chat, feelings, and random discussion thread

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@siren: thanks. and congratulations on finishing your exams. so you are a doctor now? :)
rahvin said:
I have yet to find a Hollywood horror movie scary. The closest I can think of is The Shining (Kubrick's), and I'm not sure one should file that one in the "horror" category.

Horror movies from the far east don't do much for me either: while I guess I can see the point with them being just a little more insane and absurd to add to a feeling of disorientation in the viewers, the society they represent always fails to frighten me, for some reason.

Italian horror movies, on the other hand, are - in my opinion - often excellent. It's really one of the very few things I can say filmmakers from my country know how to do: they're usually gritty and rely more on twisted characters and eery atmosphere than the supernatural, for instance. Plus there's plenty of gore. You'd need to learn Italian to appreciate them at their fullest - or at least pay attention to the voices even as you're reading the subtitles - but it's worth it. The best ones are from the '70s and early '80s, because later there have been way too many attempts at recreating a more international style, with terrible results.

true about Italian horror flicks - I haven't seen any at all, but heard enough to stay neutral to them (I'm not really excited by gore and stuff), but J-horror (as any horror, I assume) will scare you only if you let it scare you.

To teh brave ones:

Well, while having sex you do not think of what's going on behind the scenes (how this stuff is working and why; unless you are Pampers, of course) - you are just fucking, right? Joy, pleasure, whatnot... Why would you seek rationality (i.e. spoil all teh fun) in a fucking horror movie? Supernatural one, like where long haired girl crawl out of TVs...

I just sit back and let it scare me :heh:
plintus said:
I just sit back and let it scare me :heh:

during that kind of movies I just check my watch every 10 minutes to see when it is going to finally end... i find those films pretty boring. Ok, it makes me laugh a lot when there are sudden apparitions of someone (who are not even so sudden, you can always feel it). but the plot is actually terrible. There is no real story.
rahvin said:
I have yet to find a Hollywood horror movie scary. The closest I can think of is The Shining (Kubrick's), and I'm not sure one should file that one in the "horror" category.
Have you seen The Mothman Prophecies? :zombie:
eRraZib_ENo said:
Care to name a few titles or directors? The movie fan in me is dying to see some real horror. When it comes to Italian horror I have only one name, Dario Argento, and it's not enough for my neverending thirst.
Dario Argento should be enough for anyone to be honest. He's made so many films, every single one totally fucking awesome. Lucio Fulci and Umberto Lenzi are also awesome (and probably misspelt). Check out the beyond. Terrifying.
@Taliesin: Thanks, dear. :) I have no idea if it did anyone any good, i hope history will show. :p

@Undo: Thanks, nice to be back! :)

@Arch: :wave:

@hyena: thanks, but i wish! that was just a double exam period. the hard stuff is just around the corner now.. let's give me another couple years, eh? ;)

@plinypoo: not a chance. :heh:
@one bizarre: Try Lucio Fulci and Lamberto Bava. They were/are both in the B-movie circuit (a lot more than Dario Argento), but you can find avi's of their works in the most popular p2p galore, provided you don't mind average video and mediocre sound. Start with Fulci's L'Aldilà and Paura nella città dei morti viventi. A reference site might suggest English titles used for the (poor) international distribution, and maybe you can find a dubbed version on line as well, if that's what you set your heart to. :)

@arch: I have, and it didn't do anything for me. Not saying it's a bad movie - although it wasn't stellar, was it? - but... not scary.
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There have been hollywood movies that scared me. Although perhaps because I was quite young... The Thing, The Shining, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Sixth Sense (I used to be well scared of getting up in the night to go to the bathroom because I thought ghosts would be stalking my darkened hallways... ya dig?) And the remake of The Grudge had some pretty creepy moments. The Grudge 2 looks even creepier in all truth... I know the original was creepier... Giving birth to the grudge spirit was the final taboo!

But none of them have anything on Italian horror movies like suspiria, cannibal holocaust, the house of clocks etc... which all scared the piss out of me... Part due to the winceable dubbing :p But also to the imaginative twisted characters and just over the fucking top gore.
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The Ring scared the fuck out of me, hardly dared to watch, but then I´m kind of a sissie when it comes to horror :rolleyes:
Saw the Grudge this friday, or rather large parts of it. Wasn´t at all as scary as The Ring.

Perhaps not really horror, but what do you guys thing of the Saw movies? I really liked both of them, scares you up a bit (or rather makes you feel sick), and at the same time having quite a good story. Third one is coming out in hellowen I think.

As for horror in general I´m sort of a novice, any movies that could be readily found in the videostore down the street that anyone can recomend?
Makaan said:
Perhaps not really horror, but what do you guys thing of the Saw movies? I really liked both of them, scares you up a bit (or rather makes you feel sick), and at the same time having quite a good story. Third one is coming out in hellowen I think.

Yeah, I'm seeing it on a premiere day (like 2 previous :D).

