Children Of Bodom In Vancouver - Pictures -

COBSteele02 said:
Yeah im going to try to convince them to play Northern Comfort if I can meet them before the show. Fat chance though heh.
Very fat, considering the only two songs they have NEVER played live are Children Of Decadence and Northern Comfort
Right. They never played Northern Comfort and Taste Of My Scythe from the Follow The Reaper album. Anyway, sorry to destroy your hopes and dreams but since COB couldn't rehearse Northern Comfort lately, they will definately not play it. It was never their favourite song and it was hard enough to choose 6 of their favourite songs for this tour.
That was an insane fuckin' show!! I was on the right side of the crowd,about 4-6 feet in front of Alexi at any given time. I was the dude with long brown hair and I was wearing a Pantera shirt over a blue hoodie. Bodom owned the place easy!! Right before Dimmu came out for their encore,a whole group of us started to chant "Bodom! Bodom! Bodom!",I bet that pissed Dimmu off,LMAO:tickled:
i think i pissed the guys from nevermore off, cuz there was this thing in front of the stage where are the wires were and i crawled up in it and sat during their set. i wasn't moshing, headbanging, throwing horns or anything.. but i did enjoy the show. jeff was right in front of me, like maybe a foot away, the whole time and i was just like 'woohoo.'
"i think i pissed the guys from nevermore off, cuz there was this thing in front of the stage where are the wires were and i crawled up in it and sat during their set. i wasn't moshing, headbanging, throwing horns or anything.. but i did enjoy the show. jeff was right in front of me, like maybe a foot away, the whole time and i was just like 'woohoo.'"

I am a sad man now, because Nevermore is my favorite band. :(
