chat, feelings, and random discussion thread

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^Made me feel even happier :)

Edit- God damnit every thread needs to be person above me
I just found out some news that made me happy :) In flames will be here very soon! Irony is, the only way I can get there is if my brother goes with me. Life is so weird...
2 hour drive to the show :erk: O well, we'll probably get a good talk in. It's not a good thing to stay bitter at someone for over a month.
^Thank you fireangel, that's just what I needed to hear :) I'll look into the song deal. Thanks again :)
o wee one :lol: I love it :)

Well, I tried to go to sleep.. that didn't work. Played guitar, that made it worse. Played warcraft... that worked until about 2, went into my room and just kinda cried it out and fell asleep around 3. I guess I'm a little better now.. I'll get over it eventually :erk:

Thanks for asking :)

How are you?
Ah, don't talk to me about sleeping! I literally fell asleep on my computer yesterday (well, today at 7am)... NOT GOOD. *shakes head solemnly*

If at any moment you feel like shit and you notice that i'm online and Rincewind isn't (this last condition is a key point), message me and we can play StarCraft. That works (sometimes and kind of). And don't try to sleep. I did that once and only lied on the bed for hours torturing myself with random thoughts.
UndoControl said:
Ah, don't talk to me about sleeping! I literally fell asleep on my computer yesterday (well, today at 7am)... NOT GOOD. *shakes head solemnly*
Shit, you are the king :worship:
See I'm used to going to bed around midnight... :lol:

UndoControl said:
If at any moment you feel like shit and you notice that i'm online and Rincewind isn't (this last condition is a key point), message me and we can play StarCraft. That works (sometimes and kind of). And don't try to sleep. I did that once and only lied on the bed for hours torturing myself with random thoughts.

Thanks, but I don't have starcraft :( Played it at a friends house once :) Your advice about sleeping is dead on. That's what happened last night :erk:
DT boards= way too nice
UC= way too nice
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