Can't say it's something after original Saw, but it's always fun to check out new Constructor's traps :)

However, Hostel was much more terrifying, even though it was kinda 90% lame, but the bathroom scene made up for it... and puking on camera with a mazo ball in mouth - give him an Oscar or something :zombie:
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i remember that I watched Scream when I was 10 with a friend... and i made so many nightmarres of someone coming to kill me with a knife the nights after... ever since, i hate seeing someone getting killed by a knife in moves. I have to look elsewhere at that moment

EDIT; i meant Scream, i got confused wit hteh parody "Scary movie" which was not scary at all but vety funny!
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@Makaan: I liked the first Saw movie. Maybe I wasn't expecting much in terms of surprises from it, but I really didn't see it coming, and I loved how they paced themselves at the end: the music and the desperation on the faces of the actors (not all of them above average, actually, but they could do "sad" and "hopeless", apparently) really made it seem as if something unavoidable and dramatic was happening. The second movie I didn't like, mainly because I figured out the main "trick" about three minutes into the film - and that means it must have been too easy. Also, it seemed as though the whole thing was way more gratuitous, and to top it all I think Beverly Mitchell should be shot, preferably during an episode of 7th Heaven, but for real.
I'm afraid the soon-to-be Saw trilogy is suffering from the same disease The Matrix triumvirate had. The symptoms are always like this:

1- The first movie exposes a fresh, new and interesting concept. This gives the public an excellent film.

2- The second movie takes the same idea and tries desperately and in vain to push further the first idea. The result is only a crappy wannabe complex but ends up being only redundant and already boring film.

3- The third movie shouldn't be defined as such and only gets the public bored and sick of Saw already.

What's even uglier with Saw is that the movies aren't really related. They're not the same story divided in three parts (except a few tidbits). It's only the repetition and exaggeration of the first movie's idea.

If you people want sick and disturbed try Salò o le 120 giornate di Sodoma.
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horror movies make me sick, in general. when i was a teenager i was fascinated by them and the nightmare on elm street series turned me on (yes). growing up i started to feel revulsion at the blood and gore and right now i have a hard time even stomaching very violent scenes in war movies. i most definitely do not like to watch gruesome acts anymore. and i hate being scared. the latest movie that frightened me was red dragon, and not just because of rahvin's declarations of undying love for edward norton. :)

edit: @rampy: why is that we always end up discussing salò on this board? you'll find a discussion on the subject in the movies thread and yes, you're right on the sick and disturbed. i used to find that the old site had more or less the same taste, but i haven't checked it in centuries. and just today i've made a new addition to my list of things i probably would rather not have known in the sick and twisted department: the Fifth Nail blog, which was mentioned in the papers and i thought i'd have a look. the creepiest part about it is that it's real.
@hyena: I actually never realized Salò was discussed before on the forum. Guess I skipped the pages. Anywho, I think the movie is discussed often because it is a milestone in the horror/wicked genre and also one of Pasolini's most world-known feature. The funny part is that when I saw it, it was the translated french version and believe me, it brought a touch of ridiculous and humor to the movie that made it even more disturbing. I never saw such an horrible and hilarious translation. Ever. "Mange! Mange! Chienne immonde!" It made me laugh and be sick at the same time. Weirdest feeling ever.

edit: I won't even have a look at that blog.

edit2: Edward Norton is an excellent actor.
I enjoy watching horror movies for multiple reasons, probably too many to mention. Lately, my semi-curricular interest in the entertainment industry (mainly TV, but movies as well) makes horror films an intriguing experience because they are very good material to understand the languages and conventions of "genre" productions. Even the most shallow, self-indulging movie of this kind helps a little bit when it comes to figuring out what makes the public tick, what keeps the scene alive, and so on. Knowing it's all fake - and, very often, a pretty silly kind of fake too - I'm free to mentally dissect the aesthetics of a pierced eyeball, a spilled gut, a chopped head, and actually smile instead of cringe, thinking of the reason why it's there, the intended effect, even - not to make myself sound too much of a legitimate critic, which I'm not - the anthropological connections of such visuals. They're really quite hilarious when you see them that way.

And I guess I don't really get scared as such anymore, but I appreciate how Italian horror movies create settings and dialogues that do their job damn well. It's hard to feel disquieted by movies/shows when you look very intently into them, and - this is a little sad - it's also hard to feel completely involved in them any longer.
I have been feeling a little fragile recently as some of you may know from my rantings about anxiety attacks and stuff, so hardcore horror and psychological stuff has not been on my multimedia platter lately. Shame, as the leeds film fest is in town and there is alot of excellent horror movies in it.

That said, when I did love all things extreme, I pretty much liked it for the same reasons rahvin does. Not to actually get scared, just to see what's considered scarey and to somewhat mindlessly indulge in the macabre.

Some stuff I watched to test my limits (Irreversible and Visitor Q)... I wanted to see if I could actually enjoy or appreciate something that truly violent/distrubing and also see if I could stomach it. I enjoyed Visitor Q because it's too surreal to be taken seriously and it's sort of post modern in the way it blatantly smashes through taboo after taboo. Irreversible however, I though was just painful viewing and went too far. For those who don't know, it involves an anal rape scene. 11 minutes long, done in one explicit shot and to make it worse, the actors actually had anal sex in the sequence and the woman was Monica Belucci. Something that's just so wrong to watch. The film is very clever, but it's haunting as hell and so damn violent.
King Chaos said: anal rape scene. 11 minutes long, done in one explicit shot and to make it worse, the actors actually had anal sex in the sequence and the woman was Monica Belucci.

I'm so re-watching that!

Since I'm too dumb and lazy to discover the higher sense and art in the movies (duh!) on my own, I heard how brilliant Irreversible was only after I watched.

Actually, it was a lame and shitty movie (even worse than X-Men 3), but that rape scene was so disgusting, that I realized what exactly made people talk about it.
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