COF - are they pop??


Jag är kejsaren
Oct 2, 2001
Melbourne, Australia
I am a huge Cradle of Filth fan. Admittedly, they were the first black metal band I was introduced to, but even now as I explore other bands like Dimmu Borgir, Opeth, Emperor and Therion, I still find I always love listening to COF.
Nowadays, I see every 12 year old teeny bopper and her dog wearing COF t-shirts, and I'm thinking, do they actually make good music, or am I seduced by their image and maerketing skillz?

Please someone shed some light on the matter...
I don't class them as pop, but I think they share many elements with pop artists - they are very good showmen, the music is reasonable acessible, they are easy to get completely obsessed over, etc. And they have a very distinctive image and lifestyle that goes with it. So in some respects yes
COF is ok, the only album I liked was "Midian". Now, for a REAL band...... DIMMU BORGIR!!!!!!! These guys are awesome! They are much better than COF and dont have those annoying vox that made me think the lead singer was a female when it was just Dani's vox after all. For ppl that dont know who Dimmu Borgir is, you should do two things...a) Slap yourself! Unless you are new to metal... and b) Buy a BIMMU BORGIR album!!! No Money? SELL YOUR COF CDS TO GET MONEY THEN!!!!!!!!:mad: HAIL DISSECTION!!!!!
Im a big cradle of filth fan... and after all these years of listening to them, i guess in the newer albums, it is the comedy element that entices me, apart from the fact that MIDIAN is a fucking awesome album, and dani filth actually vocalises (note the sidestep around sings!) really well.

I also love the earlier stuff such as dusk and her embrace, and there is no comedy element (apart from the picture of dani without makeup in the booklet. he he he he) yet i still love it, so i guess there is another element to why i like cof.

The only DIMMU BORGIR song i like is 'mourning palace'. Their new cd is utter trash, and no, i wouldn't class them as blackmetal at all. if anything, they are cradle of filth wannabe's except with a really really band singer and a drummer that uses triggers (yes, i know what triggers are, i am NOT misinformed about them. I just don't like them at all).
I don't think I have heard a worse band than CoF. Dani is so annoying there aren't words to describe it. Although I do admit I listened to Dimmu Borgir (as they were one of the first black metal bands I had heard). When I started listening to good black metal such as Ulver, Vintersorg, etc. I traded their whole discography at the time. I think Dani is way worse sounding than Shagrath.
not pop. just crap.
Considering image and other "pop elements", Dimmu Borgir isn´t better than Cradle Of Filth.

I don't think I have heard a worse band than CoF. Dani is so annoying there aren't words to describe it.

I couldn't agree more...... I've heard almost all their albums (Yeah,i'm a masochist :lol: Hopefully,I haven't bought any though,I am careful with my money ;) )and i came to those conclusions,too...
Actually their image is not scary at makes me laugh and somehow feel pity...i mean look at the image of dani on Midian .....he is quite pitiful..... :D
I still can't understand why they've become sooooo popular.....
maybe this romantic vampyric stuff is quite attractive .....

I know i'm being mean now,but this is my opinion....

Everyone has the right to listen what he/she likes...but I just can't help keeping my mouth shut when people label as BM stuff which is far from it......
Originally posted by winter-frost
I don't think I have heard a worse band than CoF. Dani is so annoying there aren't words to describe it. Although I do admit I listened to Dimmu Borgir (as they were one of the first black metal bands I had heard). When I started listening to good black metal such as Ulver, Vintersorg, etc. I traded their whole discography at the time. I think Dani is way worse sounding than Shagrath.

COF are not that bad, it's just that their amtosphere has gone haywire. In my opinion they recorded their last good album when they made "Dusk..." And that's the last of them.

Oh right...Dimmu Borgir. Anyone remember "Stormblast"? How good it sounded to hear an atmosphere other than the standard black metal riffage? After that it was time for "Enthrone..." an album with a couple of well produced and written songs. And that was it. The rest is just too standard for me. Bye bye Dimmu.
Originally posted by Melancholia

Actually their image is not scary at makes me laugh and somehow feel pity...i mean look at the image of dani on Midian .....he is quite pitiful..... :D

Check him out on the "From Cradle To Enslave" video (the one with a midget in it. What a crappy video.) He's dancing around like a teenage heartthrob, as if he was the leader of a boy band named Backstreet Filth :D
Or better N'Filth hahaha

Is Cradle of Filth accessible??? When did they become accessible? Have you ever played a CoF record to someone who's into non-metal?

I seem to be the only one to think this, but I do actually think CoF is a cool band. Their first albums are a little, let me say "under-composed", but I think their albums have become better and better, with richer and more varied ideas - and Dani is a gifted lyric writer.

good song writer, I guess so. But, not a good singer.... His vox frustrate the hell out of me!!! And COF is accessable, just check your local BEST BUY. They carry COF but not any other metal bands.. Stupid media wants to choose what we should listen to. Dissection can kick Linkin Park's ass!!!!! HAIL DISSECTION!!!
I have to agree with Metalmaster that no one that listen non-metal music is going to like Cradle of Filth , my mother says when I listen to Katatonia or My Dying Bride that the house is a littel calm, when I listen to COF she just go shopping or to grandmas house jaja

No COF has to make music like Metallica to became pop
Pop music crowded big soccer stadiums with peolple and COF with a big promotion and low price tickets will never crowded stadiums that big

As for the kids with T-shirts, when I was a 12 year old "pendejo" here in Chile the old Metalheads says "There's another fucking "pendejo" with a Death Metal t-shirt Death metal is the fashion right now" BULlSHIT!!!

