chat, feelings, and random discussion thread

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@hyena: hey, i'm not fat! :p sorry, token bad joke.
of course you're right, but it's inefficient to defend it here. if your batch of questions is inherently rhetorical, you already know why. if it's not, just consider that going through the experience rarely leads to the conclusions. any conclusion. i know a gazillion people who have had similar problems, so yes, they're not unique. i also do not happen to know a single person who reacted in as dignified, proud, and upright a way as you did. that's the real divide, and obviously one no one can or is willing to admit to.
Not related to anything above...I just don't have anybody good at this moment near to talk to,so my thoughts will just go here (unfortunately): someone/something got me high in the sky and then throwed me back to ground with very big speed...not too pleasant,yeah...and I should've seen it coming (yes,stupid but so true sentence)...ah,it's nothing new,I would think that by now I know that people are never perfect/good/whatever as I see them in my stupid mind...but it doesn't hurt any less...ah,shit,by tomorrow I'll probably be better...I guess I just long for a good drinking session with my best friend...and yes,writing this made me feel a little better,so nevermind me and continue...
So, that's why I'd never become a good therapist, even if I tried.

But, well, first, that was a corageous thing to do from your part hyena. Second, my apologies for calling you whatever I called you and for acting like a utter ass. Some vices can never be cured. And yes, people is complex, and yes, we judged you quickly.

However, it must be noted, you in a way impulse such attitudes. And you must know some people in here, even misanthrope, have also passed through severe trouble. Maybe not as severe as the one you describe above, but severe nonetheless. I personally haven't, but know many who have, some of them closely. We all have our issues.

But yeah, in a way, I guess you do deserve some admiration. Granted. And it is comprehensible you vent everything here, I mean, it's an internet discussion forum. It's not justifiable, but comprehensible.

So, what else can I say? I know you as much as you know me. I just found your attitude a bit irritating to say the least, and followed play. Old mistake. In any case, my sincere apologies again.
QRV said:
so, does that justify your attitude? and do you really think your problems are that unique?

because truthfully, they aren't.

well, re-read the last two lines of my post, and please understand that this was NOT my point. i'm not saying that i'm the only person who suffers. i'm saying that there is a difference between immaturity and handling these problems decently. immature people normally do things like, say, destroying the estate or becoming heroin addicts. if you know many people who live to tell the tale without big imbalances, do introduce them to me, i want to ask them for advice.

ah, and please - since it's so common - list how many of these problems you've had. it's just a question of knowing where you stand exactly.

@rahvin: thanks mate. but it's not even about celebrating my virtues. it's about bringing things back to reasonable dimensions, and basically demonstrating that i'm not childish. i am not even looking for a certificate of coolness. just trying to dispel prejudices.
@qrv: simultaneous posting curse then. :p apologies accepted. let's cut the crap and start afresh.
still, you should probably get rid of your arrogant-looking avatar, because i've seen myself drawing conclusions about people from 100x100 pixels worth of information. it could happen to others. ;)
Malaclypse said:
still, you should probably get rid of your arrogant-looking avatar, because i've seen myself drawing conclusions about people from 100x100 pixels worth of information. it could happen to others. ;)

harry potter fangirlism knows no boundaries. :p
Rincewind said: someone/something got me high in the sky and then throwed me back to ground with very big speed...not too pleasant,yeah...

Has Master Alex been evil to you?
hyena said:
Now, let us stop and think for three seconds and let us consider who is socially maladjusted and who isn't.

First Some of you are siding with a fat (implying zero discipline) guy who routinely drops on this forum insults of different types, often of a sexist and racist flavor. Why are you doing this?

Option #1: you're a 12-year-old of the kind that points at black people on the street and laughs saying "Ha, ha, my pals". Or you're a 15-year-old who enjoys locker-room talk along the lines of "The bitch really wanted my dick". Okay. No qualms with that. Time is the perfect remedy.

Option #2: you secretly concur with his opinion that women (not just me specifically) can be called "stupid broads" on the mere grounds of being female, and you admire him because he says it out loud. In this case, I despise you for two reasons. First, because you beleve the sexist bullshit: of course there are stupid women, but that's not because of their gender. Second, because you don't have the balls to say so.

Option #3: you like the fact that he defies political correctness. In this case, I am in agreement. PC is something that we don't need, and if he does what he does in order to make a political statement I am on the brink of agreeing, the only missing point being discernment (one can attack PC attitudes in the politics thread and be even more right). Still, there's something that does not add up: why are you enough of an anarchist to like his un-PC tones and you don't admit that I might want to be aggressive for the mere sake of aggression? Is anarchism only ok up to the point you decide?

Second It seems that I sound immature (apparently it's hard to believe that I'm almost 30) and that I am selfish, arrogant and a number of other ugly things.

Point #1: Of course I have, as much as everyone else, dead ends and bad sides. In particular, I can easily hand it to marduk on the maturity front, since he's done something i really consider good and mature (i.e. form a family) and i am not able to do that. I don't have any problems admitting that under some respects i do fail. As mentioned above, everyone does.

