Chicago Powerfest 2008 dates announced

There's only two metalcore bands on the bill and honestly Iced Earth, Testament, Suidakra, Darkane, and Paganfest very much make up for it. And yeah, that lineup alone slays ProgPower. I'm not saying ProgPower this year is bad (otherwise I wouldn't go... lol), but I do think Powerfest put together an amazing bill.

3 metalcore bands...The Autumn Offering, Arise and Ruin, and A Life Once Lost. Of those, only The Autumn Offering is good IMO. Seriously, 2 bands from Victory Records on the Powerfest lineup? WTF. I do like a lot of the bands playing but Friday only has one good band and that's Iced Earth.
3 metalcore bands...The Autumn Offering, Arise and Ruin, and A Life Once Lost. Of those, only The Autumn Offering is good IMO. Seriously, 2 bands from Victory Records on the Powerfest lineup? WTF. I do like a lot of the bands playing but Friday only has one good band and that's Iced Earth.
ION VEIN on Friday are pretty cool, but other than them and ICED EARTH, this fest looks like an attempt to bring in some of the emo-screamo kiddies.
3 metalcore bands...The Autumn Offering, Arise and Ruin, and A Life Once Lost. Of those, only The Autumn Offering is good IMO. Seriously, 2 bands from Victory Records on the Powerfest lineup? WTF. I do like a lot of the bands playing but Friday only has one good band and that's Iced Earth.
I bet Victory covered some expenses, and whatnot. After IE, and Testament the Powerfest guys probably went cheap, because the headliners ate up the money. Don't forget Darkane, and Suidakra were already announced prior to the headliners. If not for that we might have got two more creepy metalcore bands.

ION VEIN on Friday are pretty cool, but other than them and ICED EARTH, this fest looks like an attempt to bring in some of the emo-screamo kiddies.
There is a dilemna for me in that .. I like Ion Vein, but with the no in-out priveledges do I go in to see them in that 2nd slot knowing full well I'm stuck in there for two metalcore bands prior to IE, or do I just skip Ion Vein, drink beer at the Colosseum, and stumble in just prior to IE? I think I'm going with option #2.

I bet Victory covered some expenses, and whatnot. After IE, and Testament the Powerfest guys probably went cheap, because the headliners ate up the money. Don't forget Darkane, and Suidakra were already announced prior to the headliners. If not for that we might have got two more creepy metalcore bands.


I'm sure they did, especially since they're a Chicago-based label. I just think it's odd that bands from the same label as Hawthorne Heights, Atreyu, and Taking Back Sunday are playing with some of the greatest names in metal history.
There is a dilemna for me in that .. I like Ion Vein, but with the no in-out priveledges do I go in to see them in that 2nd slot knowing full well I'm stuck in there for two metalcore bands prior to IE, or do I just skip Ion Vein, drink beer at the Colosseum, and stumble in just prior to IE? I think I'm going with option #2.


Im worried about being on the rail :lol:
Um it definitely is a part of Powerfest. It's the pre-party or whatever. It's not like it's a seperate show from the fest.
Paganfest is a 15 show tour. It's a fairly safe assumption there would have been a Chicago date, regardless of Powerfest. Was it a smart move for both promoters to make it a joint promotion? Absolutely. Does it make it more desirable for those folks who might be on the fence for Powerfest, absolutely. But it's not exactly the relationship Shane and Glenn have, with the pre-party and ProgPower.

Paganfest is a 15 show tour. It's a fairly safe assumption there would have been a Chicago date, regardless of Powerfest. Was it a smart move for both promoters to make it a joint promotion? Absolutely. Does it make it more desirable for those folks who might be on the fence for Powerfest, absolutely. But it's not exactly the relationship Shane and Glenn have, with the pre-party and ProgPower.


I bought tickets to the May 1st Paganfest USA show in Chicago before it was combined with Powerfest. Now you can't buy tickets to just the May 1st Paganfest gig. At least, not on TicketBastard. The tickets are now called Three-Day Pass and are $69. I wouldn't have paid $69 to see just the Paganfest tour. And I don't care to see Powerfest. So I would have been SOL to see Paganfest at The Pearl Room on May 1st.

I'm not so sure combining the tickets like that is a good idea -- unless, of course, it became obvious (to the Powerfest people) that tickets were selling slowly to the Paganfest gig so it was decided to make Paganfest an official part of Powerfest to help boost sales to Paganfest.

