chat, feelings, and random discussion thread

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So this is what I look like now, imagine if I follow rahv :)

(fucking low res.. pictures)

*stops playing the cool game because he thinks no ones looking... "FUCK YES, I JUST GOT COMPLEMENTED BY THE ALCHOHOLIC MODERATOR. YES!"*
^Wow, you had a jam packed trip. Those border towns are fucking insane, aren't they?
so this is how I imagine this whole peasant deal:


Me dead
UndoControl said:
Seeing as the facts thread has disappeared,

Fact: I hate

the next step in this incredibly educational program is to understand that you actually have the freedom not to type "fact:" before a fact of your life, in this thread. the same goes for "drink:", "rant:", and "coprophagy:".
Jeez... I kinda lost my happy streak I've been having lately. My brother fired me from the band I've been in for five years because he said I was too young, but he's secretly been having another guitarist in the band for about a month so his reason is probably bullshit. I think the real reason he fired me was because this guy is more "badass" and he can play a little better than me (but his writing sucks). The rest of the band alledgedly still wants me in it but they are kind of wussing out and not coming through when I really need them. It's all so weird and sad. I've been with these guys for a little over a third of my life and they're dropping me like I'm shit. Worst part is, they're taking all of the songs I wrote that we were starting to work on, so I'm literally left with nothing. I just feel so crappy because I've invested more than 2000 in this band and it's all gone to waste. I have to start all over again now, but I don't even have the drive to do that.

Today you learned a very valuable lesson: never do business with a family member. And you learned it the hard way, which is always a good thing because 1) you don't keep wondering why everyone says that (you know why it's true because you've been through it) and 2) next time, you'll be stronger and smarter and will know better than to pick the first stupid person that comes along with an idea to form a band (i.e. you'll pick someone who's really interested and who won't dump you any minute).

Cheer up, mate. I'm sure you'll find other musicians and form another band (and don't let this big disappointment keep you from doing stuff; be strong and never lose your motivation), and by the time you do you'll have matured and practiced and will be able to write much better stuff than the one you wrote for your brother's band. You'll have better songs and they won't. And Rincewind, Rampy, 6SF and i (and i'm sure the other for-- err, feud.. members too) are always here if you need to talk / fool around / be cheered up. :)
UndoControl said:
never do business with a family member.

Ya, this is just something I shouldn't have seen in the first place... It's just that we've been so fucking close our entire lives and he said no matter what we would stick together... even in his high school years. I guess I just don't want to accept that we are growing apart...

UndoControl said:
And Rincewind, Rampy, 6SF and i (and i'm sure the other for-- err, feud.. members too) are always here if you need to talk / fool around / be cheered up. :)

You guys are the fucking best, really.
Thanks so much Undo, I seriously don't know what I'd do without your help :)

Jeez... now I'm just kind of reflecting. This is just a minor problem to what some other people have to go through :(
Yeah,Zack...all that the rapist above said...and for the songs: Why don't you just take them if they're yours? Don't give them pleasure to go around and pretend to be good with your stuff
Some girl I met in the bookstore I work in just invited me to a "goth and industrial" night at a club I normally go to.

Now, this chick is hot (imo) and all but do I really wanna be surrounded by weirdos to try and score this gal?
^Sure, give it a go. It just depends on how much you really like her and if you are willing to endure all the weird shit that goes on there.
No thanking allowed, Zack. That's what friends are for. And you're also the (or should i say 'teh'?) best -- without your gardening, this place would be so fucking full of weeds and thorns (and i mean that in a metaphorical real way, not just as a joke: without you here, this place would be much less interesting and somewhat more bitter).
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