chat, feelings, and random discussion thread

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On the subject of Germans...

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The pictures I posted were intended as a mock-selection of stereotypical "German" things.
Yea, you're hilarious.

Why would I want to fight about any nation? I have the utmost respect for all.
Because a fight about nationalities/prejudices was what started the whole thing? Maybe you should switch on your serious-radar for once. Only if that doesnt interefere with you being uber-sarcastic, misanthropic or excercising any other form of your fantastic humour of course.
^ Holy... o_O .

Anyway, I started classes yesterday, my last year in college! By the end of this year I will officially be an English teacher! Horrah! :headbang:

Now lets hope next year I can leave my parents' house hehe :p .
german stereotypes:
- law-and-order types
- electronic music
- the love parade
- heavy smokers
- boneheads
Maybe you should switch on your serious-radar for once.

I switched it off after four long replies in a row in the previous page, because I thought nothing good could come from a discussion where you mentioned how illiterate Americans are and someone called you a typical German. I decided light-hearted was the way to go, regardless of whether I could wrestle a smile out of you or not.

Since you seem to prefer a darker tone, I'll gladly provide.
Both you and your fellow countrywoman are way oversensitive about your country, and in your case this is paired up with a robust prejudice against other populations you deem inferior. It shows in more or less every post where such issues as differences in culture and customs are raised. There is just no way for you to laugh along with stupid stereotypes about Germany or Germans, even when they're obviously mentioned by individuals who couldn't be farther from believing them true. Imagine the incongruity if I were to take offense whenever I'm mentioned in the same sentence as pizza, organized crime, or talking with one's hands. You're completely overboard about the whole subject. Obviously it makes no difference how many people tell you to chill and take it easy, which is a pity since your opinions make a lot of sense when national pride (or whatever it is) doesn't get in the way.

You've been dying to tell me how unfunny my pictures were since I posted them, because it upsets you that anyone would even joke about German stereotypes. Still, I didn't notice that until after I posted that message, and as much as I don't want to be irritating, I can't take it back. In the future, I'll leave you well alone when it comes to matters involving your national culture, but I'm starting to believe I won't be the only one.
Anyway, I started classes yesterday, my last year in college! By the end of this year I will officially be an English teacher! Horrah! :headbang:
:) still 4 years o go for me. and by the by the way, i had an exam today, i hope i havent failed (or it would be the 2nd time i do for this one)

On teh stereotype debate:

it is funny to see what always comes cak about certain places. I have had a lot of dumb echoes about belgium (they eat fries all the time, and there are tons of pedophiles...). But sometimes it is annoying to hear all that... because all people are not like that.

Since i am here in Germany, i didnt even see any of those stereotypes... Yeah, they served "Sauerkraut" once in the University's restaurant (but they also did so in Belgium...) oh and by the way, i can tell you that your "typical german" hates it.
I havent seen all Germany, only some parts. But those images are quite wrong... i have seen more Sauerkraut in Alsace (France) than in the north of Germany :lol: .
Since i am here in Germany, i didnt even see any of those stereotypes... Yeah, they served "Sauerkraut" once in the University's restaurant (but they also did so in Belgium...) oh and by the way, i can tell you that your "typical german" hates it.

I remember trying Sauerkraut when hyena and I were in Germany, but it tasted much different from the import version we have in Italy, and I wasn't used to it. I assumed there was some secret ingredient, but the more I think about it, the more I come to the conclusion that perhaps they simply had no more clue than any random pizza place in Italy about "true" pizza. It's not as if the tricks of the trade are part of our upbringing or anything...
belgian stereotypes, besides the ones you mentioned:
- very stingy with money
- mussels ahoy!
- beer

edit: rahvin, true pizza has to be pizza with spikes and chains, i have no doubt about it.
Sometimes I'm right and I can be wrong
My own beliefs are in my song
The butcher, the banker, the drummer and then
Makes no difference what group I'm in
I am everyday people, yeah yeah
There is a blue one who can't accept the green one
For living with a fat one trying to be a skinny one
And different strokes for different folks
And so on and so on and scooby dooby doo-bee
Oh sha sha - we got to live together
I am no better and neither are you
We are the same whatever we do
You love me you hate me you know me and then
You can't figure out the bag l'm in
I am everyday people, yeah yeah
There is a long hair that doesn't like the short hair
For bein' such a rich one that will not help the poor one
And different strokes for different folks
And so on and so on and scooby dooby doo-bee
Oh sha sha-we got to live together
There is a yellow one that won't accept the black one
That won't accept the red one that won't accept the white one
And different strokes for different folks

Keep it real, bitches






rahvin said:
Try being remotely interested in reading comprehension. Or go for longer walks.

Maybe you should take that advice up for yourself. There is just no way on earth that most of the time you can´t understand what I´m saying. I will try drawing pictures or telepathy next time, though.

