chat, feelings, and random discussion thread

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marduk1507 said:
I honestly cant believe you are taking him seriously when he goes Misanthrope all over everybody.

Yeah, the fact that his victims take it serious makes it funny because they've bought it hook line and sinkier... and even if Misanthrope himself were being serious... that makes it funnier still... Cos then he's just a parody of himself... or shooting himself in the foot. whatever.

I too, am neutral.
hyena said:
and don't you dare to comment 'learning academic stuff is different about learning about oneself' - NO it is not. in the worst cases it is, admittedly. but a true commitment to analysis and insight does NOT overlook personal and relational issues.

That depends on the bases of such 'commitment'. When you learn academic stuff, you mostly use your reason -a reason that can also be used to create intellectual barriers when it comes to making a personal insight.

I'm just saying you should not give too much credit to your thinking function, powerful as it may be. It is just the tip of the iceberg, psychologically speaking, and it is completely ineffective if you don't humble it down to the rest of your personality functions. The unconscious is simply too strong and it has so many parts it can be doubted somebody will ever be able to discover them all. So believe me, an unilateral approach to the unconscious, to your deepest motivations, will only crash against a dead end.
yeah, yeah. alright. let's all embrace a reductive definition of analytical intelligence and sing along to it like a merry fucking band. it's quite easier to win a controversy by assuming the person on the other end is saying something silly.

i never said that the "thinking function" should not be applied to psychological processes. on the contrary, i believe that it is fairly important to do so. i know why i react badly to some things and why i react well to other things. i'm just saying that knowledge should not impair free will - i'm actually going in your direction. if my emotions say that i should hit someone, i often just do it, but that's not because i don't understand my motivations. it's because i want to do it.
I'm not quite sure I follow you.

Anyway, what I meant was discovering the very deeper motivations, and understanding them on an empathic level more than on an intellectual level. Yeah, reason is way too important to be just discarded, but the point is it cannot achieve everything by itself. Neither emotion; it also needs sense and intuition and many other things which work together to make a whole picture of the personal reality. If your thinking function if more developed than the rest, then it can serve as a guide, but only when it fully accepts the participation of the rest.

And it's quite easy to think "well, I know why that guy makes me so angry, therefore I decide to attack him on some way". It would seem that your will is somehow involved but the point is, did you freely choose to fight him back or did you simply felt compelled to fight him back? It's quite easy to know that: if you felt your anguish going up, it's because you were merely "possessed" by the neurotic complex. If you're so sure about yourself, then anguish is reduced to minimal, and it was true decision. You're aware of your demons and therefore there wouldn't be a need to be so sozzled about it.
hyena said:
i have to win. and i'm pretty sure that in the long run i will, incidentally with a wide margin.

As always I'm confused this time by win?
Do You mean save Your soul and get the eternal reward?
have a partner and children that are healthy and happy?
amass much material objects?
destroy the careers of others who also want to win?
have 100000000 post count?
or maybe it does not matter what it is as long as You win?
and when You win in the long run by a wide margin what's left to do?
Good luck , hope You have some fun winning :)

Pt. 2 ... Me, I'm going fishing in a few hours
Wait maybe I won? ... que sera, sera

Pt. 3 ... DETROIT (AP) - Proof, a member of rap group D12 and a close friend of Eminem, was shot to death early Tuesday at a nightclub along Eight Mile, the road made famous by the 2002 film that starred Eminem and in which Proof had a bit part.
The death of Proof - real name Deshaun Holton - was confirmed by Dennis Dennehy, the publicist for D12's label, Interscope Records, as well as by Detroit police spokesman James Tate. Eminem and Proof, were seldom seen in public without each other. Proof was the best man at Eminem's wedding in January

Pt. 4 ... Don't look back: Something may be gaining on You -

NP: John Lennon - watching the wheels
La Rocque said:
As always I'm confused this time by win?
Do You mean save Your soul and get the eternal reward?
have a partner and children that are healthy and happy?
amass much material objects?
destroy the careers of others who also want to win?
have 100000000 post count?

i think one and two are possible options that might rank high in hyena's list. certainly not 3, 4, or 5.

or maybe it does not matter what it is as long as You win?

so why wanting something should equal wanting anything all the time? is the percentage of material-wealth-obsessed individuals really that high anywhere else apart from bad poetry and emotional songs? i'm sure there are times when you want something too, such as - for instance - to go fishing. should we assume you'd be equally interested in doing laundry, digging a hole in the ground, parachuting from the empire state building, eating lava?

and when You win in the long run by a wide margin what's left to do?

this applies to every conceivable human activity. what's left to do when you're done? not much. if you achieve what you want a certain number of times then it's over anyway. come to think of it, at some point it's over regardless.

