Chicago Powerfest 2008 dates announced

I hope this doesn't break the rules of more than 1 thread per event but;

Glenn, I thought PP was getting the first live performance of Iced Earth with Matt Barlow??? Seems this fest is now.
Still not enough to get me to go. I'll be seeing Iced Earth at ProgPower anyway. So far Powerfest has one band I want to see, one band that might be interesting and...nothing else that interests me (Testament makes me a sad panda these days).

But hey, they still haven't announced all the bands, and Paganfest should be a good time. So I may still be there.
I suspect that since Iced Earth will be severly limited in their touring abilities they'll probably pop up fairly frequently on the fest circuit. It will be much easier for them to pull off higher profile one-off appearances than club tours.
ProgPower USA IX marks the first confirmed show with returning vocalist Matt Barlow to the group.
This is what was in the press release. I think I read it wrong at first too, thinking PP was the first show with Mat.

I am going to NY in April and will be seeing Testament and will see Iced Earth at PP so I dont think I will be traveling to the Powerfest plus going to see Sym X and Epica the 1st of Mayin Atlanta.
Glenn, I thought PP was getting the first live performance of Iced Earth with Matt Barlow??? Seems this fest is now.


I announced the first "confirmed" show of Barlowe with Iced Earth. I did not say it would be his first show. There are no such things as restrictions when it comes to dealing with a band such as Iced Earth. I anticipate several more shows announced in the coming weeks as well.

The days of the exclusive headliners are essentially over for the big names. Powerfest has to contend with the same issues I have since Testament & Iced Earth are not exclusives there either. The festival experience, geographical location, & overall roster is what is going to draw patrons now these days.

There is more than enough room for several festivals across the States. I obviously feel that I offer a superior product in terms of venue, in/out privileges, and overall atmosphere. I'm sure that other promoters feel the same way about certain issues in which they believe they surpass me.

Congrats to Rob & Chris. They have definitely earned it after working their ass off over the years to put Powerfest on the map.
If you go, ...good luck!
Get a map just in case.
I wish I could =)
I might not be able to because of school.
Gonna be one hell of a weekend..
Thur with Paganfest, Fri and Sat with Powerfest and Sunday Behemoth and Dimmu.

Hah yeah it should be awesome. I got like 2 weeks before that for exams so hopefully nothing comes up and theyre like hey you got some bs exam to take :X I dont think im going to stick around for the Behemoth/Dimmu and Gigantour but I dont know

Hey rms I MAY be able to help you. I may be picking up someone at Midway. If its around the same time thats cool.

Wow that'd be awesome. Do you know waht time he's flying in? I haven't booked anything yet so im completely open, im hoping to jump in on that thursday(day of paganfest)

I announced the first "confirmed" show of Barlowe with Iced Earth. I did not say it would be his first show. There are no such things as restrictions when it comes to dealing with a band such as Iced Earth. I anticipate several more shows announced in the coming weeks as well.

The days of the exclusive headliners are essentially over for the big names. Powerfest has to contend with the same issues I have since Testament & Iced Earth are not exclusives there either. The festival experience, geographical location, & overall roster is what is going to draw patrons now these days.

There is more than enough room for several festivals across the States. I obviously feel that I offer a superior product in terms of venue, in/out privileges, and overall atmosphere. I'm sure that other promoters feel the same way about certain issues in which they believe they surpass me.

Congrats to Rob & Chris. They have definitely earned it after working their ass off over the years to put Powerfest on the map.

Yeah I agree with you there.
By the way, to Venom... i wasn't trying to sound like a dick. Hope it didn't come off too bad.

Glenn, maybe you can confirm or deny, but a lot of the "exclusive" stuff is hard to pull off in the states because the fact is that most people just aren't willing to travel since it's much more difficult and expensive to do so here. Europe can get away with it since there are so many fests and countries within such a relatively small area that an "exclusive" German show is like playing an exclusive show in Texas... big friggin' deal right?

Plus, i highly doubt them playing Powerfest is going to effect attendence at progpower in the least. Glad to see that fests like this can co-exist without hard feelings and shit-talk.