Comics Thread #2

For you Y The Last Man fans, here's a drawing Pia Guerra did for me at Thought Bubble comic fest. It's of Waverley (the ex model turned disposer of corpses). :)
I can't wait to see your reaction when you finish the first one. :lol:

Funny thing, I finished it yesterday... god damn it Hershel... :waah: but hey, at least it answers that question I had for a while!

In a serious note, the whole book once it reaches the Prison is just filled with twists, its amazing. Annoying that my two favourite characters had to be an idiot and a dipshit (Tyreese) or a crazy bitch (Michonne).

But I'm excited for book two which I haven't started - I think it's gonna have Morgan in it.
Herschel's death was pretty sad but LORI AND JUDY. I'm just glad my two favorites, Dale and Glenn got out alive. The second compendium is just as shocking as the first one. Trust me.
Herschel's death was pretty sad but LORI AND JUDY.

Oh christ them... its always shocking to see babies get shot. Makes Phillip's death much more justified.

I'm just glad my two favorites, Dale and Glenn got out alive. The second compendium is just as shocking as the first one. Trust me.

Rightfully so. Those two are probably the most justified males as far as I know. Although the fact that Glenn's turned himself into a sex toy disturbs me a bit.

And I'll get to the second one tomorrow maybe.
Just ordered Revival and Alabaster Wolves cos I heard they were good and they sounded interesting. Anybody read these?
I've never heard of Alabastor Wolves, and I've heard of Revival but never looked into it.

I've been hooked on Scalped and Bone. The one-volume edition of Bone is glorious. I've made it over halfway through in less than a week. :lol:
Cool. I've heard good things about Bone. Had a flick through it in my local comic shop. Might have to check that out.
Alabaster Wolves isn't out til the end of Feb, but sounded cool. Lots of monsters and killings! :)
Well with this free time I had, I managed to finish Y The Last Man in about 4 hours? I gotta say, this was one of the best comic book series ever. Girl on Girl was mostly hilarious for that one moment with Mann and 355, but Motherland & Whys and Wherefores were probably my favourite. How they closed it out was done beautifully, even with a weird-ish epilogue. Overall, I can't thank you enough for getting me into this series Keenan bro. Great read through and through... to find time to read all ten in one sitting.
You are most welcome my good sir. :D

The end was insane huh? After 60 issues, Alter finally made sense. Also, the twist with Beth blew my fucking mind. The epilogue though, almost killed me. The parts with Dr. Mann, er, her clones, and Amp's death were extremely sad. Amp's death really hit me though, especially in the future where Yorick was like :

"These little guys are so well behaved."

"Tell me about it. A hundred monkeys later and they STILL haven't gotten him right."

Poor Amp. The last page was my wallpaper for weeks after I finished. Glad you liked it though. Always looking to get more people into comics.

Other comics that I hold in the same league as Y, The Last Man :

(Possibly Bone. Not finished with it yet though)

All three are vastly different from each other. I just finished Scalped like an hour ago. Absolutely mindblown. I finished volume 9, let out a small scream, then devoured volume 10 right after. :lol:
so what exactly happened with earth 616 Peter Parker??
also who is the new guy in the spiderman suit going to be??
Eh, it doesn't really bother me any. I find it interesting. Peter will be back at some point, so it's just a matter of time. Some people got really upset over it though....
I've read the first four volumes. I have volume five, but haven't gotten around to reading it yet. It's pretty awesome. The best part about it is that it just seems so believable....
Eh, it doesn't really bother me any. I find it interesting. Peter will be back at some point, so it's just a matter of time. Some people got really upset over it though....

this just looks like some kinda freaky-friday episode of an 80's Superhero Cartoon
where the guest character villian "builds a machine" that allows him to "switch bodies" with the main hero, and then at the end of the episode, everyone's back in their original bodies

if they'd planned on Peter leaving his body to be temporary and marketed it as a heavily-advertized "mini-series" type thing, then i'd be totally on-board with it

you know, where "the villian" entering Spiderman's body is "part 1 of 8"
and then in "Part 8" Peter gets his body back and then has to deal with the repercussions of said villian acting out of character while in Peter's body

i would have totally loved that kind of mini-series thing, but what they're doing now, according to internet articles, is that they're planning on making this last a couple of years, which to me, sounds crazy

wht i'm really objecting to is this weird sort of "permanancy" thing they're trying to do, they'll eventually have to return Peter back to his body in order to avoid completely totally alienating-the-hell-out-of their already-huge-fan-base, but they just haven't yet decided when or how yet, and that scares me

seriously, WTF??
DC releasing a Justice League Movie the same year as Avengers 2??
this movie's going to bomb
with the high prices of gasoline and high prices of movie tickets most random people are just not going to see that many movies per calendar year
with the Justice League movie coming out the same year a Avengers 2, i fell that a really really huge-ass amount of people are just going to see one-or-the-other instead of both, and for those specific people, i think 99% of them are going to chose to see Avengers 2, which i think is really going to make the Justice League bomb at the box office so much worse than if it were released the year before or the year after Avengers 2

what are you guys' thoughts on this??
Justice League will bomb. They've already retconned the Nolan Batman movies for it so it's gonna confuse the shit out of most people.

"Wait!? I thought Batman died!?"