Good luck , hope You have some fun winning :)

it is, you'd have to admit, marginally better than losing.
hyena said:
Unrealistic. Just watch me. I have enough witnesses on this board that know my full name and know me in person to deflect any suspicions of pretending and impersonation - check back in 20 years and let's see where I am and where he is (well, do so now really, but it's not clear-cut enough to suit my taste). I have absolutely-no-doubt about the outcome, assuming that neither of us is involved in some abnormal incident (illness, death, drug abuse, rape and so on). And no, I will not succumb to the very strong temptation to quote Manowar at this point. :p

edit: about the feeling of learning from people - you mentioned rahvin's coldness where my discussion with misanthrope some months ago was concerned, and maybe he'll be as cold now, but i assure you that if you could talk to any of my friends they would not describe me as someone who is not open to learning. on saturday night i almost got into a fight with two mates who were arguing about whether scientific knowledge was superior to literary knowledge, and i was sort of sponsoring the idea of the renaissance intellectual who is curious about anything. and i know that some really smart people on this forum will scoff this with a shrug of their high and mighty shoulders, but the fact that i'm a published author on international journals might give an impression about the willingness to learn. and don't you dare to comment 'learning academic stuff is different about learning about oneself' - NO it is not. in the worst cases it is, admittedly. but a true commitment to analysis and insight does NOT overlook personal and relational issues.

all of this long tirade had a goal only - i'm not being unaware. i'm just feeling aggressive and i'm entitled to vent it as much as the next guy, idiotic misanthrope included. so don't go holier-than-thou on me. some people are fine with containing some types of emotions, and that's alright. you make your choices in these matters. please let me make mine. i know what mechanisms are at work, seeing how i'm not completely stupid. but i think i can decide to indulge them anytime i want, no matter what people believe.

Way too many words here. I honestly cant believe you are almost 30. So be it, have your entitlements and rights. Ive never said you were unaware or stupid, not even implied it. You are just too aware of yourself and too smart to see certain things. Just read what QRV said above over and over and maybe youll get it. I honestly dont care where and how you end up and where and how Misanthrope ends up, I was talking about a fire-cracker and you are talking about an atomic bomb. Being friends with you must be really hard, provided that all you care about is your being a published author (I think Ill start counting how many times youve mentioned it so far). Is this post inconsistent? Does it lack any real substance, is it incoherent? Hell yeah, it is. ;)
marduk1507 said:
(I think Ill start counting how many times youve mentioned it so far)

i honestly think the answer is three out of a total of more than 5,000 posts - not too bad. i might be wrong, of course: it might even be an impressive four or maybe a dreary six (but i seriously don't think so)!

and please try not to assume anything about what my preoccupations are. what you said is just plain wrong - i care about a great many things different from writing and work. still, i don't think that being, say, a punk rock fan gives me any upper hand with respect to people like misanthrope, therefore i don't base my argument on how many punk tunes i can sing from start to end. also, i don't think that claiming advantage based on moral qualities makes sense: i might believe that i have more virtues than he has or viceversa, but it will forever remain very subjective. the 'where you get in life' line of analysis, on the other hand, is pretty hard to dispute, it has meaning and content, and is not based on preferences.

oh, and i'm almost 28, not 30. :p
marduk1507 said:
Being friends with you must be really hard, provided that all you care about is your being a published author

seeing as how i'm possibly the single person in the world with the most knowledge about this particular issue, i have to say that no, being friends with hyena is actually so easy that i never understood, in fifteen years, how one could not be. it's also extremely rewarding in terms of all the attention, caring, honesty, and intellectual stimuli you get.

that needed to be said, since for all your high horses some of you are still flying pretty low. now we can go back to the usual program of canned pineapple and me being cold.
hyena said:
i honestly think the answer is three out of a total of more than 5,000 posts - not too bad. i might be wrong, of course: it might even be an impressive four or maybe a dreary six (but i seriously don't think so)!

and please try not to assume anything about what my preoccupations are. what you said is just plain wrong - i care about a great many things different from writing and work. still, i don't think that being, say, a punk rock fan gives me any upper hand with respect to people like misanthrope, therefore i don't base my argument on how many punk tunes i can sing from start to end. also, i don't think that claiming advantage based on moral qualities makes sense: i might believe that i have more virtues than he has or viceversa, but it will forever remain very subjective. the 'where you get in life' line of analysis, on the other hand, is pretty hard to dispute, it has meaning and content, and is not based on preferences.

oh, and i'm almost 28, not 30. :p

You win.
marduk1507 said:
Being friends with you must be really hard, provided that all you care about is your being a published author (I think Ill start counting how many times youve mentioned it so far).

I must say I believe rhavin. What hyena shows is only her internet mask, so she can freely turn loose all of her pedantic, arrogant, humilliating dipshit facets, and still manage to look like a pretty laid-back person on real life. (Which is not the case with Misanthrope - he has to be the same son of a bitch inside and outside the internet).

However, when it comes to really close relationships, be it friends or whatever, I assume she must be a bit hard to deal with - not counting rhavin's case; and anyway, a person which such a steel mask must be pretty sensitive on the inside. Her type is the worst.

So I'm done feeding up her ego. Damnit, how many post were used on her selfish person?
QRV said:
I must say I believe rhavin. What hyena shows is only her internet mask, so she can freely turn loose all of her pedantic, arrogant, humilliating dipshit facets, and still manage to look like a pretty laid-back person on real life. (Which is not the case with Misanthrope - he has to be the same son of a bitch inside and outside the internet).

However, when it comes to really close relationships, be it friends or whatever, I assume she must be a bit hard to deal with - not counting rhavin's case; and anyway, a person which such a steel mask must be pretty sensitive on the inside. Her type is the worst.

So I'm done feeding up her ego. Damnit, how many post were used on her selfish person?

Yeah, I have no reason not to believe either. I dont know how can you say that about Misanthrope though. I like his taste in books, movies and music and his writing definitely has style (even though he makes lots of spelling mistakes - apropos, spelling mistakes, why do you keep calling rahvin "rhavin"? I thought it was a typo, but youve never called him rahvin :err: ). When I think about this forum, rahvin and Misanthrope are its poles. Maybe I give both of them too much credit, but I like them.
well, you believe rahvin for the wrong reasons, qrv. i'm not 'laid back'. being laid back is not the only option available to people who want to have friends. that's a cultural distorsion of the peace-love-understanding type, especially whenever being laid back conflicts with being honest.
marduk1507 said:
Yeah, I have no reason not to believe either. I dont know how can you say that about Misanthrope though. I like his taste in books, movies and music and his writing definitely has style (even though he makes lots of spelling mistakes - apropos, spelling mistakes, why do you keep calling rahvin "rhavin"? I thought it was a typo, but youve never called him rahvin :err: ). When I think about this forum, rahvin and Misanthrope are its poles. Maybe I give both of them too much credit, but I like them.

Yeah, I like them too. I'm just saying, based on my marginal knowledge of how missy is like, he can be as much a good friend as a real fucking bastard. I remember back in the day he treated me fine and then he became a bitch, but there's no real reason for me to hold any animosity towards him anyway.
Now, let us stop and think for three seconds and let us consider who is socially maladjusted and who isn't.

First Some of you are siding with a fat (implying zero discipline) guy who routinely drops on this forum insults of different types, often of a sexist and racist flavor. Why are you doing this?

Option #1: you're a 12-year-old of the kind that points at black people on the street and laughs saying "Ha, ha, my pals". Or you're a 15-year-old who enjoys locker-room talk along the lines of "The bitch really wanted my dick". Okay. No qualms with that. Time is the perfect remedy.

Option #2: you secretly concur with his opinion that women (not just me specifically) can be called "stupid broads" on the mere grounds of being female, and you admire him because he says it out loud. In this case, I despise you for two reasons. First, because you beleve the sexist bullshit: of course there are stupid women, but that's not because of their gender. Second, because you don't have the balls to say so.

Option #3: you like the fact that he defies political correctness. In this case, I am in agreement. PC is something that we don't need, and if he does what he does in order to make a political statement I am on the brink of agreeing, the only missing point being discernment (one can attack PC attitudes in the politics thread and be even more right). Still, there's something that does not add up: why are you enough of an anarchist to like his un-PC tones and you don't admit that I might want to be aggressive for the mere sake of aggression? Is anarchism only ok up to the point you decide?

Second It seems that I sound immature (apparently it's hard to believe that I'm almost 30) and that I am selfish, arrogant and a number of other ugly things.

Point #1: Of course I have, as much as everyone else, dead ends and bad sides. In particular, I can easily hand it to marduk on the maturity front, since he's done something i really consider good and mature (i.e. form a family) and i am not able to do that. I don't have any problems admitting that under some respects i do fail. As mentioned above, everyone does.

Point #2: This said, I would like to know how many of you here are so cool-headed and grown-up to have, during the past year or so

(a) Suffered the loss of a much loved parent, by the way shortly following the loss of a much loved friend....
(b) ....without becoming a whiny burden to friends and surviving family alike (the first person who tells me that whining is OK gets shot immediately, unless they really went through the same situation and somehow ascertained that other people are thrilled to have a sniveling person around all the time)
(c) managed a large estate with considerable results while keeping the same routine as before
(d) avoided, even in such emotional difficulty, happy-go-lucky pseudo-attachments leading nowhere
(e) found the time to counsel mother, brother and mates knowing that not much would come back to themselves, more often than not spending money on their airplane tickets, their phone calls and good books to inspire them

Point #3: note that I am not talking about work because it seems it's just not done in this fictitious world you advocate. Still, I want to stress that my job is mostly about thinking. I'm not really satisfied under this respect, because in the past three months I didn't manage a single original idea, but at least I got the point of some fairly interesting theories written by other people. It was not easy. Not when you don't really sleep because of everything sub (2) and because you're fighting a tendency to addiction.

Have I mentioned anything about this on the forum in the past six months? No. Am I somewhere between humiliated and horrified that I have to do this? Yes.

Why can't you ever THINK before posting superficial bullshit? Why don't you EVER think about the fact that people are complex and some of them would rather hint than explain, confiding in some intelligence on the other side? WHY don't you have a minimal sense of reality? For fuck's sake, how many of you have had a simple taste of life aside from failed relationships and video games?

I will stop now because I have the flu and I need to sleep. The first imbecile who interprets this email as a "poor me" type of self-victimization gets the red card from here to eternity. PLEASE-BECOME-AWARE that there is a world of things beyond your immediate imagination and your cheap judgement.
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