chat, feelings, and random discussion thread

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Cuthalion: Love your new user title. Your av is alright; never was a big fan of WarCraft, and the Night Elves were always kind of eh to me.

Rampage: Have fun! :wave:

Lina: Aha, and it's really annoying. Maybe that Mark (or whatever his name is) chap has something he wants to tell us...?
Undo- whats your plan? Also, that's the banish magic spell icon

Rampage- Have fun

KC- glad you liked it :)
You mean with the chess thread? I don't know; i was planning on using the standard e2-e4 notation (as opposed to the less-common P4K or P-e4 notations), but it would become as tedious as the gomoku thread and it would be really slow. Any ideas?
I was thinking we could make a chess board but I just tried and you can't
how about this?


r= rook
k= knight
b= bishop
r= rook
q= queen
K= King
p= pon

r k b q K b k r
p p p p p p p p
o x o x o x o x
x o x o x o x o
o x o x o x o x
x o x o x o x o
p p p p p p p p
r k b q K b k r
:lol: what is the correct spelling?

EDIT- I wouldn't get too confused, except for the fact that you have to distinguish the two teams some way

How about this?


r= rook
k= knight
b= bishop
r= rook
q= queen
K= King
p= pon

a= rook
b= knight
c= bishop
d= queen
E= King
F= pon

Shall we do a demo game?

r k b q K b k r
p p p p p p p p
o x o x o x o x
x o x o x o x o
o x F x o x o x
x o x o x o x o
F F o F F F F F
a b c d E a b c
Z said:
:lol: what is the correct spelling?

Z said:
How about this?
Too many letters to remember. It would be better to use the same letters for both players and to just use different colors. But i'd much rather use images (like 64 images, one per square, and just change the order of the images when a player makes a move), although it would take ages just to load the page, not to mention the fact that chess is usually a game in which moves are long-thought-out.

Z said:
r k b q K b k r
p p p p p p p p
o x o x o x o x
x o x o x o x o
o x F x o x o x
x o x o x o x o
F F o F F F F F
a b c d E a b c
Uhh, white always starts. And white should be at the bottom (or, as an alternative, you should switch each player's king and queen; the reason for this is that the queens have to start on a square of their color and the way you wrote it they're both on a square the opposite color, considering the fact that the lower-right square on the board (h1) is always white).
How about you sending the graphics to other people so the thread could be more active?
Well if you were offline I could change the graphics
UndoControl said:
Cuthalion: Love your new user title. Your av is alright; never was a big fan of WarCraft, and the Night Elves were always kind of eh to me.

err, thanks :) The avatar is actually the Silence icon in Warcraft and Dota in particular which btw rule :) The Night Elves rule too :) I think that you might like the whole story with the night elves in the warcraft universe, you can read it at Wikipedia and if you do you will probably see that Nght elf - High Elf plot is kind of similar to the Dark-Light tranquillians idea that i suggested in the T.B. tread
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