whole 1sr year @ die Uni hitting on her, but NOW she comes to me. Fucking slut I hope she stops doing this to me, 'tis becoming rather irritating.

Guy who lives far from London said:
Perhaps, although london is 300 miles from where I live and takes many an hour by bus and costs many a gold coin. If there's a gig going going on I'll defo make the effort though.

:cry: Ah buuu ok no problem hehe :p :rolleyes: . Where do exactly do you live?
Lil' Bloodred Ridin' Hood said:
IMO it's quite slutty on her part considering that I soen the whole 1sr year @ die Uni hitting on her, but NOW she comes to me.

Wait, so either changing her mind about you or wanting to date you when you have a girlfriend makes her a slut? I don't follow you: what part of her about face is inappropriate? (I might have missed it, just trying to understand).
^ Precisely, tohugh maybe slut isn't the appropriate word, 'tis more like bitch.

Anyway, the message I was trying to convey was that it makes me mad because she's really pretty (hence me hitting on her on 1st year), but IMO she's only hitting on me because I cannot be with her. Ye know, because of Mrs.Gigi?

Well, the girl of the uni (Laura) can go and masturbate herslef for all I care :rolleyes: .
rahvin said:
Allright, she's just a tease, possibly interested in trying to make you reach a breaking point. The name doesn't bode well either, in my personal experience. ;)

Yeah, I was about to say the same. :lol: The only reason why I'm not caught by sudden panic (or sneezing) fits every time I meet someone called Laura is the eponymous Flogging Molly tune. However, there is a price to pay, and for every song that saves me from annoyance at a name there is another one that produces the opposite effect. The current bane of my existence is called Gianna, and as you will probably know there is a popular Italian song from the 80s that insists on letting me know that she never misses an occasion to make love. :Smug:
rahvin said:
Allright, she's just a tease, possibly interested in trying to make you reach a breaking point. The name doesn't bode well either, in my personal experience. ;)

Haha ok thanx for the advise :) . Hehe how come :p ?

hyena said:
Yeah, I was about to say the same. The only reason why I'm not caught by sudden panic (or sneezing) fits every time I meet someone called Laura is the eponymous Flogging Molly tune. However, there is a price to pay, and for every song that saves me from annoyance at a name there is another one that produces the opposite effect. The current bane of my existence is called Gianna, and as you will probably know there is a popular Italian song from the 80s that insists on letting me know that she never misses an occasion to make love.

Hahaha :lol: . (Btw, my plans of the trip to Europe are nearly finished, I'll PM soon to see when we can meet :) . And maybe I could see your new flat :rolleyes: ).



I would like to thank everyone who made this possibele, my lads here @ DT phorum especially, I wouldn't be here without!!! Thanx a lot for everything, the support and advise and for making me a better metal-head!!! Prepare yerself for another 1000 more posts full of excessive smileys!!! ( :rolleyes: :lol: -there we go again :p - . Oh noes it's/they're unstopable!!! :p *2000).

Just because I love ye all guys, I would put less than 12 smileys on this post, and will continue like that for the next 10 ones.

You're welome :p .

Lil' Bloodred Ridin' Hood said:
Ahhh crap. The guy should leave her gf, she doesn't seem like a very nice person. So you couldn't hear what the girl said to his bf? Pity hehe.

Ok, here's the thing. I must have mischaracterized her a bit. She's actually one of the nicest people I know. I felt bad for the dude, because basically, it was a mini-reunion of a bunch of old friends from grade school. We all hadn't seen each other in about 5 years, and back in the day, we'd been the best of friends. So I just felt bad from the get-go because he was so obviously out of the loop. The thing that irked me, though, was that things between me and her have always been this way. Whenever we hang out, there's this weird tension that I can't friggin explain. I mean, we used to hang out back in the day, but nothing ever happened between us, but there was always a connection. I just don't want it to be that now that I'm back in town, and my gf is so far away, that this weird tension thing comes back into play. I wouldn't (sober) act on it, but it's distracting as hell, and really agitating. And no, I couldnt' hear what she was saying to him, not that I really wanted to.

Kovenant84 said:
Ok, here's the thing. I must have mischaracterized her a bit. She's actually one of the nicest people I know. I felt bad for the dude, because basically, it was a mini-reunion of a bunch of old friends from grade school. We all hadn't seen each other in about 5 years, and back in the day, we'd been the best of friends. So I just felt bad from the get-go because he was so obviously out of the loop. The thing that irked me, though, was that things between me and her have always been this way. Whenever we hang out, there's this weird tension that I can't friggin explain. I mean, we used to hang out back in the day, but nothing ever happened between us, but there was always a connection. I just don't want it to be that now that I'm back in town, and my gf is so far away, that this weird tension thing comes back into play. I wouldn't (sober) act on it, but it's distracting as hell, and really agitating. And no, I couldnt' hear what she was saying to him, not that I really wanted to.


Sexual tension you mean :p ? Well, in case you didn't know (or didn't want to admit it), you basically had/have? sexual/physical attraction towards each other, but nothing else, only physical. And that really sucks.

Ah ok now I understand about the other guy! Haha poor la, I know how that is, it reminds me of one time when me and me girl went out, and she found some former classmates on Sand (teh -and only LOL- metal bar in CR :rolleyes: , and they listened to regeton, YUK!), and she just started talking to them, and boy, did I felt like WTF I'm doing here or what? Heheh how sad. And she was so excited that she met them again that she even forgot to introduce me at first! Well for the 1st minute LOL :lol: .

Oh, and hopefully you on't meet that girl anytime soon, those kinda of relationships can bring lots of trouble.

My advise is that, if you feel that at one point you physically desire her a lot, go and masturbate. Seriously, it helps a lot, and i tell it to you 'cause I know hehe.
Haha, trust me, it's not that bad. It's just kinda awkward after about 20 mins. When we realize that we've been talking to just each other and ignoring the rest of the group, including her bf, and then we both start feeling conscious bout it. That's the funny thing about it. It started as something completely non-physical. But yeah, I'm planning on staying away for a while. I'm assuming the vast majority of it was that at the time, she was really drunk, and I had a couple of beers in me (drove my friend home about 4 hours later, as he was getting free drinks). So I think in a less inebriated situation, things would be more normal. I have no intentions of slighting my current relationship, let me just be clear on that point, through all that I've said so far on this subject. :)

Shooting heroin would be less fatal: I'm back in business after 4.5 years break.


This time - online.

Goodbye, cruel world!
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