chat, feelings, and random discussion thread

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In 60 hours I'll be on my first flight... just can't wait!
I'm so happy !
I'll get tan and drunk :D haha !
I'll bring you back some pictures of course ! :D
See ya
plintus said:
I'm so re-watching that!

Since I'm too dumb and lazy to discover the higher sense and art in the movies (duh!) on my own, I heard how brilliant Irreversible was only after I watched.

Actually, it was a lame and shitty movie (even worse than X-Men 3), but that rape scene was so disgusting, that I realized what exactly made people talk about it.
I agree. I wouldn't say it was shitty, unless I was gonna use it as some kind of pun, but it definately sucked. it being all backwards is unoriginal too because Memento already pwned that idea.

NF: Had a fucking ace band practice yesterday. My band now does a metal cover version of the Requiem for a Dream movie soundtrack :p... On top of the fact that we already do a metal verison of the terminator soundtrack :lol:... That's our novelty for now. Should be getting played at our show on monday. If anyone out there can think of other movie soundtracks that would translatre to metal, please let me know. The only other ones I can think of right now are Suspiria, The Exorcist and Halloween.
I'd say Star Wars, but they beat you to that...

Why not go one better though? Star Trek! Next Generation, of course.

NF: Like a large pile of pain. Company party. Last night. 'Nough said.

Although I would like to say that me and my friends from college that work at the same company grabbing the head of the US branch of the company and having him crowd surf above us on the dance floor was priceless.

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@Kinky_Kaos: INDIANA JONES theme!!!!!!!

Kovenant84 said:
NF: Like a large pile of pain. Company party. Last night. 'Nough said.

Although I would like to say that me and my friends from college that work at the same company grabbing the head of the US branch of the company and having him crowd surf above us on the dance floor was priceless.

So, it's all cool, but did you fuck that secretary you always secretly (pun?) wanted? :heh:

p.s. Hope your boss you talk all the time about isn't your girlfriend... and isn't reading this... there's nothing to read.. yeah :Saint:

Everyone in my office is roaming around like one of those slow-zombie movies. (Not Dawn of the Dead). I feel like I'm gonna get sick at any moment, and one of the girls here just did. If only there was a way to dim the lights, I could keep my eyes open.

Kovenant84 said:

Everyone in my office is roaming around like one of those slow-zombie movies. (Not Dawn of the Dead). I feel like I'm gonna get sick at any moment, and one of the girls here just did. If only there was a way to dim the lights, I could keep my eyes open.


I laid off high volume alcohol intake till next in flames and/or dark tranquillity show. So, if your boss doesn't look like Stanne, your desperate plea for help is ignored, discarded and rejected. In the ass.

Uh oh.

There's pictures. Lots of them. Luckily I'm in approximately 3.
Although someone put them on a shared drive, so I'm thinking of transferring them to my iPod for future blackmailing purposes. Except for the one that looks like I'm checking that girl out. Keeping photos like that means my gf will somehow see them. From Boston.

Hehe. For the most part they're pretty funny, I have to say.

Something very :hypno: :ill: :u-huh: :zombie: :erk: happened today (about an hour ago hehe), when I was on the bus coming from the Uni. I was on the one going from San José to Guadalupe (where I live), and well, when we were near the "Spain Park," a bit before it, something happened; I don't really know what, between the bus driver and a guy who was on a motorcycle. So the bus driver (bd) started yelling to the guy of the motorcycle (mg) things like:

*insert CRn style and tone of voice when insulting*

"You damn mother fucker, I wasn't going to run over you you fucking bastard son of a bitch!!! You want me to run you over huh?!? YE WANT ME TO?!?
*bd fakes like he's going to run him over, accelerates then stops, he does it like three times* *everyone in the bus is like - fuck/shit . . . - *.

Then like 25m after that, the mg comes ans yells at the bd, and the bd syas something like "Stop it moptherfucker, it was your fucking fault you asshole!"

