chat, feelings, and random discussion thread

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Thank you for enlightening me :) See I thought my ipod shuffle was something truly revolutionary :(
Zack said:
See I thought my ipod shuffle was something truly revolutionary :(


whenever you set your ipod on shuffle, a bunch of kids in thailand start scurrying off to tell apple representatives it's raining. it's actually very cruel and we should all stick to a standard album -> song playlist.
Therein lies the beauty of the "play through" button
UndoControl said:
Everything happens for a physical (as in physics) reason.

Read "Miracles" by CS Lewis, should make for some very interesting discussion.

Oh, and bayesian statistics sort of help on the topic, too, although it's not evident how.
On top of the world :D

I borrowed my school's camera, came home and took my first astrophotos. Will post them later when I get the chance :)

I took pictures of Orion, Auriga and Ursa Major (that probably didn't mean much to you guys, but o well :lol: )
Orion= Hunter
Auriga= Chariot
Ursa Major= Bear

Thanks, I really needed this boost because of happenings around me lately :)\
That and I just got accepted to a webzine :)

Edit- Undo, I know you know your stuff :) Auriga is directly overhead during the winter months
Z said:
Thanks, I really needed this boost because of happenings around me lately :)
Which happenings? The ones involving your brother+band? Good to know you're happy, mate.

Z said:
That and I just got accepted to a webzine :)
Congrats. :)

Z said:
Edit- Undo, I know you know your stuff :) Auriga is directly overhead during the winter months
Cool. I'll look up at the night sky next november.

My favorite star was always Aldebaran. Go figure. ;)
Zack said:
*feels a bit perplexed*

sorry, only rampage can instill fear in me

Are you masochistic? Or do you simply wish for me to scream "GO WEED, INFERIOR BEING!!!" at you and hit you with a baseball bat on your left knee as you lick my brand new ammonia-flavored boots?
DO you believe in astrology? With the natal charts and evertything?
I really don't but recently i did a little digging in that field and was amazed when i saw how much i fall into the mould of a double scorpio (which i am in fact) so i was just curious of other's people opinions on that subject...
I'll summarize astrology for you: It's pretty much complete bullshit.

I think the only thing they got right are the constellation names, and even those are sometimes spelled wrong. For instance, your sign is based on when the sun passes through your constellation, correct? Well, if that's true, how come Scorpio is in november, when in reality, the sun passes through it in December?

For more see
i dunno, i didn't say that i understand that stuff, plus maybe the location of the sun viewed from the earth depends from where on earth you are looking at it or something :)
UndoControl said:
And you can see Scorpio in the night sky sometime around may, and you can see Taurus (which is supposedly april-may) in october-november. Ah, how that shit (astrology) is funny...

that's because you live in the southern hemisphere, and people who rule things usually dont :p
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