The Kids had to start listen to music somehow, I bet after hear COF they became interested in bands like Dimmu Borgir, Immortal, Darkthrone and others, maybe ten yeasr from now they will now much more abiut music than anyone that post in here

Cachai la onda loco:loco:
There is a very big difficulty here. The real definition of Black Metal as sub-genre of Heavy Metal.
Melancholia posted that CoF and DB are far from BM, where as Most other dudes perceive CoF as BM.
I will call them as BM just to have a point of reference in the rest of my post (yes, it is going to be a long post).
If we assume that CoF is a global representative of BM as image, music direction, lyrics, attitude then we have a problem. Because this should not be called Black Metal, but Black Pop, since Pop comes from POPULAR and CoF seem to be quite POP. As for having a non-metal fan listening to CoF I would say that depends on the age. If you make a 12 year old listen to CoF, then this kid will be thrilled by the mean image, the subversive attitude, the chicks posing on the covers and dancing on the live stages (ok I liked that part as well), the revolutianery lyrics, which actually point their middle finger to any kind of religion, and of course their weird (compared to many things) music. All these elements are undivided parts of CoF. They are what CoF represent. Well a 12 year old will adopt these elements and deify CoF. Teenagers will do that to show that they are different (which btw is not a bad thing, providing you will continue this theory of being different in all aspects of life and at any age, regardless job, society etc.). According to the above theory CoF is pop.

If you of course make someone like my mom for instance listen to CoF she will totaly freak out, and she will propably call the priest to have me exorcized! :heh:To those people, believe me CoF are not very popular.:lol:

To tell you the truth, I don't like them, because of the really stupid way Dany the filth(y) sings (he kills the songs that if you listen to them without vocals they might actually be good) but mainly because I believe that they don't have nothing to offer to metal.
I mean you all mention groups like CoF, Dimmu Borgir, etc.
What happened to the real BM pioneers? Bathory, Hellhammer/Celtic Frost. These bands had really in mind not being popular for sure, writting those kind of songs at that time.

Yes, CoF are very much POP, they have quite good managers, they don't really like metal (if they did they would do something to improve it and promote it not destroy it and demote it), their shows (i saw them this summer) suck (except from the dancing chicks -awesome art supreme!), and Dani sucks (he is so childish and so unmature if he thinks that he scares anyone with that image - and i dont want to hear bulshit the kind "but he feels that way", "he is original in his art" by intelligent ppl (i perceive you all as intelligent ppl, except myself of course. dont change this perception of mine).

Enough about CoF.

Someone in this forum is annoyed by the 12 year olds wearing t-shirts etc. I will have to agree with NastyJoan in this. I wish I had this kind of access to t-shirts, cds and music in general when I was 12 years old. I didn't. So what now? Any 12 year old wearing any t-shirt sohuld be slaughtered in the name of ignorance, youth etc? This is for metal fathers to think and i certainly ain't one. I am just a heavy metal fan period. No more, no less. And i think it is good to see little children wearin commercial metal t-shirts. Because the beginning is half of everything. Someone has to start from somewhere, right? I would be very glad if i see a 12 year old wearing a lets say Fates Warning t-shirt. What would dissapoint me is to see this kid 5-10 years later not listening to metal. For the really hard thing is not to listen to metal. The really hard thing is to (see signature)
im not a fan, but i wouldn't really call them pop, i understand where your coming from and i suppose if you think they are pop, at least i'd consider them a good sort of pop, not that being pop matters, does it? (that was rethorical, so dont reply :) )
I'm not a big fan of so called 'Black Metal', I'm more of a Progressive and Power metal fan, But ,I just brought Cof's Midian , mainly to see why they are seen as so great, The vocals were a bit strange when I first heard them, I couldn't handle filth's weird screaming.

I'm starting to find the album quite interesting lyricaly though and the music is kind of cool, The whole gothic/vampire image thing is a bit stupid, Mainly because I don't like bands that dress up to much, Just so they can pretend to look scary.

This album is good, But, For someone like me, Who is just starting to explore this avenue of metal, I would recomend seeing if you can borrow somone elses copy of a CoF album for a while and if you like it, Buy it ,But, If you don't, Don't bother.

As for me, It's a one off, I'll treasure it, But, You won't see me in a CoF T-shirt, :D I'm not that bigger fan.
Originally posted by Klaha
I am a huge Cradle of Filth fan. Admittedly, they were the first black metal band I was introduced to, but even now as I explore other bands like Dimmu Borgir, Opeth, Emperor and Therion, I still find I always love listening to COF.
Nowadays, I see every 12 year old teeny bopper and her dog wearing COF t-shirts, and I'm thinking, do they actually make good music, or am I seduced by their image and maerketing skillz?

Please someone shed some light on the matter...

:mad: !!!Opeth are NOT black metal!!! :mad: