COB Miscellaneous

I don't believe that Alexi wrote "Ugly" or "Scream for Silence." I think COB has begun hiring a ghostwriter, possibly two, and then taking the ghostwritten stuff and made minor alterations to make it sound more Bodom. I think that everyone who complains they don't like the new stuff knows, on some level, that it is just too different from what came before. I think any well trained ear can hear that the three solos you mentioned have so very little in common that they are probably written by three different people.

In fact, I do not believe "Ugly" and "Scream for Silence" were entirely written by the same person. I think the RRF ghostwriter left some lyrics for HOB, but that the music was done by a whole other person. Then of course, the cob guys took it, and made a few changes. But RRF is really very different from HOB which is really different from all the previous albums. It is just so much difference, I don't believe it all came from the same person.

I do not expect to hear anything like RRF ever again. I am certain this writer is so disgusted by what has happened that they would genuinely file a lawsuit if they heard any more of their material released in any form especially edited by another person.

I expect that HOB is the new trend for COB.

Rock and Shock Fest leaks Machine Head, Children of Bodom tour

There have been rumors floating around online for the last few months that the “Revolution Society Tour” will be taking place in October and will feature Machine Head, Children of Bodom, Epica and Battlecross. While the only date revealed had been in Milwaukee on October 21st at The Rave, Worcester, MA’s annual horror/music festival Rock and Shock is teasing their lineup, and it looks like the tour will be appearing there on October 17th.

At this point in time, there’s no word on when the tour will be officially announced. A website for the festival is pretty much just a landing page that says “October 2014″ and points to a Facebook page that isn’t much more informative. But with two dates already out there, it’s a matter of time before the rest sneak out, and on the third day of summer, the fall touring season is already shaping up nicely. Here are the dates so far:

10/17 Worcester, MA @ The Palladium
10/21 Milwaukee, WI @ The Rave

Rock and Shock Fest leaks Machine Head, Children of Bodom tour

There have been rumors floating around online for the last few months that the “Revolution Society Tour” will be taking place in October and will feature Machine Head, Children of Bodom, Epica and Battlecross. While the only date revealed had been in Milwaukee on October 21st at The Rave, Worcester, MA’s annual horror/music festival Rock and Shock is teasing their lineup, and it looks like the tour will be appearing there on October 17th.

At this point in time, there’s no word on when the tour will be officially announced. A website for the festival is pretty much just a landing page that says “October 2014″ and points to a Facebook page that isn’t much more informative. But with two dates already out there, it’s a matter of time before the rest sneak out, and on the third day of summer, the fall touring season is already shaping up nicely. Here are the dates so far:

10/17 Worcester, MA @ The Palladium
10/21 Milwaukee, WI @ The Rave

God I hope this comes to my area! I probably will not stay for machine head, though.
The Local Band before show at Ruisrock festival!!

Alexi to host guitar clinics

Finnish metal band Children Of Bodom were planning on bringing their unique brand of melodic death metal to the States this fall on a tour with Machine Head. Unfortunately, due to circumstances out of their control, the tour was cancelled and the band will not be coming to our neck of the woods.

However, they want the fans to know that they are just as bummed about this and want to make it up by giving one lucky winner the chance to win an LTD ALEXI-200 guitar! Simply fill out the form below and you’re all set!

Details on the guitar can be found here.

Laiho will be hosting two guitar clinics in early November for those of you in the SoCal region. The first will be November 1st at Pitbull Audio while the second will be November 8th Guitar Center in Hollywood.