chat, feelings, and random discussion thread

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^^Don't feel jealous. I'll yell at him for you :)

La rocque- was it you who posted that you had to leave clubs cause of the cigarette smoke? Sorry man, I'll prosecute with you :)

Wooooo almost done with homework :)
Zack your brother is a bastard. I have a band with MY brother and although we often argue and have some different ideas about music, life, the universe and everything :) we manage to keep together. The other guys here who said that you should just go on and continue writing songs and playing are absolutely right but i still think that you should do some major fuck-up to your brother and the loosers who don't have enough courage to support a friend in need. I'm sorry maybe i get a little carried away but if there is something that i hate thant's when people work behind your back for a while and than tell you a bunch of stupid reasons which are supposed to explain to you how what they did is really in the best interest for everybody including the person they fucked over arrrgh :mad:

there used to be a Thread of Anger for this things
People here dont get angry that often it seems. :) On the other hand, theres such a mess in every thread that it doesnt matter anymore, just click randomly and share your whatever.

On topic :)lol: ), it happened to me, too. I was a drummer in a band for, like, a month and then they kicked me out exactly the same way as Zack. I wasnt angry about the fact they kicked me out (I suck at drums), but about the stupid fucking moronic way they did it. So I told them theyll never be worth shit if they treat people like that. And my words came true - the girl who played keys there was "left" the same way and three idiots remained. Im now happy doing what I do, the girl plays keys in a very good fusion band and Ive never heard anything about those 3 since.
Well, sure, but the point was about the way its done. Its always hard for someone to leave a band, but if its done correctly, its way less painful and frustrating. Nobody really questions the obvious - that any band should try to make the best music possible and that it requires line-up changes - the whole point was about not doing it by an email, or secret rehearsals with other people and then firing the member with no previous warning or discussion.
Thanks so much everyone, you guys are such a big help :)
NF:strange and somewhere between wtf and go to hell
first my ex-girlfriend is pregnant and she tells me first and not her boyfriend(who will leave her if he knows it; I think). well tomorrow I gonna tell her why condoms have been invented. how can someone be so stupid??
solefald said:
NF:strange and somewhere between wtf and go to hell
first my ex-girlfriend is pregnant and she tells me first and not her boyfriend(who will leave her if he knows it; I think). well tomorrow I gonna tell her why condoms have been invented. how can someone be so stupid??

make sure you also mention the part where people subconsciously do something they openly deny ever wanting to do. guaranteed impact, i assure you.
solefald said:
NF:strange and somewhere between wtf and go to hell
first my ex-girlfriend is pregnant and she tells me first and not her boyfriend(who will leave her if he knows it; I think). well tomorrow I gonna tell her why condoms have been invented. how can someone be so stupid??

well, if her boyfriend leaves her please give me name and address and i will deliver punishment. this is just not done.
hyena said:
well, if her boyfriend leaves her please give me name and address and i will deliver punishment. this is just not done.

don't leave me out of this! i want to deliver punishment too. regardless of whether the recipient is deserving (of punishment) or not.
well, i'll count you in.

someone who leaves their partner in such dire circumstances is fairly disgusting, anyway. slam, bam, thank you ma'am. fuckity.
hyena said:
well, i'll count you in.

someone who leaves their partner in such dire circumstances is fairly disgusting, anyway. slam, bam, thank you ma'am. fuckity.

but of course. it's positively ghastly and all.

and then, we like the ensuing bloodshed.
and we're having a no-government night.

i'm also sick because i had a very small quantity of bad vodka.
bad hair makes me think of skid row.

i'm also going to sleep because the results will not come in until two and it doesn't really make any difference whether i'm awake or not.
hyena said:
bad hair makes me think of skid row.
hey miss, don't insult me!

hyena said:
i'm also going to sleep because the results will not come in until two and it doesn't really make any difference whether i'm awake or not.
but it's two, but it's two!
seriously now, who do you think is most likely to win? and who do you want to win?

as for bad vodka, my suggestion is always this one: throw it up.
pff, don't feel like throwing up. and while it might be two in greece, it's going to be two in one hour here. :p
solefald said:
NF:strange and somewhere between wtf and go to hell
first my ex-girlfriend is pregnant and she tells me first and not her boyfriend(who will leave her if he knows it; I think). well tomorrow I gonna tell her why condoms have been invented. how can someone be so stupid??
Its nice to be friendly (?) with an ex but why would she tell You first? Is she still trying to get back at You in some way?
And why all the violence directed at this b/f who will leave her because of this pregnancy?
She choose to have sex with him, if he was not practicing safe sex it's up to her to do so.
Most important thing is the unborn child. If she (it seems the b/f does not care) is not going to love and care for this child as difficult a decision as it is an abortion is probably the only option or maybe its the ' he doesn't love me so I'll have his child and maybe the child will love me' -
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