Comics Thread #2

since only 5% of the readers are new
i was wondering how the other 95% felt
do you guys love or hate the new universe?
I like it, but I can't compare it to the old one because I didn't read it. :lol:

And I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who posts in this thread. :lol:
Ultimate Spider-Man is awesome. I love Miles and can't wait to see how he progresses and handles the pressures of being the new Spidey. I highly recommend you check that out.
616 Spidey is always fucking great. Especially the last few stories. As for DC.... I enjoy what I read. Mostly.
amazing spiderman >>> the rest of 616, it's been that way for a while now

i just didn't want to start the new re-booted DCU
cuz i'm still in love with the previous incarnation, still pissed about a re-boot that seemed totally unnecessary
if you ever want to read a collected story arc from the old DCU, read
Identity Crisis by Brad Meltzer
greatest story arc with the justice league in it, and the art is spectacular
All honesty bro, I just started about 30 minutes ago. I'm halfway through the book, and it's already gotten more awesome than I expected!

"You're lucky those cuffs were Hiatts, you little shit." :lol: BURRRRRN! But on a more serious note, the art is really good, the story line is interesting (especially with that stupid doctor lady that tried to give birth to her clone?!!?!) and overall is just epic. So to answer your question, awesome is an understatement. :D

And to reply back to your previous comment, Ampersand ain't got nothin' on this piece of African heritage. :lol:


Edit: "Who's shooting at us? Amazons?"
"No. Worse. Republicans."

HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! :lol: Fucking political warfare?!

Edit 2: The fuck happened to Hero's left breast?! :guh:
EDIT 3: Forget Hero, why the fuck has every Amazon I fucking see have their left breast cut off?! :guh:
EDIT 4!: Holy crap... should've seen that coming...
EDIT 5!!: Hoooooooooooollllllllllllllyyyyyyy shit... and that was only TWO books. TWO!! Christ, I need more!!
Yep, that's pretty much how it goes. :lol: I can't imagine what it would've been like to wait for this book to come out every month.... How'd you like that second volume twist? :p

And the Amazons chop off their left breast as a sign that they'll do anything for their cause or some crap. They're basically all fucking crazy.
Yep, that's pretty much how it goes. :lol: I can't imagine what it would've been like to wait for this book to come out every month.... How'd you like that second volume twist? :p

I liked it! Mainly because of the fact that the crazy russian lady was right the whole time. Kinda like that one crazy guy who predicted something was gonna happen. :lol:

And the Amazons chop off their left breast as a sign that they'll do anything for their cause or some crap. They're basically all fucking crazy.

Well, if they wanted to do something for their cause, couldn't they have done something a little less... painful? Fuck, they creep me out, especially that cuntface - yes, CUNTface - Victoria...
Heheh. I see what you did there. At least we don't have to worry about her anymore. :p
What did you think of Sonia? Alter?

The story only gets better. The last few issues are absolutely mindblowing.
Heheh. I see what you did there. At least we don't have to worry about her anymore. :p
What did you think of Sonia? Alter?

The story only gets better. The last few issues are absolutely mindblowing.

Thank god.

Sonia, I don't really have much of an opinion. I guess I could say that if anything they might've killed her off a bit too quick for my taste, but she filled her roll well enough so I don't plan on complaining much.

Alter (the Israeli soldier) is my best bet on being the biggest enemy at this point - her or Hero. She's got that evil gunner sense in her character and I wonder what the big lead up will be when Yorick and her meet.

Your thoughts on the Doctor Lady and Agent 355?
Alter definitely bugged me. I could not figure her out. (At the time :p ) I really liked Sonia. It was kinda obvious that it wasn't gonna work out for them, but she seemed nice. Even kinda geeky like Yorick.

Doctor Mann was cool. I thought she was pretty funny, and liked the fact that she could blame herself for the whole situation even though it seems absurd that it would be her fault. 355 is a total badass. 'Nuff said. :lol:

If you get a chance, google her. She was real. The Culper Ring too. It threw me for a loop when I found out. They're mention in Assassin's Creed 3 as well. Her BY NAME. Er, number.

I can't wait to see your reaction to the later volumes. :heh:
anyone else on this thread reading comics??

i just read this

Nice! I love Invincible. That volume has one of my favorite issues, #24. And #0. I loved that one too.