chat, feelings, and random discussion thread

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So today I went into the city with my brother and dad (yes, my school is on break) Great stuff, really. Went to a japanese restaurant and had Suriyaki (or something like that) and it was honestly one of the best things I've ever eaten. It's like a stew, except better :)
Yup, always good to get out and spend some time with the family :)
@alex: the next step is being that hyped without any alcohol. wil probably never get there. :)
Zack said:

So today I went into the city with my brother and dad (yes, my school is on break) Great stuff, really. Went to a japanese restaurant and had Suriyaki (or something like that) and it was honestly one of the best things I've ever eaten. It's like a stew, except better :)

Sukiyaki :cool:
This thread is already five pages long and I haven't in it yet. It's outrageous. However, I do have an explanation : Yesterday and the day before, I was busy and didn't have time to post whatsoever. < I like that word : "whatsoever"

Oh well. I'm playing the role of Dalton McGuinty this weekend in our representation of Peter Schaffer's "Equus". In french though.
hyena said:
nf: hyper, hyper (listening to the eponymous song, too). :lol:

the econometric society, which is coolness, accepted one of my papers for FESEM2006.

Am total superstar.

Am going to Beijing. :) Hooray. Yahoo. And too, today closing at 404.34, which is about 1.60 $ less than my buying price (used to be FAR lower).

Am teh winner. Also met dream guy this morning and he bought me a (non-alcoholic) drink. Was totally lost for words, because I didn't know I was going to China - otherwise would have shown off. I was just sleepy. Monosyllables. He posited that I was sleepy because I have 'Interesting stuff to do' at night. I failed to mention that said stuff consists in hugging pillow and thinking about him. Ach.

Finally, ex-bf wrote "It's lonely here without you" while I was out drinking with mate.

April 4th, 2006 makes history. :)

Sounds cool! Lets see how it all turns out. You deserve the goodies, thats fo sho. ;)
Dad had an unprecedented second day off, so we went into the city again. Had persian and Indian food, and I got a book on photography. I was gonna get "For the Sake of Revenge" but decided not too because I need to save the 13 dollars I have left :(
Well, I'm not familiar with Syrian and Lebanese, but I'm sure they are very similar, as with all aryan/mediteranean cultures. Could you describe it to me?
My new favorite quote:
FlyingV100 said:
Waited for 3 hours in the cold rain to meet Alexi, but when he came, he just said "hey, later..." and locked got on the bus.

There is this writers' spot in the newspaper I read, and different writers post their short glosses there everyday. Two writers have incorporated stuff from Eliot's Wasteland into their glosses this week so far. I think thats really cool. Funny thing is, that in both cases they used the lines "April is the cruelest month" and "the corpse you planted...", but in totally different contexts. Reading Eliot really helps me these days.
Zack said:
Well, I'm not familiar with Syrian and Lebanese, but I'm sure they are very similar, as with all aryan/mediteranean cultures. Could you describe it to me?
Ah, shit, i forgot it's 'syrian' and not 'sirian' (4 hours of sleep a day aren't helping much, you know...).

It does have spices, kind of, like Marduk said. They've got a thing called 'kepe' (or 'kipe') which is meat with nuts and who knows what else... delicious. And they use a lot of jocoque (english translation please?). And their desserts are teh best evah (really sweet (lots of honey and stuff), lots of nuts).
^Ya, that's kind of like persian food. Persian is heavily rice based and a typical dish consits of a meat, tomato and LOTS of rice. There are a lot of very nice spices that go along with dishes and eggplant is also somewhat of a trademark.

Don't worry about "Sirian", it was an honest mistake, really ;)
^Ah, how long has it been since you've been there? Did you make any stops beside Syria?

I know what you mean about the "restaurant" version and the "real deal" (except the persian "real deal" still kicks ass ;)) Try Turkish coffee and you'll know what I mean :)
@marduk: reading eliot, i find, always helps a lot. with just about anything. i'm traditionally averse to poetry (except for the latin and greek classics), but eliot could cuddle me to sleep, if i slept. the images from four quartets are my very archetype of literary beauty going hand in hand with a feeling of moral uprightness.

fireangel said:
I just have to smile when I see you ravishing

condoning rape is just so like you.
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