^The on-topic section is designed for discussion on all things Bodom, off-topic is where you should head to if you wish to discuss something else, numbnuts.
"No one is butthurt" - if you say so.
Only it's really not. And even if you believe that to be true, what is the point of sitting here and spouting the same useless, old information over and over? Are you guys all seriously trying to reassure each other than your taste in music isn't shit?
Oh wait.
Well let's not act like a bunch of circlejerkers ourselves.
Too bad it's all that happens over here except for when one of you builds up enough angst to attack someone like myself or Joonas for sharing their opinion. While I literally don't agree with anything Joonas says, the way you guys act over here is obnoxious. It's like watching some type of middle school fan club in here. "This loser doesn't think the Red Ranger is the best Power Ranger, God, what a colossal Faggot lololol"
Isn't it funny that this kid is calling us ignorant? He just does the typical thing everyone does when given arguments he can't answer or prove himself right= Rage, insult and change topic. M-I-S-E-R-A-B-L-E
Yep. Definitely didn't provide backing to everything I've said in this thread. I'm miserable but you're the one defending an argument about a shit band on the internet in a way similar to what would happen if someone had their child called ugly.
Works0fheart, ok now I have to call you a retard because apparently you can't read. I'll try this again though: no one here is saying Laiho is the best, the prettiest and we should make monuments to him.
No, you'll just sit here and literally analyze everything he does. Every appearance in anything he's ever made, his choice in food, his personal life, his car collection, his home, his friends, his tattoos. Nope. No monuments, just unhealthy fanboyism.
Instead it's being argued that he's not that bad at playing guitar (no shit)
Except he is now days.
which is what you somehow believe.
Yeah, it's not like there is evidence all over the internet, let alone this forum of how sloppy he is. Look up KtS in Seoul, look up him playing Downfall with those kids, watch Stockholm Knockout, compare the quality of his solo battles with Janne to Tokyo warhearts.
I figured you're upset with late bodom stuff but guess what - a band doesn't become irrelevant when you no longer enjoy it
Don't get it confused, I don't listen to any of their stuff and haven't since probably 2007. And nope, but believe it or not, outside of your little comfort zone safety bubble that is this dead ass forum, people everywhere think they suck now.
but it is you who become irrelevant as a fan.
So if you're not interested in cob gtfo and don't try to pull an oldfag here.
Because you guys are so narrow-minded that's all you have the ability to discuss around here lol?
And one more thing: I play guitar and make tabs and stuff but I'm far from being an elitist you are,

We gotta badass over here!!!
this forum is not a fucking tab archive, it was meant to discuss. Thanks.
Unfortunately. If it were just that it wouldn't be as much of a cancerous shit hole. As soon as people started caring about every aspect of every band members life and became too engulfed to admit that their favorite band is not good anymore, this place went downhill, from threads like this, to pointless debates over what clothing brand Alexi wears or how Janne is going bald.