Chicks on escalators

in an effort to make this thread more interesting, i was going to post upskirt pictures. however, i found the following and found it to be sufficient even though completely off-topic.

:lol: Yeah, okay, it was once or twice really - but until I managed to tape some more titty scenes from the TV, that scene was pretty much my sole spank material. I ended up with a VHS 'compilation tape' consisting of all the important (i.e.: non-dialogue) scenes from the Skinemax-type films that regularly turned up on Channel 5 over here every Friday night at around 11:30pm. Quite a nerve-wracking experience as I remember - you had to have the volume turned down low and one hand on the remote ready to stop and expel the tape, change the channel, turn off the tv and look innocent at the slightest hint that one of the olds might be coming downstairs for a piss or whatever.

Ahh, I remember these days.

My dad has this tendency to get up in the middle of the night then come downstairs and watch TV. So one time I'm watching this stuff, and then naturally I hear him getting up long before he gets there so I change it to a random channel, then hide in an adjoining room.

Well, he gets there, sits down and watches CNN or some crap until he falls asleep. So I'm sitting quiet as death in this adjoining room for about an hour waiting for him to get to sleep so I can get the fuck out of there and back to my room.

Ahhhh memories.