chat, feelings, and random discussion thread

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Bye... all that uploading made me want to go outside :wave:
So the whole reason I got to see my girlfriend last week is that she had to do some work in Mexico. She got back today 2 hours earlier than expected, and gave me a surprise visit :) Just what I needed :) She's the fucking best.
I can send you my schedule of checking this place if you'd like, master :erk:
See it is so teh funny when I see it I laugh. Master does not think it is funny though, so I will only hum it to myself on special occasions when he is not around.
See it is so teh funny when I see it I laugh. Master does not think it is funny though, so I will only hum it to myself on special occasions when he is not around.


See, I find it quite enjoyable to allow such gorgeous humor inducing resonances to roll off my tongue. However, my baneful master is oblivious to all humor and undoubtedly has shit on his boots, so I will only allow this quite hilarious phrase to be uttered on very special occasions when he is not within close proximity.

Don't read that post slow because you'll probably find mistakes :erk:

Your vocabulary is very limited
You have very extravagant vocabulary
I have very shitty spelling
Went to that goth/industrial night thingy where I was gonna meet the chick. She showed at about 12:30, right when I was about to leave.

We had a good talk about metal and stuff of that nature. I didn't enjoy the music all that much that evening. Plus I got hit on by a fat 40something drunk mom, which creeped me the hell out.:cry:

That aside, not a bad time I suppose. I'm hoping to see her again soon since I gave her my number.:kickass:
/me (humm) remembers a guy called Mart (evil mart, yup aka Rampage)going inside at DT show in Montreal with someone else who obviously had a VIP card.
And being cold. And jealous.
Still being jealous :p
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