What exactly did you drink, young lady? The pictures I posted were intended as a mock-selection of stereotypical German things. Why would I want to fight about any nation? I have the utmost respect for all.

I know that you put the pics up with that intention, and that´s what I was referring to: that your mocking gallery was really not as intellectual as you might have thought it was ("oh, I know, I´ll be funny and show that I´m above it all by listing up old stereotypes about many countries, in order to show that I can laugh about myself, too, and tick Taliesin at the same time" - your post no 2804 in this thread).
Both these posts are really not any different from other people´s reactions. True to your role, it would be so much more interesting to discuss differences and similarities in the world, with the same flourish you save for summarizing the Italian media, than to dig out old jokes which you don´t mean seriously, but have to post anyways, just to show that you can ridicule general stereotypes. You are an academic, dammit :p , use your brain to explore new things and make something creative out of a problem instead of posting old jokes of old jokes.
:) still 4 years o go for me. and by the by the way, i had an exam today, i hope i havent failed (or it would be the 2nd time i do for this one)

:) Great! 4 years is not long for a carreer, I mean, to get a degree in general medicine here it takes like 6+ years, plus the subject in which you are going to specialize, which is 8+ years.

So whenever ye think yer carreer is ver long or ye're quite sick of it or something, just think about the poor bastard doctors :p . They'll probably win more than us, but I like mine better :) .

Hehe I mean by the time a doctor has his/her specialty, I would have my Masters Degree in English Teaching, Masters in Translation, and Masters in Social Studies :p :headbang: :kickass: .
It upsets you that anyone would even joke about German stereotypes
It has nothing to do with that.
I did show prejudices and in the end, they proved to be right. Im called "ridiculously anti-american" and "typically german", but when you do it, it's supposed to be funny?
I can joke about my country, maybe next time I'll dress up as a german maid, with two braids in my hair, leather trousers and beer in hand and I'll dance across the channel. I'll even post pictures if you want. But it's not funny when the discussions starts with me getting insulted and put in the biggot corner.
It wasnt about the pictures, I just didnt find it funny, not here, not in this context, not that day
your mocking gallery was really not as intellectual as you might have thought it was ("oh, I know, I´ll be funny and show that I´m above it all by listing up old stereotypes about many countries, in order to show that I can laugh about myself, too, and tick Taliesin at the same time" - your post no 2804 in this thread).

There was nothing remotely intellectual about a collection of pictures involving a power metal band, pork meat, and a prussian helmet. You seem obsessed with puttting intentions in my head.

True to your role, it would be so much more interesting to discuss differences and similarities in the world,

Sorry, I don't take requests and I'm not the only poster on this forum.

That you would start frothing at the mouth and stomping on your keyboard in anger and frustration for that one post is only revealing about your own inclinations.

Taliesin said:
But it's not funny when the discussions starts with me getting insulted and put in the biggot corner.

At the time I posted I was guilty of neither.
right, right, let's merge the two main strands of discussion of the past two days, and say that the germans are ganging up on rahvin because plintus said that he is a jew. so we come full circle with the stereotypes.
seriously now, relax. while i concur that constant sarcasm can irk people, and rahvin's constant sarcasm is definitely able to reduce me to tears of frustration if applied to something i take seriously, i don't see the reason for such an outcry. first of all, if you are offended by jokes you should build up your defenses, not try to erase the existence of jokes (do i see another german stereotype here?). and if someone makes a joke you don't like, just ignore them. i am not particularly enthusiastic about the volley of sexist jokes that sometimes comes from plintus and other people, but well, if they want to laugh about breasts and dicks it's not my problem. i just don't participate in the vulgarity.
The pictures were not the issue. I know what people associate with germans or germany, what I wanted to know is how present are those associations in your every day life, like when you talk to a german or read something in the news. Since I had been called a "typical german", I was genuinely curious.
Rahvin's post was simply the third post of mockery/disrespect/insult in a short time and then got in the crossfire, but since he refused understand my side, or refuses to see how anyone couldnt take the whole thing with a little sarcasm, I think at least part of the crossfire was justified.
Oh, what the...

Phew, what I meant by "typically German" was 50% a sarcastic mockery of your "youre pretty far from being typically American" remark served to Lina (did she ask you once to explain what you meant by that with such a fervour?), and 50% just stating the fact that most Germans dont like/hate USA, which is often supported by "arguments" in the similar vein you provided. Sorry, I just found your remark regarding the fact that your use of English was criticised (or rather mocked) by a native speaker of that language totally ridiculous.
...just stating the fact that most Germans dont like/hate USA.

I love Germans!

Fucking ancestors of nazi fucks who killed 1/4-1/3 population of my country during WWII.

I wonder where Taliesin's great/grandparents were during early 40s and what they call Holocaust.

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