Finally, 15 min+- late, in the bus stop before the one of my house, I just hear "CRASH" and see this huge fucking rock flying into the bus!!!

The fucking mg had thrown a rock into the bus!!!

Everyone at the bus was like . . . :hypno: . . . .

Whats worse, is that he threw it to the part were old people sit, and nearly hit an old man!!! Luckily enough he didn't, and the man didn't got cut because of the glass of the window.

There were two little kids that were oh so fucking close near form were the rock fell like :waah: :waah: :waah: .

I went up to the old man and asked if he was alright (while also looking at my backpack in case someone was thinking of stealing it hehe, I was near the back door so it was pretty easy to grab hehe), and thankfully enough he was ok, obviously like :hypno: , and crying a bit it seemed to me. Poor guy.

Shit I was so fucking :hypno: :zombie: :ill: !!! I lookde back but the guy was, sadly enough, to far away to be grabbed.

So when I got of the bus I asked the bd if he was ok and he said "Yeah, but you know... ." And I was like "Yeah... ."

Shit really, this country is going to the pits, I hate it how we're becoming more like the US everyday, as if we weren't USnized in almost every way, we have to imitate the violence stuff now. Fucking shit.

Damn it.
Damn, that's some crazy shit. And hell, I'm in NY. We've got all those crazy "I think I know how to drive, but wait, this isn't a go-cart, it's an SUV" drivers from NJ and shit around here, and that's still a crazy story.

~kov. (nabbed the pics, bwahahaha)
@6_Red_Bloody_hoods: it's like normal.... I have another story. L8r though. Eeek.

Kovenant84 said:
Damn, that's some crazy shit. And hell, I'm in NY. We've got all those crazy "I think I know how to drive, but wait, this isn't a go-cart, it's an SUV" drivers from NJ and shit around here, and that's still a crazy story.

~kov. (nabbed the pics, bwahahaha)

Did you see how those fuckers with NY plates park???

Pics. Now.
Kovenant84 said:
Haha, ok, I'll look through the pics and maybe put up one or two. I can't today, so next time will probably be Sunday.


I know so good whjat you were talking about yesterday... dimming lights and stuff... I need thgat now... so bad :heh:
Kovenant84 said:
Haha, so which band did you wind up getting drunkified for?

And my hangover was so bad yesterday, that I'm still feeling it.


My isn't bad at all (not yet - I'm still drunk), but the night with Beatallica was awesome.

Actually, James gave me his uber-awesome round glasses after the concert as a gift. I was rocking hard :kickass:
i'm wondering how many sexual jokes the members of manowar crack while writing the lyrics. all these "swords in the wind" and "sword in hand" moments... now, i'm a dedicated fan, and i try to be respectful of the mighty gods of metal ( :p ), but they really sound like they're discussing masturbation.
tomorrow: first day at the university... well i already had the orientation week last week (presentation of the courses, and of the university's buildings), but i actually have the first lessons tomorrow...

i hope everything will be fine, and that I wont starve, as I have no lunch pause on Mondays (lessons from 9:00am till 3:00 pm, non stop :( )
Dark_Silence said:
tomorrow: first day at the university... well i already had the orientation week last week (presentation of the courses, and of the university's buildings), but i actually have the first lessons tomorrow...

i hope everything will be fine, and that I wont starve, as I have no lunch pause on Mondays (lessons from 9:00am till 3:00 pm, non stop :( )

:hypno: and I guess you aren't allowed to eat in class?

You should go out like for 8min. and eat a sandwich or something, health is a priority you know? You have to take care of youserlf! :ill: :waah: :erk:

Which Uni are you in? What are ye studying? Which courses are ye taking?


Anyway, gut luck tomorrow :) :rock: :kickass: .

@Hyena: Agree, actually lots of power titles can be misinterpretes, like my recent favourite, "THe Magic of the wizard's Dream" by Rhapsody *of Fire*.

Note that (sadly enough) Rhapsody is own by DeMaio, so we can notice the "influence" hehehe.
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