chat, feelings, and random discussion thread

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rahvin said:
@marduk: reading eliot, i find, always helps a lot. with just about anything. i'm traditionally averse to poetry (except for the latin and greek classics), but eliot could cuddle me to sleep, if i slept. the images from four quartets are my very archetype of literary beauty going hand in hand with a feeling of moral uprightness.

Yes, very true.
I can't keep up with rampages new avatars/sigs. :(
@Zack : You can't keep up? That what you said maggot?! Oh well then I guess you can forget about charting your way to the top mister! You are a shame to this marine corps! Get out of my sight now!!

Full Metal Jacket IS influential....

Also I would like to say : OMG! Zack complimented me in his sig! I'm so...Oh my, this...this is so unexpected, I mean, wow, what can I say, hah......:oops: Thanks, mate...Are you hitting on me?
marduk1507 said:
No, but I can give you an eggplant, plus the carrot.

Eggplants are a freakin' lie! they don't even give eggs! Just these huge purple pears!

I say give him a 12-pack of watermelons.
:oops: The eggplant sounds very good. Could you throw in some spoons? *That fucking random ass knight who keeps yelling at me comes out of nowhere and tells me to do my gardening, and "no, you can't have any spoons"*

Rampage- I just did that so I don't have to say nice new sig./avatar every other post :lol: I've decided I don't want to hook back up with you, so go eat some tomatoes
I'm allergic to tomatoes!

Oh wait that's what you want right? You want me to die don't you? Out of an allergic reaction to tomatoes! Well screw you, I'll go eat some olives instead.

*runs backstage, dress up in my random ass knight armor, walks back to you and screams : No spoons and No eggplant! Now go get me a shrubbery!......and some olives.*
Damn I'm good! Eat some more fucking tomatoes then, mr. knight *Gets yelled at some more/wonders why he isn't dead yet. Then is killed. Then rincewind revives me so its legit kthxbi*
You know what? I think I'll start drinking. Might help me cope with the strangeness of this board. I mean, that's what rahvin did and he's fine now, so I guess it's working...

Well screw drinking. I'll just go on and submit you to my will as I force you to do weeding. Then, one day, I'll realize how pointless of a task is weeding and I'll have you buy a twelve-pack of ovens and then make eggplant omelettes using every one of those ovens.
*Imagines fat lock on the universe* Close it! Close it! Please Master Rahvin! Mr. tomato (which is what I call the knight these days (which is what I call Rampage these days)) says "You will not speak to the king unless spoken to!"
*Gets tomato thrown at face*

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