Point #2: This said, I would like to know how many of you here are so cool-headed and grown-up to have, during the past year or so

(a) Suffered the loss of a much loved parent, by the way shortly following the loss of a much loved friend....
(b) ....without becoming a whiny burden to friends and surviving family alike (the first person who tells me that whining is OK gets shot immediately, unless they really went through the same situation and somehow ascertained that other people are thrilled to have a sniveling person around all the time)
(c) managed a large estate with considerable results while keeping the same routine as before
(d) avoided, even in such emotional difficulty, happy-go-lucky pseudo-attachments leading nowhere
(e) found the time to counsel mother, brother and mates knowing that not much would come back to themselves, more often than not spending money on their airplane tickets, their phone calls and good books to inspire them

Point #3: note that I am not talking about work because it seems it's just not done in this fictitious world you advocate. Still, I want to stress that my job is mostly about thinking. I'm not really satisfied under this respect, because in the past three months I didn't manage a single original idea, but at least I got the point of some fairly interesting theories written by other people. It was not easy. Not when you don't really sleep because of everything sub (2) and because you're fighting a tendency to addiction.

Have I mentioned anything about this on the forum in the past six months? No. Am I somewhere between humiliated and horrified that I have to do this? Yes.

Why can't you ever THINK before posting superficial bullshit? Why don't you EVER think about the fact that people are complex and some of them would rather hint than explain, confiding in some intelligence on the other side? WHY don't you have a minimal sense of reality? For fuck's sake, how many of you have had a simple taste of life aside from failed relationships and video games?

I will stop now because I have the flu and I need to sleep. The first imbecile who interprets this email as a "poor me" type of self-victimization gets the red card from here to eternity. PLEASE-BECOME-AWARE that there is a world of things beyond your immediate imagination and your cheap judgement.

The reasons for me liking Misathrope and rahvin are totally different. You deserve all the respect there possibly is, you are not childish or unaware. But you wont get my respect by craving for it so bloody much, and thats exactly what makes you childish. You are naming the things that happened to you and it sounds like you are naming your accomplishments, but all you had to do was do your best in coping with them, which youve done remarkably well (but youve never missed the opportunity to inform the public about it), yet this is what we all have to do and we dont feel such a pressure to prove ourselves. If this is you, then ok, I can say youve done a pretty good job, but thats all (you seem to me like life is some kind of duty or occupation to you, that you can enjoy yourself only by arguing for or against something, by doing and achieving something, but not by being YOU). I respect people who manage to be above all this, like rahvin - who have realised there is no point in insisting on the fact that there is one (even though they know there is) and who dont feel compelled to prove their worth. I said I like Misanthrope, but thats totally different (hes the other pole) - I like (as I said) his taste in music, movies and books, and then hes like a study to me, a study of what I mightve become, hadnt I changed because of my love to my wife.
Zack said:
So what happened?

If that was to me...Ah,just few things came at once in wrong moment,like they always do...and I'm too curious for my own good,so I tend to dig in stuffs until I don't ran into something that hurts me...ah,I guess it'll pass like everything does...tomorrow will be great anyway 'cause somebody will be "near" again
Aye, if you want, I can speed up time so he gets here quicker :) O wait, you can already do that because you're a wizard, right?
Please, no pictures! No pictures!!

Hehehe but seriously, in reply to the few who wonder, An event today made me realize is not that I cannot forgive and forget, is just that I have too many stuffs ( I bet i made you look Hyena, hehehehehe ) bottled up inside which I rarely let go in healthy fashions for fear of hurting people I care about. I think that my obsession with letting go pushes me to let go too quickly, before I have a chance of properly discharging all the negative stuff and being able to move on.

Certainly something I can work on without making drastic decisions like burning yet more bridges, which is good I think.
marduk1507 said:
You deserve all the respect there possibly is, you are not childish or unaware. But you wont get my respect by craving for it so bloody much, and thats exactly what makes you childish. You are naming the things that happened to you and it sounds like you are naming your accomplishments, but all you had to do was do your best in coping with them, which youve done remarkably well (but youve never missed the opportunity to inform the public about it), yet this is what we all have to do and we dont feel such a pressure to prove ourselves
I must say I had the same thoughts. For someone whose articles are published in international journals and who's supposedly a very mature person, because of all the things you went through without hardly a moan, you have a great need to be respected on this board.
Dont get me wrong, Im with you all the way on your war against Missy, I do think you're a mature person and if only we were on the same wavelength Im sure we might share a very rewarding friendship, but the way you present your "list of achievements" is weird after all.
I dont know why this discussion seems to be turning against you, because it shouldnt, so please dont take this the wrong way. Also I wouldnt have said this if this hadnt turned into the "Publically perform surgery on hyena's character" thread, so please judge me kindly if I was too forthcoming.
That said, it's late, good night
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