Cob-forum member photogallery!

christcrusher said:
Oh yes EFF: You are quite the "seducer" aren't you....And fyi, I am 22 which last time I checked wasn't too old. Haha. Are you 15 or something? Oh wait a minute...I almost forgot, I don't :) jk...

COBSteele02: Haha, thanks for your comment that is really nice...That one arm tatt in that picture is long gone now. I had it lasered off within a period of about 5 months. I also do take pride in my intelligence, which is sometimes rare to find in the metal scene with chicks--or at least the ones I have had the displeasure of meeting.
Cheers man! :)

P.S. I will try to "convert," but the pathetic thing is you can't do anything with people innately stupid. I try:)

hi, no doubt you are a beautiful woman...i am also turning 22...however, the women that i have met in the metal scene are very intellegent in comparison to other women in other types of music. i think metalhead females are one of the most well rounded group of women in the universe! what kinds of girls have are you using for your basis of comparison? groupies or something? because the kind of girls i hang out with, are just as intellegent as any one of the guys in the metal scene.
EagleFlyFree said:
22 years?? they sure must have been tough! ;-) j/k

as for the seducer comment, well i don't know about that, but maybe i better stop before i make you do something that would get you in jail for child misuse huh :-P

how old are you by the way? you don't look young on the cob gallery? you look like 20 something... just wondering?? ;)
~Rappion Lapsi~ said:
So, Perfecterror just sent me a e-mail

"i just became a member, like an hour ago:) perfecterror"

So I hope you understand why I don't like to add newbies to gallery, it really seems that someone just wants a host for their pics.

no really... i didnt know i had to be an UM member for a while i understand now, i'll just have to wait before i can be on the cob gallery, its okay:) i just thought it would be cool to talk to more metalheads and see all the hot metalhead guy pics... :)
Tut is really hot I want his glorious ass..... ahh ...errmm ahem i mean uhhh
WHOA COOL! :rock:
your the second person from this board that is close to me.... ermmm well sorta va beach is like an hour or smthin away heheheh :-)
okay since yer in va beach thats an excuse to add u to my aim list...... okay mabye im just bored
damnt oo much caffine tonight WOOHOO
i am ill be done in 2 more years :)

once im done....... well....... i dunno get a network tech job and ARGH TOO FAR AHEAD BRAIN EXPLODING ARRGGHH :lol:
perfecterror said:
hi, no doubt you are a beautiful woman...i am also turning 22...however, the women that i have met in the metal scene are very intellegent in comparison to other women in other types of music. i think metalhead females are one of the most well rounded group of women in the universe! what kinds of girls have are you using for your basis of comparison? groupies or something? because the kind of girls i hang out with, are just as intellegent as any one of the guys in the metal scene.
Uh thanks...hehe:)...There are seldom few chicks in the scene (at least where I live in CA, which isn't saying much) that can be called "smart or intelligent," and no I am not talking about groupies in particular. I also am not comparing these chicks intelligence to ANY metalhead guy. I guess I was basing my comparison on the average girl with a well rounded education, such as the women who attend my Uni. I have very few girl friends who are involved in the scene, and who can actually hold a decent conversation about something without drifting off into never-never land. Then again, I am drunk half the time so who really knows...hahaha....

As for groupies, that is a whole different story. I am on the "inside" of the scene as an active media personality (haha) so I do see a lot, however, I do not base intelligence on how many cocks you can stuff in your hole, ya know? Even though that particular behavior may bring you a horrid reputation, it isn't enough for a criminal conviction of "stupid."
@perfectterror: whoah, someone that does care about my age! :-P i'm 19, but i don't mind fulfilling fantasies such as playing a kid that 20sters can patronize and stuff like that ;-)

in short, i'm 19 hehe

Rappio, this new member here (perfecterror) seems to have a nice cool attitude (and looking at her avatar she seems worthy of being added to the gallery early on :-P) and she looks like she's here to stay... if you ask me she deserves to be in the gallery :cool: