Now i get it, the forum is not for cob-related holy wars but to rant about your random ass life with your overseas lover. Makes sense, faith in people restored!
Pretty much same as always, playing mah vidyas and pretending to know how to play guitar. Also at the moment I'm studying to become a school assistant but recently I've been thinking of quitting that shit and starting to study something else. Having practical training at daytimes and school at evenings isn't just for me. Other than that, nothing interesting with the exception of a lady in my life these days.
That's pretty much my life in a nutshell right now as well so I almost want to say congratulations because it sounds like you're doing well but being in a nearly identical situation I imagine it must be a bit boring/stressful as well lol.
Also, if you play some PC stuff then add me on steam. I've got like a zillion games so chances are you play at least one of them.
That's good though about the lady and stuff.
Too bad these cock-goblins here don't believe you so I should just say instead:
When have you started licking his balls kid? I didn't write anything to you so please shut your 15 year old mouth, ''mentally handicapped'' fag. You see I can call you names too. Vitun urpo.
Also please go back to school and learn to read finally if you still think this shit didn't start cause this ''antisocial douche'' started mocking people. This is exacly why I didn't register to this forum anytime sooner. I'm not really interested to spend my time arguing with stupid insecure teens like you.
What in the hell has he said to even remotely give you the impression that he's insecure?

He's probably been the most polite person in this thread so far and you're the one sitting here trying your hardest to flex your e-muscles. In just this one thread you've exhausted your entire vocabulary it seems because all of your insults are just petty name-calling with no real backing logic to anything you've said. Kill yourself cyka
Well that's good, now maybe just your account as well.
Ps. You are still using fanboy dicksucking thing in your comments? Are you perhaps yourself sexually confused and frustrated? Get some professional help with your obsession. Welcome to ignore list.
Damn, you got him bro. Show him to that ignore list you bad mamajamma!
I don't even get where you pull half of this stuff out of, lmfao. I really don't understand. Someone clearly has a sandy vagina.
"The jury's still out: Is Alexi Laiho a real metal head or not? Stay tuned as the world awaits for the following, exciting turn of events..."
Dammmmmmmmmmmmmn, look at that, Joonas throwing a curve ball out of nowhere with the lol's