chat, feelings, and random discussion thread

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*laughs for a couple of hours about rahvins post in UC's poll thread*
nf: hyper, hyper (listening to the eponymous song, too). :lol:

the econometric society, which is coolness, accepted one of my papers for FESEM2006.

Am total superstar.

Am going to Beijing. :) Hooray. Yahoo. And too, today closing at 404.34, which is about 1.60 $ less than my buying price (used to be FAR lower).

Am teh winner. Also met dream guy this morning and he bought me a (non-alcoholic) drink. Was totally lost for words, because I didn't know I was going to China - otherwise would have shown off. I was just sleepy. Monosyllables. He posited that I was sleepy because I have 'Interesting stuff to do' at night. I failed to mention that said stuff consists in hugging pillow and thinking about him. Ach.

Finally, ex-bf wrote "It's lonely here without you" while I was out drinking with mate.

April 4th, 2006 makes history. :)
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