But anyone wanting to just see the Paganfest show will now either have to shell out $69 or pass up the gig. That all-or-nothing approach has definite pros and cons.


Now I see what you're referring to. Yeah. There are two listings for that event. One is called Powerfest 2008 - Three Day Pass. The other is called Powerfest 2008, Paganfest 2008.

Oops. Sorry for the confusion. When I bought my tickets the listing just said Paganfest USA 2008. Now it says both Powerfest and Paganfest. I should learn to read more closely! :)

Paganfest is a 15 show tour. It's a fairly safe assumption there would have been a Chicago date, regardless of Powerfest. Was it a smart move for both promoters to make it a joint promotion? Absolutely. Does it make it more desirable for those folks who might be on the fence for Powerfest, absolutely. But it's not exactly the relationship Shane and Glenn have, with the pre-party and ProgPower.


I know that it's tour, but it's still a part of Chicago Powerfest for the Chicago date. Plenty of festivals do this and one of the most famous examples is the New England Metal And Hardcore Fest (fuck man, even ProgPower has booked bands that were passing through on tour) which is basically a gathering of many different tours. What Powerfest is doing is nothing new. Irregardless of what other festivals bring to the table, Powerfest is a great lineup, and Paganfest is definitely a part of that.
PurpleCrayonWriter, don't scare me like that! :P

I plan on going to PaganFest, but I will not be attending PowerFest this year. Too many bands I have no interest in whatsoever. Especially after checking them out. Ugh.
Iced Earth for 25 bucks, how could you go wrong?
If you ordered that day seperately .. like myself .. it was $74 for 2 tickers ... 37 a shot. Ticketbastard basically rapes you when purchase a ticket, and then they try to tell you that it was for convenience. I wish they would conveniently go out of business.

Nope. It's a solid get, for the Powerfest guys, but I've never been a fan of Testament.

Well, you're adding in Paganfest. Paganfest is not actually part of Powerfest, it just so happens to be town that same week. And if you feel the need to to include Paganfest into the equation, than you at least need to wait and see who plays the PP Pre-Party.

BIG +1 there. :kickass:
I know that it's tour, but it's still a part of Chicago Powerfest for the Chicago date. Plenty of festivals do this and one of the most famous examples is the New England Metal And Hardcore Fest (fuck man, even ProgPower has booked bands that were passing through on tour) which is basically a gathering of many different tours. What Powerfest is doing is nothing new. Irregardless of what other festivals bring to the table, Powerfest is a great lineup, and Paganfest is definitely a part of that.

True the Paganfest is part of Powerfest, but it is both associated with and seperate from Powerfest. The the point I think you're missing is that you have judged the entirety of Powerfest including Paganfest to be better than ProgPower; however, you are comparing a completed lineup to an incomplete one. In order to truely assess which one is better you have to wait for the showcase, which is also an associated but seperate entity, to be announced.

Granted you may still feel the same way after that announcement, but as of now your ruling is premature.
I know that it's tour, but it's still a part of Chicago Powerfest for the Chicago date.
Where do you draw the line? If Iron Maiden was playing Chicago on Wednesday night, would they be part of the Powerfest line up as well?

All I'm saying is, I judge these two fests based on the line ups the respective promoters put together. If you choose to judge based on what's going on over a period of three days, that's your call. Regardless, these semantic conversations are kind of pointless. It's a tom-ay-to / tom-ah-to kind of thing. Let's agree to disagree.

Nope. It's a solid get, for the Powerfest guys, but I've never been a fan of Testament.

Well, you're adding in Paganfest. Paganfest is not actually part of Powerfest, it just so happens to be town that same week. And if you feel the need to to include Paganfest into the equation, than you at least need to wait and see who plays the PP Pre-Party.


Actually, you're quite wrong. Pagenfest IS part of Powerfest. They are the Thursday and is considered the kick-off of Powerfest.

Sorry to beat a dead horse. I realize quite a few already posted this info.
I know that it's tour, but it's still a part of Chicago Powerfest for the Chicago date. Plenty of festivals do this and one of the most famous examples is the New England Metal And Hardcore Fest (fuck man, even ProgPower has booked bands that were passing through on tour) which is basically a gathering of many different tours. What Powerfest is doing is nothing new. Irregardless of what other festivals bring to the table, Powerfest is a great lineup, and Paganfest is definitely a part of that.

Yes, well said!!